Heroic The Personality Description of Anna Karenin

This arranged marriage with someone whom she does not love makes Anna experience unbearable unhappiness in her life. One of her unhappiness can be proved through her dissatisfaction toward both her husband‟s odd appearance and her husband ‟s coldness. „Good heavens, why are his ears like that?‟ she thought, looking at his cold, and especially at the cartilages of his ears pressing up against the brim of his round hat. Catching sight of her, his lips falling into their habitual sarcastic smile and his large tired eyes looking straight at her. A disagreeable sensation opressed her heart…she was particularly impressed by the feeling of dissatisfaction with herself which she experienced when they met p.119. This quotation shows that whenever Anna takes a look at Karenin‟s outlook, she always feels disatissfied and opressed. Karenin spends most of his day to take care of his own business. His life is really apportioned and full of strict punctuality, and he rarely gives attention to Anna and his son. After he finishes his work at ministry, he does not greet Anna but gives his whole concentration to all colleagues who have been waiting for him at home, “…he had no time to go up to Anna‟s room. He went into his study to see the various people waiting for him with petitions and to sign some papers brought him by his private secretary” p.124. Anna and Karenin never have an intimate conversation on their relationship as a husband and wife. All that Karenin talks about is only about the issues in society and the things related to official stuff. “During dinner he talked a little to his wife about things in Moscow…the most part conversation was general and dealt with Petersburg official and social affairs” p.125. His entire cold attitude brings Anna to a conclusion that Karenin is not a type of person who can love. “Can he love? If he hadn‟t heard there was such a thing as love he would never have used the word. He does not know what love is”p.163. His incapability to love makes Anna consider him as a machine not a human being. She finds nothing good but bad and cruel in Karenin,”He is a cruel machine when he is angry…as she spoke, with every detail of his personality and his manner of speaking, setting against him every defect she could find” p.207. Being ignored by her husband, Anna begins to hate Karenin. She feels that Karenin is not as remarkable as what the society thinks about him. His good attitude is only used to keep his good reputation in society. As her husband, Karenin is only a person who brings destruction and humiliation into her life. People say he‟s so religious, so high-principled, so upright, so clever; but they don‟t see what I‟ve seen. They don‟t know how for eight years he has crushed my life, crushed everything that was living in me…They don‟t know how at every step he‟s humiliated me and remained self-satisfied p.314. The unhappy marriage between Anna and Karenin is caused by the absence of love between both of them. This condition makes Anna realize that as a human being she needs to love and be loved by someone. She does try to love Karenin, but Karenin cannot love her in return, and it makes Anna can no longer endure him. Being aware of this situation, Anna feels motivated to fulfill her needs of love and belongingness at the outside world. He has never once thought that I‟m a live woman in need of love…Haven‟t I struggled to love him, to love my son when I could no longer love my husband? But the time came when I realized I couldn‟t deceive myself any longer, that I was alive, that I was not to blame, that God had made me so that I need to love and live p.314. From the quotation above, it can be seen that Anna‟s lack of love in her marriage life has motivated her to find an affectionate relationship apart from her husband, which later makes Anna break her gender roles and get exiled from the Petersburg society. The process of Anna‟s breaking her gender roles will be further analyzed on the second part of this study, in which deals with Anna‟s desire to break the conservative mind of Russian society on women and marriage.

b. Anna Karenin Wants to Break A Conservative Mind of the Society towards

Women and Marriage As an intelligent woman, Anna enables to understand easily how people interact in the society. Anna knows the fact that the relationship between one person and another is full of hypocrisy. She also knows how people keep their deceits from public in order to save their faces and their powerful position in the society, “She knew their relations with one another and with head authorities, knew who sided whom, and how and by what means each supported himself, who agreed with whom and why” p.142. Anna does not feel proud of being one of the most reputable people in that kind of society. The interests of people toward luxurious balls, high-esteemed status in bureaucracy and fashionable world make Anna despise them. According to Anna, the people there “were insincere and she began to feel bored and ill at ease at