Review on Gender Roles of Victorian Women

find out the needs, interests, and desires which motivate Anna Karenin breaking her gender roles as a dutiful wife and mother through her behavior. The third is theory of gender roles. This theory is used to help the writer understand how the roles of men are different from the roles of women, and how men and women should show proper attitude and behavior according to the social criteria. The last is the review on gender roles of women in Victorian Era. It helps the writer to understand why the role of women in Victorian Era was really limited. The review also assists the writer in finding out how a married woman in that era should behave in front of her family and society, why they should obey the custom in society, how they are regarded in the society, and what the consequences that women should bear if they escape from all of her responsibilities. 27


In this chapter, there are three parts of methodology. They are object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. Object of the study elaborates the physical description of the novel studied. Approach of the study states a psychological approach discussed in the study. The method of the study describes the procedures of analyzing the study.

3.1 Object of the Study

The object of this study is Anna Karenin, a novel which is written by Leo Tolstoy, a famous Russian writer in 1800‟s. Leo Tolstoy had written Anna Karenin for five years 1864-1869. It was originally written in Russian language. In this study, the writer uses the English translation version of Rosemary Edmons. This novel was first published by Oxford University Press in 1918 and revised in 1939. Anna Karenin consists of 852 pages and it is divided into eight parts. Part I consists of 34 chapters, part II consists of 35 chapters, part III consists of 32 chapters, part IV is 23 chapters, part V is 33 chapters, part VI is 32 chapters, part VII is 31 chapters, and last part consists of 18 chapters. Anna Karenin is a novel telling about a triangle love between three characters named Anna Arkadyevna Karenin, Count Alexis Kirillovich Vronsky, and Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin. In this novel, there is also another plot about Konstantin Levin and Katerina Kitty Alexandrovna Scherbatsky. In this novel, Leo Tolstoy depicted the life of Russian nobles in the late 1800‟s which involved love, affairs, saving face of the family, and hypocrisy. In Anna Karenin, Leo Tolstoy also describes the roles of noble women in Russia. At that time, women only had three main roles in the society: as a wife, as a mother, and as the one who were responsible saving the family face. Tolstoy saw women‟s main responsibility was only to be with their families. They were not allowed to have a divorce in a marriage without being permitted by her husband. Anna Karenin, as the main character of the story, was a noble Russian woman. She is beautiful, smart, kind, and reserved. Since she has been falling in love with a man named Vronsky, she stepped out the moral boundaries of the royal society and broke out her expected gender role as a good wife of Karenin and a good mother of her son. Because of her being deviant, she was being outcasted by the society.

3.2 Approach of the Study

This study applies a psychological approach to answer the two presented research problems. Based on the theories explained before, psychological approach is used to study why needs, interests, and desires urge people to have motivation. It also studies what kind of motivation that can encourage human beings to do particular actions. This approach is suitable to be applied in the study because it is able to help the writer identify the needs and strong interests of Anna Karenin in her life, then to find out her motivation to break her expected gender roles as a dutiful wife and mother in her noble family. It is an interesting topic and it will be further analyzed in the following chapter of the study.

3.3 Method of the Study

In this study, the writer used library research as the method to obtain both the primary and secondary data for the study. According to Virginia Tech 2008, there are seven steps to do a library research, they are: choosing the topic, finding background information, finding books on the topic, using databasesindexes to find periodical articles on the topic, evaluating what have been found, writing the paper, then formatting the bibliography. source: http:www.lib.vt.eduinstructsevensevensteps.html29. The first step is choosing the topic. Initially, the writer read Leo Tolstoy‟s Anna Karenin in Rosemary Edmond‟s translation as the primary source of the study for several times to get a deeper understanding about the plot and the moral values of the story. Having a deeper understanding of the story, the writer then chose a topic that made the writer interested to analyze, that was a motivation of the main character to break her gender roles.