Uji Liniearitas 1 Attachment Terhadap Ayah

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .070 .110 Positive .068 .062 Negative -.070 -.110 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .629 .987 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .824 .285

B. Uji Liniearitas 1 Attachment Terhadap Ayah

Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Kecerdasan Emosi attachment terhdap ayah 80 100.0 .0 80 100.0 Report KE attachment Mean N Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 66 131.00 1 . 131 131 74 149.00 1 . 149 149 75 155.33 3 3.512 152 159 76 160.00 1 . 160 160 77 140.50 2 27.577 121 160 78 136.50 2 .707 136 137 80 154.00 1 . 154 154 83 133.50 2 12.021 125 142 84 112.00 1 . 112 112 85 136.80 5 11.649 117 146 87 143.33 3 6.807 138 151 88 131.00 2 11.314 123 139 89 142.67 3 7.095 135 149 90 139.00 1 . 139 139 91 132.00 3 8.544 123 140 92 122.00 2 5.657 118 126 93 135.67 3 7.506 127 140 94 140.00 1 . 140 140 95 138.33 6 4.719 133 146 Universitas Sumatera Utara 97 139.00 2 2.828 137 141 98 125.50 2 13.435 116 135 99 131.57 7 12.791 119 152 100 133.00 2 7.071 128 138 101 136.33 3 5.033 131 141 102 128.00 2 4.243 125 131 103 146.50 2 7.778 141 152 104 128.67 3 5.686 124 135 105 117.00 2 .000 117 117 107 145.33 3 11.372 136 158 108 145.00 1 . 145 145 112 120.00 1 . 120 120 113 138.00 1 . 138 138 120 115.00 2 .000 115 115 121 106.33 3 12.014 94 118 123 138.00 1 . 138 138 Total 134.66 80 13.053 94 160 ANOVA Table Sum of Square s df Mean Square F Sig. Kecerdasan Emosi attachment terhdap ayah Between Groups Combined 9302.2 07 34 273.594 2.961 .000 Linearity 2849.7 89 1 2849.789 30.844 .000 Deviation from Linearity 6452.4 18 33 195.528 2.116 .010 Within Groups 4157.6 81 45 92.393 Total 13459. 887 79 ANOVA Table Sum of Square s df Mean Square F Sig. Kecerdasan Emosi attachment terhdap ayah Between Groups Combined 9302.2 07 34 273.594 2.961 .000 Linearity 2849.7 89 1 2849.789 30.844 .000 Deviation from Linearity 6452.4 18 33 195.528 2.116 .010 Within Groups 4157.6 81 45 92.393 Total 13459. 887 79 Universitas Sumatera Utara Measures of Association R R Squared Eta Eta Squared Kecerdasan Emosi attachment terhdap ayah -.460 .212 .831 .691 2 Secure Attachment Terhadap Ayah Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent KE secure 80 100.0 .0 80 100.0 Report KE secure Mean N Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 21 120.00 1 . 120 120 22 109.50 2 21.920 94 125 23 131.20 5 12.617 115 145 25 130.33 3 1.155 129 131 26 134.78 9 13.818 115 158 27 131.75 12 8.335 118 142 28 139.73 11 9.221 117 152 29 131.88 8 12.699 107 144 30 143.25 8 9.347 135 160 31 130.50 6 13.081 112 142 32 131.75 4 13.889 117 149 33 147.33 3 16.862 128 159 34 136.71 7 18.455 117 160 38 146.00 1 . 146 146 Total 134.66 80 13.053 94 160 Universitas Sumatera Utara Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Kecerdasan Emosi secure attachment Between Groups Combined 3411.213 13 262.401 1.723 .076 Linearity 1012.780 1 1012.780 6.652 .012 Deviation from Linearity 2398.433 12 199.869 1.313 .233 Within Groups 10048.674 66 152.253 Total 13459.887 79 3 Anxious Attachment Terhadap Ayah Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent KE anxious 80 100.0 .0 80 100.0 Report KE anxiou s Mean N Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 12 153.50 2 2.121 152 155 13 131.00 1 . 131 131 14 160.00 1 . 160 160 15 144.00 6 7.014 136 154 16 159.00 1 . 159 159 17 139.00 2 29.698 118 160 18 134.71 7 8.077 121 144 19 132.88 8 15.357 112 151 20 136.91 11 5.629 126 145 21 134.88 8 13.674 119 152 22 127.67 3 10.066 117 137 Universitas Sumatera Utara 23 133.11 9 6.754 122 141 24 133.75 4 11.413 117 141 25 128.67 3 2.082 127 131 26 143.00 4 16.693 120 158 27 122.75 4 11.615 107 135 28 94.00 1 . 94 94 29 116.50 2 2.121 115 118 30 126.50 2 16.263 115 138 32 138.00 1 . 138 138 Total 134.66 80 13.053 94 160 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Kecerdasan Emosi anxious attachment Between Groups Combined 6182.578 19 325.399 2.683 .002 Linearity 2474.282 1 2474.282 20.400 .000 Deviation from Linearity 3708.296 18 206.016 1.699 .065 Within Groups 7277.310 60 121.288 Total 13459.887 79 4 Avoidant Attachment Terhadap Ayah Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent KE avoidant 80 100.0 .0 80 100.0 Universitas Sumatera Utara Report KE avoida nt Mean N Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 25 160.00 1 . 160 160 26 159.00 1 . 159 159 27 149.00 1 . 149 149 28 131.00 1 . 131 131 29 152.00 1 . 152 152 30 140.00 2 21.213 125 155 32 141.00 2 7.071 136 146 33 160.00 1 . 160 160 34 126.67 3 21.221 112 151 35 144.33 3 8.505 138 154 36 128.50 2 10.607 121 136 37 142.00 1 . 142 142 38 142.50 2 .707 142 143 40 141.25 4 5.315 137 149 41 127.60 5 8.933 118 139 42 135.67 3 8.021 128 144 43 138.50 2 3.536 136 141 44 119.00 1 . 119 119 45 132.00 5 6.892 124 140 46 143.00 2 4.243 140 146 47 137.67 3 2.517 135 140 48 128.75 4 9.811 116 139 49 126.67 3 12.662 117 141 50 141.00 6 8.270 128 152 51 139.33 3 11.150 131 152 52 126.50 2 3.536 124 129 53 123.00 3 5.292 117 127 55 142.25 4 11.442 131 158 56 136.00 1 . 136 136 65 121.00 5 14.300 107 145 67 115.00 1 . 115 115 68 138.00 1 . 138 138 71 94.00 1 . 94 94 Total 134.66 80 13.053 94 160 Universitas Sumatera Utara

C. Hubungan Attachment terhadap ayah dengan kecerdasan emosi pada remaja laki-laki