The sentence or clauses is about woman experience

on Grey 2008, linguistic features of advertisements are divided into two, lexical and syntactic features. Lexical features can be in the form of hyperbole, neologism, weasel words, familiar language, simple vocabulary, repetition, euphemism, humor, glamorization, and potency. Syntactic features are short sentences, long-noun phrases, ambiguity, use of imperative, simple and colloquial language, present tense, syntactic parallelism, association, ellipsis, and incomplete sentence. These linguistic features of advertisement are used to analyze clauses from Revlon printed advertisement which have more than one characteristics of woman language. The result of the analysis will be divided into two parts; lexical features of advertisement and syntactic features of advertisement.

1. Lexical Features of Advertisement

From 36 sentences in Revlon’s printed advertisements that have more than one characteristics of woman language, there are 34 sentences that have lexical features of advertisements. The percentage of each features are shown in the graphic below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

a. Hyperbole

Hyperbole means exaggerating something, so the meaning should not be taken literally. Hyperbole is used to emphasize the meaning so it will affect people more than without hyperbole. Hyperbole is not only used in the story or conversation, but it is also can be used in advertisements. In Revlon’s printed advertisements, there are 7 sentences that have hyperbole in them. Most of them contain superlative words like most and latest. There is comparison word like more adjective than, which comparing something to the other thing. There are also words which have hyperbole feature in the meaning, they are luscious, flawless, and ravishing. The clauses that contain hyperbole in form of superlative words are “Undeniably, the most romantic feminine shades under the sun”, “The most luxurious lipstick ever created”, “Get the latest in luxe looks”, “Pasionate, sensual, and seductive, get your fix of the latest in couture colour”, and “The 5 10 15 20 25 Simple Vocabulary; 17 Hyperbole; 8 Glamorization; 7 Familiar Language; 5 Repetition; 5 Potency; 5 Weasel Word; 3 Neologism; 2 Euphemism; 1 Humor; 0 Lexical Features of Advertisement