studies what kind of motivation that can encourage human beings to do particular actions. This approach is suitable to be applied in the study because it is able to help the writer identify the needs and strong interests of Anna Karenin in her life, then to find out her motivation to break her expected gender roles as a dutiful wife and mother in her noble family. It is an interesting topic and it will be further analyzed in the following chapter of the study.

3.3 Method of the Study

In this study, the writer used library research as the method to obtain both the primary and secondary data for the study. According to Virginia Tech 2008, there are seven steps to do a library research, they are: choosing the topic, finding background information, finding books on the topic, using databasesindexes to find periodical articles on the topic, evaluating what have been found, writing the paper, then formatting the bibliography. source: http:www.lib.vt.eduinstructsevensevensteps.html29. The first step is choosing the topic. Initially, the writer read Leo Tolstoy‟s Anna Karenin in Rosemary Edmond‟s translation as the primary source of the study for several times to get a deeper understanding about the plot and the moral values of the story. Having a deeper understanding of the story, the writer then chose a topic that made the writer interested to analyze, that was a motivation of the main character to break her gender roles. The second is finding background information. To find the background information, the writer searched for notes, articles, and readings related to the topic. The writer then summarized all of them in the form of mind mapping. According to Buzan 1994, mind mapping is: an expression of Radiant Thinking and is therefore a natural function of the human mind. It is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain. The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance p.86. By using mind mapping, the writer could easily organize and generalize the chronological thinking and ideas from various information which are in relation with the topic of the study, such as time, places, and people. The next two steps are finding books and using databasesindexes to find periodical articles on the topic. In this part, the writer found some sources used as the theories or the backbone of the study. The sources were in the form of books and online articles or journals. Afterwards, the writer listed down both the theories used in the study and the citations of the sources in the mind mapping. The theories used in the study were; the theory of literature, the theory of character and characterization, the theory of psychological approach, the theory of motivation, the theory of needs, the theory of gender roles, and the review on gender roles of women in Victorian Era. The fifth step is evaluating what have been found. After finding some relevant sources and mind mapping some important points, the writer evaluated all sourcess that had been gathered, and then made a relation between the sources with the topic and two problems presented in the study. After evaluating what have been found and making a relation between the sources and the study, the writer started writing her thesis which consists of five chapters. They are: introduction, review of related literature, methodology, analysis, and conclusions. The last step is formatting bibliography. After writing her thesis, the writer decided the format of the bibliography and then listed down all of the citations which are used in the study.