Source of Data Data Collecting Method Findings

15 METHOD OF THE STUDY 3.1. Method of the Study Qualitative research is used in this study and its technique of analysis is descriptive research method. Firstly, qualitative method is used in order to explain and describe the data. This descriptive researchattempts to describe thesubtitling strategies which are used in Maleficentmovie. Fraenkel and Wallen 1993:23 state that the descriptive method is used to explain, analyze, and classify something through various techniques, survey, interview, questionnaire, and test.Descriptiveresearch is designed to obtain the information concerning the status of the phenomena. It is directed to determine the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of investigation. In this research, the researcher chooses the descriptive qulitative methodbecause the purpose of this study is to describe the phenomena of translation, especiallythe subtitling strategies which are used in Maleficentmovie.

3.2. Source of Data

The data of this thesis is the subtitles and its sources are the movie of Maleficent. The observation is to find out the subtittle which consists of the subtitling strategies of translation.

3.3. Data Collecting Method

16 The dataanalyzed in this study is the strategy of translation in “Maleficent” movie. These data are considered to be relevant for this study because they are collected by using technique of sampling. Purposive sampling is used to collect the required data. Bailey 1987:94 also cites: “In purposive sampling the investigator does not necessarily have a quota to fill within from various strata, as in quota sampling, but neither does he or she just pick the nearest warm bodies, as in convenience sampling. Rather, the researcher uses his or her on judgement about which respondents to choose and picks only those who best meet the purposes of the study.” In addition Arikunto 2006:139 says, “Sampel bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi didasarkan atas adanya tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample yang besar dan jauh” purpose of sample or purposive sample is done by taking a subject out of strata, random or area, but this is based on a certain purpose. This technique is usually done because of some considerations, for example the limitation of time, energy, and find, so it cannot take a great and far sample.

3.4. Data Analysis Method

17 a. Classifying the subtitles into 10 types of subtitle strategy based on Gottlieb’s devision. They are ten strategies which can be classified as expansion, paraphrase, transfer,imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation, decimation, deletion, and resignation. b. Tabulating the data c. Counting the percentage of subtitle strategy types that found in the movie � � �100 =N X = number of the obtained items Y = Number of all data N = The percentage from all types Butler, 1985:25 d. Finding out the most dominant of the subtitle strategy in the movie CHAPTER IV 18 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1. Analysis As stated in chapter two, In interpreting source language into subtitle, translators may adopt different strategies to convey dialogue or other content to the target language. Gottlieb 1994 proposed several strategies that can be applied in subtitle. In this research, there are 133subtitles were found. Based on the theory of Gottlieb 1994, there are 7 strategies occured in subtitling idioms in “Maleficent” movie. The most dominant strategy is expansion with 35 26.31 occurences, then condensation with 33 24.8 occurrences, transfer with 28 21.05 occurences, deletion with 14 10.52 occurrences, paraphrase with 12 9.02 occurences, imitation with 9 6.7 occurrances, and decimation with 2 1.5 occurences. 4.1.1. Identifying The Strategies of Translation After collecting the data, the next step is to identify the strategiess that being used in subtitling based on Gottlieb theory 1994. The data identification are shown in the table below: No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle Strategy 1 Let us tell an old story a new. biar kuceritakan pada kalian suatu kisah lama. Transfer 2 how well you know it. apa kalian mengetahuinya dengan baik. Paraphrase 3 So vast the discord between them Begitu sengitnya pertentangan mereka Deletion 4 In one kingdom lived folk like you and me Di salah satu kerajaan itu hiduplah manusia sepertimu dan aku Transfer 5 No No Dont do it Tidak Tidak Jangan lakukan itu Transfer 6 Ha, you missed me Kau tak mengenaiku Condensation 7 Whats all the fuss about? Ada keributan apa ini? Condensation 8 Whyd you get to tell her? Mengapa kau memberitahunya? Decimation 19 9 Humans, here. Ada manusia disini. Expansion 10 No They mean to kill me. Tidak Mereka ingin membunuhku. Transfer 11 Its not right to steal, Mencuri itu suatu kejahatan, Paraphrase 12 Come out Come outthis instant Keluarlah Keluarlah sekarang juga Condensation 13 I believe hes just a boy. Kurasa dia masih anak-anak. Condensation 14 Im called Stefan. Namaku Stefan. Imitation 15 Give what back? Mengembalikan apa? Paraphrase 16 If I knew you would throw it away, Jika aku tahu kau akan membuangnya, Deletion 17 I delivered it home, Aku membawanya pulang, Transfer 18 Someday, you know, Ill live there. Suatu hari, aku akan tinggal disana. Condensation 19 So, your parents are farmers then? Jadi orang tuamu petani? Deletion 20 Well see each other again. Sampai jumpa lagi. Condensation 21 You really shouldnt come back here,you know. Kau tak boleh kembali kemari. Condensation 22 And If I made that choice?if I came back, would you be here? Jika aku memilih untuk kembali, apakah kau tetap disini? Condensation 23 Your ring Iron burns fairies. Cincinmu Logam membakar peri. Transfer 24 He, who had so little in the world Padahal Stefan memiliki kehidupan yang begitu miskin, Expansion 25 And her heart was moved Dan hati Maleficent tersentuh. Transfer 26 Thus did the young thief whohad hoped to steal a jewel Anak muda yang dulunya berusaha mencuri permata Condensation 27 After all these weeks,look who came back. Setelah sekian lama ini, lihat siapa yang kembali. Transfer 28 So, what do you do for fun? Jadi, apa yang kau lakukan untuk bersenang-senang? Transfer 29 He told her it was true loves kiss. Dia mengatakan padanya bahwa itu merupakan ciuman cinta sejati. Transfer 30 But it was not to be. Tapi sebenarnya bukan. Condensation 31 There they are Itulah tempatnya Expansion 32 Well, I say: Crush them Tapi aku berkata, Hancurkan mereka Expansion 33 Go no further Jangan melangkah lebih jauh lagi Expansion 34 A king does not take ordersfrom a winged elf. Sang Raja tidak menerima perintah dari “kurcaci bersayap”. Transfer 35 You are no king to me Kau bukanlah Raja bagiku Transfer 36 Arise and stand with me Bangkit dan bertempurlah bersamaku Transfer 37 Hold the line Pertahankan posisi Transfer 38 To the king Lindungi Raja Paraphrase 39 You will not have the Moors. Kau tak akan bisa menguasai Moors. Imitation 40 Not now, nor ever Tidak sekarang dan juga selamanya Expansion 20 41 When I ascended to the throne Saat aku naik tahta Condensation 42 I promised the people Aku berjanji pada rakyatku Expansion 43 Each of you swore allegiance to meand to that cause Kalian semua bersumpah bersekutu bersamaku demi tujuan itu Deletion 44 Defeated in battle. Is this to be my legacy? Kita kalah perang.Apakah ini akan jadi warisanku? Paraphrase 45 I see youre waitingfor me to die. Aku tahu kalian menunggu ajalku tiba. Condensation 46 It wont be long, Saat itu segera datang, Paraphrase 47 to take the throne and care for my daughter. untuk naik tahta dan menikahi putriku. Condensation 48 Who among you is worthy? Siapa diantara kalian yang pantas mendapatkannya? Expansion 49 Maleficent, Ive cometo warn you. Maleficent, aku datang untuk memperingatkanmu. Imitation 50 King Henry will stopat nothing. Raja Henry akan mengerahkan segala upaya. Imitation 51 I have avenged you, Sire Kubalaskan dendammu, Tuan. Condensation 52 She is vanquished? Dia sudah tewas? Transfer 53 Ah, you have done well,my son Kau melakukannya dengan baik, nak Condensation 54 I shall do my best to be a worthy successor. Akan kulakukan yang terbaik untuk menjadi penerusmu yang layak. Expansion 55 I got you Kutangkap kau Transfer 56 Wicked bird Dasar kau burung jahat Expansion 57 What have you done to my beautiful south? Apa yang kau lakukan pada tubuh indahku? Deletion 58 Would you rather I let them beat you to death? Apa kau lebih suka kubiarkan mereka memukulimu sampai mati? Expansion 59 Stop complaining Berhentilah mengeluh Transfer 60 I saved your life Aku menyelamatkanmu Condensation 61 What do I call? Siapa namamu? Condensation 62 And in return for saving my life, I am your servant. Sebagai imbalan menyelamatkan nyawaku, aku akan jadi pelayanmu. Expansion 63 Whatever you need. Menjadi apapun yang kau inginkan. Expansion 64 Yeah, but not a dog Ya, tapi tidak jadi anjing Expansion 65 O, my God, its a girl Ya Tuhanku, anaknya perempuan Expansion 66 Well, I saw nothing. Aku tak melihat apapun Paraphrase 67 But theres been a Tapi ada Condensation 68 King Stefan and the Queenhave had a child. Raja Stefan dan Ratunya telah memiliki seorang anak. Imitation 69 Therell be a christening. Akan ada upacara pembaptisan. Paraphrase 70 They say it s to bea grand celebration. Mereka bilang akan ada perayaan mewah. Expansion 71 How wonderful Menyenangkan sekali Expansion 72 Look, theres the baby Lihatlah bayi disana itu Paraphrase 73 Concentrate, please Tetap berkonsentrasi Expansion 21 74 Im not telling you again. Tak akanku katakan lagi Paraphrase 75 I am Knotgrassof the Moorland fair folk. Aku Knotgrass dari kaum peri Moorland. Imitation 76 These are not just any old gifts. Ini bukanlah sembarang hadiah. Condensation 77 For you see, we are magic Seperti yang kalian lihat, kami makhluk ajaib Expansion 78 My wish is that youllnever be blue. Harapanku supaya kau tak pernah bersedih Transfer 79 Only happy,all the days of your life. Hanya ada kebahagiaan di sepanjang hidupmu. Paraphrase 80 Well, well. Lihatlah ini. Expansion 81 Royalty, nobility the gentry and… Keluarga kerajaan, kaum terhormat bangsawan dan … Expansion 82 How quaint Menakjubkan sekali Expansion 83 I must say I really felt quite distressed Harus kuakui aku merasa sangat sedih Paraphrase 84 Youre not welcome here Kau tak disambut disini Transfer 85 What an awkward situation Situasi nan canggung sekali Deletion 86 Youre not offended? Kau tak tersinggung? Transfer 87 Why no Mengapa tersinggung? Expansion 88 And to show I bear no ill- will Untuk membuktikan aku tak berniat jahat Deletion 89 I too shall bestowa gift on the child. Aku juga akan memberikan hadiah bagi anak ini. Transfer 90 Stay away from the princess Menjauhlah dari putri Condensation 91 Listen well, all of you. Dengarkanlah, kalian semua Deletion 92 Beloved by allwho meet her. Dicintai oleh semua orang yang bertemu dengannya Expansion 93 Before the sun sets onher 16th birthday Sebelum mentari terbenam pada ulang tahunnya yang ke 16 Transfer 94 and fall into a sleeplike death dan jatuh tertidur seolah telah mati Expansion 95 A sleep from whichshe will never awaken Tertidur dimana dia takkan pernah terbangun lagi Paraphrase 96 Maleficent, please dont do this. Maleficent, jangan lakukan ini. Imitation 97 Im begging you. Kumohon padamu Transfer 98 I like you begging. Aku suka saat kau memohon Expansion 99 The princess canbe woken from herdeath sleep Sang putri bisa dibangunkan dari tidur surinya Transfer 100 This curse will lastuntil the end of time Kutukan ini akan bertahan sampai dunia berakhir Transfer 101 No power on earthcan change it Tak ada kekuatan di Bumi ini yang mampu mematahkannya Expansion 102 while his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down sementara pasukannya berkuda ke segala penjuru untuk memburu Maleficent Imitation 22 103 But she made wallsof her own Tapi Maleficent mendirikan tembok pertahanannya sendiri Expansion 104 What do you mean? Apa maksudmu? Condensation 105 Well, we have to blend in,dont we? Kita harus mampu membaur, kan? Decimation 106 So, gather around, ladies. Berkumpullah kemari, nona-nona. Deletion 107 Oh, that went quite well. Oh, hasilnya bagus. Condensation 108 Now, there ll be no questions asked. Sekarang, jangan banyak Tanya lagi. Condensation 109 We are no longer fairies. Kita bukan lagi peri. Expansion 110 No flying? Tak boleh terbang? Expansion 111 No, no, no.And no magic. Tidak. Tidak ada sihir. Decimation 112 Yes, youve heard. Ya, kau mendengarku Expansion 113 Come on. Here you go. Kemarilah. Ini dia. Deletion 114 Its so ugly you could almostfeel sorry for it. Dia begitu buruk rupa sampai kau merasa kasihan padanya. Expansion 115 I hate you.Beastie. Aku membencimu, makhluk buruk Expansion 116 Maybe she might be hungry. Mungkin dia lapar. Condensation 117 Then feed her Cepatlah beri dia makan Expansion 118 Its gonna to starve withthose three looking after it. Dia bisa kelaparan jika dirawat ketiga peri itu. Condensation 119 Youre cheating. Kau curang. Condensation 120 Were starting again. Kita mulai lagi. Deletion 121 Greedy, bloated goat Dasar kambing gemuk serakah Expansion 122 Stop doing that. Hentikan kelakuanmu. Deletion 123 You two are having a go at me and I will not tolerate Jika kalian melakukan itu padaku aku tak akan tinggal diam Paraphrase 124 This is all your fault Ini semua salahmu Transfer 125 Not a wall, not Maleficent Begitu juga tembok itu dan Maleficent Imitation 126 Oh, look The little beast is about to fall off the cliff. Oh,lihat Makhluk buruk itu akan terjatuh dari tebing. Condensation 127 Up, up. Gendong, gendong. Transfer 128 Go on. Go, go, go. pergilah. Pergi. Pergi. Condensation 129 She was not the only one who wished to get through. Tapi bukan hanya dia saja yang ingin masuk kesana. Condensation 130 How could you do that to me? Teganya kau melakukan itu padaku? Paraphrase 131 You said, anything I need Kau bilang rela menjadi apapun Paraphrase 132 Well, Ill be a mealy worm, gladly Anything but a filthy, stinking aku lebih suka menjadi cacing gemuk daripada Anjing kotor bau Condensation 133 Fine, next time Ill turn youinto a mealy warm. Baiklah, lain kali akan kurubah kau menjadi cacing gemuk. Transfer

4.1.2. Classifying and Analyzing the Data Based on Strategies of Translation

23 The next step, after the data are identified, the data are classified and by giving the brief explanation about the strategies of translation. Transfer

Transfer is a strategy of translation which there is no additional explanation or modifying of view, because the subtitler translates the dialogue by literal words. In addition, the usage of this strategy also maintains the structure of the original text. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 1 Let us tell an old story a new. biar kuceritakan pada kalian suatu kisah lama. 4 In one kingdom lived folk like you and me Di salah satu kerajaan itu hiduplah manusia sepertimu dan aku 5 No No Dont do it Tidak Tidak Jangan lakukan itu 10 No They mean to kill me. Tidak Mereka ingin membunuhku. 17 I delivered it home, Aku membawanya pulang, 23 Your ring Iron burns fairies. Cincinmu Logam membakar peri. 25 And her heart was moved Dan hati Maleficent tersentuh. 27 After all these weeks,look who came back. Setelah sekian lama ini, lihat siapa yang kembali. 28 So, what do you do for fun? Jadi, apa yang kau lakukan untuk bersenang-senang? 29 He told her it was true loves kiss. Dia mengatakan padanya bahwa itu merupakan ciuman cinta sejati. 34 A king does not take ordersfrom a winged elf. Sang Raja tidak menerima perintah dari “kurcaci bersayap”. 35 You are no king to me Kau bukanlah Raja bagiku 36 Arise and stand with me Bangkit dan bertempurlah bersamaku 37 Hold the line Pertahankan posisi 52 She is vanquished? Dia sudah tewas? 55 I got you Kutangkap kau 59 Stop complaining Berhentilah mengeluh 78 My wish is that youllnever be blue. Harapanku supaya kau tak pernah bersedih 84 Youre not welcome here Kau tak disambut disini 86 Youre not offended? Kau tak tersinggung? 89 I too shall bestowa gift on the child. Aku juga akan memberikan hadiah bagi anak ini. 93 Before the sun sets onher 16th birthday Sebelum mentari terbenam pada ulang tahunnya yang ke 16 24 97 Im begging you. Kumohon padamu 99 The princess canbe woken from herdeath sleep Sang putri bisa dibangunkan dari tidur surinya 100 This curse will lastuntil the end of time Kutukan ini akan bertahan sampai dunia berakhir 124 This is all your fault Ini semua salahmu 127 Up, up. Gendong, gendong. 133 Fine, next time Ill turn youinto a mealy warm. Baiklah, lain kali akan kurubah kau menjadi cacing gemuk. Data Analysis: 1. Let us tell an old story a new. The real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell something ´, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “biar kuceritakan pada kalian suatu kisah lama”. 4. In one kingdom lived folk like you and me The real meaning of the subtitle is ´to explain the kingdom ´, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Di salah satu kerajaan itu hiduplah manusia sepertimu dan aku”. 5. No No Dont do it The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Tidak Tidak Jangan lakukan itu” without addition and replication. 11. No They mean to kill me. The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Tidak Mereka ingin membunuhku.” without addition and replication. 17. I delivered it home 25 The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Aku membawanya pulang” without addition and replication. 23. Your ring Iron burns fairies The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Cincinmu Logam membakar peri” without addition and replication. 25. And her heart was moved The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Dan hati Maleficent tersentuh” without addition and replication. 27. After all these weeks,look who came back. The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Setelah sekian lama ini, lihat siapa yang kembali.” without addition,replication and deletion. 28. So, what do you do for fun? The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Jadi, apa yang kau lakukan untuk bersenang- senang?” without addition,replication and deletion. 29. He told her it was true loves kiss. The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Dia mengatakan padanya bahwa itu merupakan ciuman cinta sejati.” without addition,replication and deletion. 34. A king does not take ordersfrom a winged elf 26 The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Sang Raja tidak menerima perintah dari “kurcaci bersayap”” without addition,replication and deletion. 35. You are no king to me The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Kau bukanlah Raja bagiku” without addition,replication and deletion. 36. Arise and stand with me The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Bangkit dan bertempurlah bersamaku” without addition,replication and deletion. 37. Hold the line The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Pertahankan posisi” without addition,replication and deletion. 52. She is vanquished? The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Dia sudah tewas?” without addition,replication and deletion. 55. I got you 27 The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Kutangkap kau” without addition,replication and deletion. 59. Stop complaining The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Berhentilah mengeluh” without addition,replication and deletion. 78. My wish is that youllnever be blue. The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Harapanku supaya kau tak pernah bersedih.” without addition,replication and deletion. 84. Youre not welcome here The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Kau tak disambut disini” without addition,replication and deletion. 86. Youre not offended? The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Kau tak tersinggung?” without addition,replication and deletion. 89. I too shall bestowa gift on the child. 28 The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Aku juga akan memberikan hadiah bagi anak ini” without addition,replication and deletion. 93. Before the sun sets onher 16th birthday The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Sebelum mentari terbenam pada ulang tahunnya yang ke 16” without addition,replication and deletion. 97. Im begging you The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Kumohon padamu” without addition,replication and deletion. 99. The princess canbe woken from herdeath sleep The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Sang putri bisa dibangunkan dari tidur surinya” without addition, replication and deletion. 100. This curse will lastuntil the end of time The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Kutukan ini akan bertahan sampai dunia berakhir” without addition, replication and deletion. 124. This is all your fault 29 The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Ini semua salahmu” without addition, replication and deletion. 127. Up, up. The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Gendong, gendong.” without addition, replication and deletion. 133. Fine, next time Ill turn youinto a mealy warm. The real meaning of the subtitle is clearly exist in the subtitle, so the English subtitle can be translated literally becomes “Baiklah, lain kali akan kurubah kau menjadi cacing gemuk.” without addition, replication and deletion. Expansion

Expansion is used when the original text Source Language requires an additional explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance are not retrievable in Target Language.Linguistic element such as repetition is intentionally to be condensed. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 9 Humans, here. Ada manusia disini. 24 He, who had so little in the world Padahal Stefan memiliki kehidupan yang begitu miskin, 31 There they are Itulah tempatnya 32 Well, I say: Crush them Tapi aku berkata, Hancurkan mereka 33 Go no further Jangan melangkah lebih jauh lagi 40 Not now, nor ever Tidak sekarang dan juga selamanya 42 I promised the people Aku berjanji pada rakyatku 48 Who among you is worthy? Siapa diantara kalian yang pantas mendapatkannya? 54 I shall do my best to be a worthy Akan kulakukan yang terbaik untuk 30 successor. menjadi penerusmu yang layak. 56 Wicked bird Dasar kau burung jahat 58 Would you rather I let them beat you to death? Apa kau lebih suka kubiarkan mereka memukulimu sampai mati? 62 And in return for saving my life, I am your servant. Sebagai imbalan menyelamatkan nyawaku, aku akan jadi pelayanmu. 63 Whatever you need. Menjadi apapun yang kau inginkan. 64 Yeah, but not a dog Ya, tapi tidak jadi anjing 65 O, my God, its a girl Ya Tuhanku, anaknya perempuan 70 They say it s to bea grand celebration. Mereka bilang akan ada perayaan mewah. 71 How wonderful Menyenangkan sekali 73 Concentrate, please Tetap berkonsentrasi 77 For you see, we are magic Seperti yang kalian lihat, kami makhluk ajaib 80 Well, well. Lihatlah ini. 81 Royalty, nobility the gentry and… Keluarga kerajaan, kaum terhormat bangsawan dan … 82 How quaint Menakjubkan sekali 87 Why no Mengapa tersinggung? 92 Beloved by allwho meet her. Dicintai oleh semua orang yang bertemu dengannya 94 and fall into a sleeplike death dan jatuh tertidur seolah telah mati 98 I like you begging. Aku suka saat kau memohon 101 No power on earthcan change it Tak ada kekuatan di Bumi ini yang mampu mematahkannya 103 But she made wallsof her own Tapi Maleficent mendirikan tembok pertahanannya sendiri 109 We are no longer fairies. Kita bukan lagi peri. 110 No flying? Tak boleh terbang? 112 Yes, youve heard. Ya, kau mendengarku 114 Its so ugly you could almostfeel sorry for it. Dia begitu buruk rupa sampai kau merasa kasihan padanya. 115 I hate you.Beastie. Aku membencimu, makhluk buruk 117 Then feed her Cepatlah beri dia makan 121 Greedy, bloated goat Dasar kambing gemuk serakah Data analysis: 9. Humans, here. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “manusia, disini”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell the existence of the same creature´. Here, the translator translated it as “Ada manusia disini”, since if the subtitle literally 31 translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while adding the word “ada” to make it easier to understand. 24. He, who had so little in the world If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Dia, yang memiliki sangat kecil di bumi”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell the situation of Stefan´. Here, the translator translated it as “Padahal Stefan memiliki kehidupan yang begitu miskin,”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while adding the word “padahal” and “kehidupan”. Then, to make it easier to understand, the translator replicates “He” become “Stefan” and “so little in the world” means that he does not has anything. 31. There they are If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Disana mereka”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell the place to attack´. Here, the translator translated it as “Itulah tempatnya,”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while replicates the word “tempatnya”. Then, to make it easier to understand, the translator replicates “they” become “tempatnya” means that the place to attack. 32 32. Well, I say: Crush them If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Baiklah, Aku katakan: Hancurkan mereka”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell the order to attack´. Here, the translator translated it as “Tapi aku berkata, Hancurkan mereka,”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while adding the word “tapi” to make it easier to understand. 33. Go no further If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Pergi tidak lebih jauh”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell don’t come closer´. Here, the translator translated it as ”Jangan melangkah lebih jauh lagi”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while replicates the word “go” become “ melangkah “. Then, to make it easier to understand, the translator replicates “go no further” means that don’t come closer to the Moors. 40. Not now, nor ever If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Tidak sekarang atau pernah”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell the King can’t be in charge of Moors until whenever´. Here, the translator translated it as ” Tidak sekarang dan juga selamanya”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while adding the word “dan“ and 33 “selamanya”. Then, to make it easier to understand, the translator replicates “nor ever” become “Dan juga selamanya”. 42. I promised the people If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Aku berjanji orang”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell that the King has promised something for his people´. Here, the translator translated it as ”Aku berjanji pada rakyatku”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while adding the word “pada” and “-ku” to make it easier to understand. 48. Who among you is worthy? If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Siapa diantara kalian adalah pantas”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to tell who deserve to get the throne of the king´. Here, the translator translated it as ” Siapa diantara kalian yang pantasmendapatkannya?”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation, while adding the word “mendapatkannya” to make it easier to understand. 54. I shall do my best to be a worthy successor. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “aku akan melakukan terbaikku untuk menjadi seorang penerus yang pantas”, but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to promise´. Here, the translator translated it as ” Akan kulakukan yang terbaik untuk menjadi penerusmu yang layak.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, 34 the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. The word “akan” in the front of subtitle because if Indonesian has promised the first word they say is “akan”. 56. Wicked bird If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “burung jahat”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Dasar kau burung jahat”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. While, adding the word “dasar” and “kau” to make it easier to understand although there is no subject. 58.Would you rather I let them beat you to death? If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “maukah kau agak aku biarkan mereka memukulimu sampai mati? ”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Apa kau lebih suka kubiarkan mereka memukulimu sampai mati?”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. 62. And in return for saving my life, I am your servant. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Dan dalam mengembalikan untuk menyelamatkan hidupku, aku adalah pelayanmu.”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Sebagai imbalan menyelamatkan nyawaku, aku akan jadi pelayanmu.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives 35 explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. Then, there is addition of word “sebagai” in the first subtitle to replicates “And “. 63. Whatever you need. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Apapun kau butuhkan.”. Here, the translator translated it as ”Menjadi apapun yang kau inginkan.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. Then, there is addition of word “menjadi” in the first subtitle to explain the conversation before. 64. Yeah, but not a dog If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Ya, tapi tidak anjing”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Ya, tapi tidak jadi anjing”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. Then, there is addition of word “jadi” in the first subtitle to explain it. 65. O, my God, its a girl If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Oh, Tuhanku. Itu seorang perempuan” but the real meaning of the subtitle is ´to explain the child´. Here, the translator translated it as ” Ya Tuhanku, anaknya perempuan”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in translation because of some cultural nuance. Then, there is addition of 36 word “anaknya” in the subtitle to explain the child and the word “O, my God” becomes “Ya, Thuhanku” because of some cultural nuance. 70. They say it s to bea grand celebration. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Mereka bilang itu jadi sebuah perayaan mewah”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Mereka bilang akan ada perayaan mewah.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in addition the word “akan” to make it easier to understand. 71. How wonderful If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Betapa menyenangkan”. Here, the translator translated it as ”Menyenangkan sekali.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in addition the word “sekali” and deleted the word “Betapa” to make it easier to understand. 73. Concentrate, please If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Konsentrasi, mohon”. Here, the translator translated it as ”Tetap berkonsentrasi”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in addition the word “Tetap” without say “Stay to concentrate” to make it easier to understand. 37 77. For you see, we are magic If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Seperti kalian lihat, kami ajaib”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Seperti yang kalian lihat, kami makhluk ajaib”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in addition the word “makhluk” to make it easier to understand. 80. Well, well. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Baik,baik” but the real meaning is ‘to explain the situation’. Here, the translator translated it as ”Lihatlah ini”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation clearly because of the replicate “Well,well” becomes “Lihatlah ini” to make it easier to understand. 81. Royalty, nobility the gentry and… If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Kerajaan, bangsawan terhormat dan…”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Keluarga kerajaan, kaum terhormat bangsawan dan…”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in addition the word “Keluarga” to explain “Royality” and “Kaum” to explain “Nobility” in order to make it easier to understand. 38 82. How quaint If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Betapa menakjubkan”. Here, the translator translated it as ”Menakjubkan sekali.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation in addition the word “sekali” and deleted the word “Betapa” to make it easier to understand. 87. Why no If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Mengapa tidak” but the real meaning is ‘to explain clearly the answer of the question’. Here, the translator translated it as ” Mengapa tersinggung?”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives explanation clearly because of the replicate “no” becomes “tersinggung” to make it easier to understand. 92. Beloved by allwho meet her If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Dicintai oleh semua yang bertemunya”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Dicintai oleh semua orang yang bertemu dengannya”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation clearly because of the addition the word “orang” and “dengan” to make it easier to understand. 39 94. and fall into a sleeplike death If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Dan jatuh dalam tidur seperti mati”. Here, the translator translated it as ” dan jatuh tertidur seolah telah mati”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation because of the addition the word “telah” and replicate the word “seperti” becomes “seolah” to make it easier to understand. 98. I like you begging If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Aku suka kau memohon”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Aku suka saat kau memohon”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation because of the addition the word “saat” to make it easier to understand. 101. No power on earthcan change it If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Tak kekuatan di Bumi bisa mematahkannya”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Tak ada kekuatan di Bumi ini yang mampu mematahkannya”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation because of the addition the word “ada” and “mampu” to make it easier to understand. 40 103. But she made wallsof her own If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Tapi dia mendirikan temboknya sendiri”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Tapi Maleficent mendirikan tembok pertahanannya sendiri”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation the word “She” changes become “Maleficent” to make it easier to understand. Then, there is addition of the word “ pertahanan” to explain the wall of Maleficent. 109. We are no longer fairies. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Kita bukan peri”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Kita bukan lagi peri”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation the word of addition “lagi”. 110. No flying? If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Tidak Terbang?”. Here, the translator translated it as ”Tidak boleh terbang”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation the word of addition “boleh”. 41 112. Yes, youve heard If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Ya, kau mendengar”. Here, the translator translated it as ”Ya, Kau mendengarku”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the explanation the word of addition “ku” in word “mendengarku” to make it’s easier to understand. 114. Its so ugly you could almostfeel sorry for it. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Dia begitu buruk kau merasa kasihan padanya.”. Here, the translator translated it as ” Dia begitu buruk rupa sampai kau merasa kasihan padanya.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the addition the words “rupa” and “sampai” to make it easier to understand. 115. I hate you.Beastie. If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Aku benci kau, buruk”. Here, the translator translated it as “aku benci kau, makhluk buruk.”, since if the subtitle literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the addition the word “makhluk” to make it easier to understand. 117. Then feed her If the subtitle is literally translated it will become “Kemudian suap dia”. Here, the translator translated it as “Cepatlah beri dia makan”, since if the subtitle literally 42 translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the strategy which is used is expansion that gives the addition the word “Cepatlah” and the words “suap dia” changes became “beri dia makan” to make it easier to understand. Paraphrase

Paraphrase is used when the subtitler does not use the same syntactical rules in subtitling the dialogue. In other words, by using this strategy the subtitler changes the structures of the subtitle and makes it easier to understand and readable by the audience. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 2 how well you know it. apa kalian mengetahuinya dengan baik. 11 Its not right to steal, Mencuri itu suatu kejahatan, 15 Give what back? Mengembalikan apa? 38 To the king Lindungi Raja 44 Defeated in battle. Is this to be my legacy? Kita kalah perang.Apakah ini akan jadi warisanku? 46 It wont be long, Saat itu segera datang, 69 Therell be a christening. Akan ada upacara pembaptisan. 72 Look, theres the baby Lihatlah bayi disana itu 74 Im not telling you again. Tak akanku katakan lagi 83 I must say I really felt quite distressed Harus kuakui aku merasa sangat sedih 130 How could you do that to me? Teganya kau melakukan itu padaku? 131 You said, anything I need Kau bilang rela menjadi apapun Data Analysis: 2. how well you know it. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “bagaimana baiknya kau mengetahuinya”, but here it is translated as “apa kalian mengetahuinya dengan baik”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase 43 strategy could be seen on “how” and “well”. “How” translated “apa” which had a similar meaning. And, “well” put on the last subtitle. 11. Its not right to steal If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Itu tidak benar untuk mencuri”, but here it is translated as “Mencuri itu suatu kejahatan”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the word “Mencuri” refers to “It”. Here, the translator explains about ‘steal is a kind of criminal’. 15. Give what back? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Memberikan apa kembali?”, but here it is translated as “Mengembalikan apa?”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The word “memberikan” and “kembali” changes become “mengembalikan”. Here, the translator units the words in order to easier to understand. 38. To the king If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Untuk Raja”, but here it is translated as “Lindungi Raja”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The word “Untuk” changes become “Lindungi”. Here, the real meaning is to tell the soldier go toward the king to protect him. 44 44. Defeated in battle. Is this to be my legacy? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Dikalahkan dalam perang.Apakah ini akan jadi warisanku?”, but here it is translated as “Kita kalah perang.Apakah ini akan jadi warisanku?”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. Here, the translator uses the grammatical rule which every sentence has the subject. 46. It wont be long, If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Itu tidak akan lama”, but here it is translated as “Saat itu segera datang”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure. 69. Therell be a christening. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Ada akan sebuah upacara pembaptisan”, but here it is translated as “Akan ada sebuah upacara pembaptisan”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure. 77. Look, theres the baby If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Lihatlah, disana bayi itu”, but here it is translated as “Lihatlah bayi disana itu”, which can give different 45 structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure. 74. Im not telling you again. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Aku tidak mengatakanmu lagi”, but here it is translated as “Tak akanku katakan lagi”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure which the subject is after the words “Tak” and “akan”. 83. I must say I really felt quite distressed If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Aku harus katakan aku sangat sedih”, but here it is translated as “Harus kuakui aku merasa sangat sedih”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure. 123. You two are having a go at me and I will not tolerate If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kalian berdua melakukan sesuatu padaku dan aku tidak akan tinggal diam”, but here it is translated as “Jika kalian melakukan itu padaku aku tak akan tinggal diam”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure. The translator changes the SL structure in TL without the conjuction. 46 131. You said, anything I need If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kau bilang apapun yang aku butuhkan”, but here it is translated as “Kau bilang rela menjadi apapun”, which can give different structure between SL and TL. The use of paraphrase strategy could be seen on the changes structure of sentence and word. The subtitle has the same meaning but different structure. Condensation

Condensation is a translation to make the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance by using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. Sometimes pragmatic effect can be lost by using condensation strategy. Therefore, the real aim of the text must be conveyed. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 6 Ha, you missed me Kau tak mengenaiku 7 Whats all the fuss about? Ada keributan apa ini? 12 Come out Come outthis instant Keluarlah Keluarlah sekarang juga 13 I believe hes just a boy. Kurasa dia masih anak-anak. 18 Someday, you know, Ill live there. Suatu hari, aku akan tinggal disana. 20 Well see each other again. Sampai jumpa lagi. 21 You really shouldnt come back here,you know. Kau tak boleh kembali kemari. 22 And If I made that choice?if I came back, would you be here? Jika aku memilih untuk kembali, apakah kau tetap disini? 26 Thus did the young thief whohad hoped to steal a jewel Anak muda yang dulunya berusaha mencuri permata 30 But it was not to be. Tapi sebenarnya bukan. 41 When I ascended to the throne Saat aku naik tahta 45 I see youre waitingfor me to die. Aku tahu kalian menunggu ajalku tiba. 47 to take the throne and care for my daughter. untuk naik tahta dan menikahi putriku. 51 I have avenged you, Sire Kubalaskan dendammu, Tuan. 53 Ah, you have done well,my son Kau melakukannya dengan baik, nak 60 I saved your life Aku menyelamatkanmu 61 What do I call? Siapa namamu? 67 But theres been a Tapi ada 47 76 These are not just any old gifts. Ini bukanlah sembarang hadiah. 79 Only happy,all the days of your life. Hanya ada kebahagiaan di sepanjang hidupmu. 90 Stay away from the princess Menjauhlah dari putri 104 What do you mean? Apa maksudmu? 107 Oh, that went quite well. Oh, hasilnya bagus. 108 Now, there ll be no questions asked. Sekarang, jangan banyak Tanya lagi. 116 Maybe she might be hungry. Mungkin dia lapar. 118 Its gonna to starve withthose three looking after it. Dia bisa kelaparan jika dirawat ketiga peri itu. 119 Youre cheating. Kau curang. 126 Oh, look The little beast is about to fall off the cliff. Oh,lihat Makhluk buruk itu akan terjatuh dari tebing. 128 Go on. Go, go, go. pergilah. Pergi. Pergi. 129 She was not the only one who wished to get through. Tapi bukan hanya dia saja yang ingin masuk kesana. 130 How could you do that to me? Teganya kau melakukan itu padaku? 132 Well, Ill be a mealy worm, gladly Anything but a filthy, stinking aku lebih suka menjadi cacing gemuk daripada Anjing kotor bau Data Analysis: 6. Ha, you missed me The utterance of the original text “Ha, you missed me” will be displayed in subtitle “Kau tak mengenaiku”. The pragmatic effect can be lost by using condensation strategy. In the English subtitle, the form of subtitle is positive. It’s different in Indonesian subtitle in negative form. But it does not lose the message. 7. Whats all the fuss about? ” Whats all the fuss about?” changes to the shorter utterance “Ada keributan apa ini?”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 48 12. Come out Come outthis instant ” Come out Come outthis instant” changes to the shorter utterance “Keluarlah Keluarlah sekarang juga”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 13. I believe hes just a boy If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Ku percaya dia hanya seorang anak laki-laki”.” I believe hes just a boy” changes to the shorter utterance “Kurasa dia masih anak-anak.”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. Without any explanation more, the reader can understand what is the real meaning. 18. Someday, you know, Ill live there. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Suatu hari,kau tahu, aku akan tinggal disana.”.” Someday, you know, Ill live there” changes to the shorter utterance “Suatu hari, aku akan tinggal disana.”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 20. Well see each other again If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kita akan berjumpa masing-masing lagi”. The subtitle ” Well see each other again” changes to the shorter utterance “Sampai jumpa lagi.”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 49 21. You really shouldnt come back here,you know. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kau sangat tak boleh kembali kemari, kau tahu.”. The subtitle ”You really shouldnt come back here,you know” changes to the shorter utterance“Kau tak boleh kembali kemari”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 22. And If I made that choice?if I came back, would you be here? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Jika aku membuat pilihan itu? Jika aku kembali, apakah kau tetap disini?”. The subtitle ” And If I made that choice?if I came back, would you be here?” changes to the shorter utterance“Jika aku memilih untuk kembali, apakah kau tetap disini?”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 26. Thus did the young thief whohad hoped to steal a jewel If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Yang dulunyaAnak muda yang berharap untuk mencuri permata”. The subtitle ” Thus did the young thief whohad hoped to steal a jewel” changes to the shorter utterance“Anak muda yang dulunya berusaha mencuri permata”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 30. But it was not to be. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Tapi itu tidak untuk jadi”. The subtitle ” But it was not to be”changes to the shorter utterance“Tapi sebenarnya 50 bukan”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 41. When I ascended to the throne If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Saat aku dinaikkan ke tahta”. The subtitle ” When I ascended to the throne” changes to the shorter utterance“Saat aku naik tahta”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 45. I see youre waitingfor me to die If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Aku lihat kalian sedang menunggu aku untuk mati”. The subtitle ” I see youre waitingfor me to die” changes to the shorter utterance“Aku tahu kalian menunggu ajalku tiba.”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 47. to take the throne and care for my daughter. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “untuk mengambil tahta dan peduli untuk putriku.”. The subtitle ” to take the throne and care for my daughter” changes to the shorter utterance“untuk naik tahta dan menikahi putriku.”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 51. I have avenged you, Sire If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Aku telah membalaskan dendammu, Tuan”. The subtitle ” I have avenged you, Sire” changes to the shorter 51 utterance“Kubalaskan dendammu, Tuan”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 53. Ah, you have done well,my son If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Ah,Kau telah melakukannya dengan baik, nak”. The subtitle ” Ah, you have done well,my son” changes to the shorter utterance“Kau melakukannya dengan baik, nak”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 60. I saved your life If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Aku menyelamatkan hidupmu”. The subtitle ” I saved your life” changes to the shorter utterance“Aku menyelamatkanmu”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 61. What do I call? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Apa yang aku panggil?”. The subtitle ” What do I call?” changes to the shorter utterance“Siapa namamu?”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 67. But theres been a If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Tapi disana ada seorang”. The subtitle ” But theres been a”changes to the shorter utterance“Tapi 52 ada”. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 76. These are not just any old gifts If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Ini adalah bukan suatu hadiah yang lama”. The subtitle ” These are not just any old gifts”changes to the shorter utterance“Ini bukanlah sembarang hadiah“. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 79. Only happy,all the days of your life. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Hanya bahagia, di seluruh hari dari hidupmu”. The subtitle ” Only happy,all the days of your life”changes to the shorter utterance“Hanya ada kebahagiaan di sepanjang hidupmu“. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 90. Stay away from the princess If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Tetap berjarak dari putri”. The subtitle ” Stay away from the princess”changes to the shorter utterance“Menjauhlah dari putri“. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 104. What do you mean? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Apa yang kau maksud?”. The subtitle ” What do you mean?”changes to the shorter utterance“Apa maksudmu? 53 “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 107. Oh, that went quite well. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Oh, itu bekerja sangat bagus”. The subtitle ” Oh, that went quite well”changes to the shorter utterance“Oh, hasilnya bagus “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 108. Now, there ll be no questions asked. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Sekarang, tidak akan ada lagi pertanyaan yang ditanyakan.”. The subtitle ” Now, there ll be no questions asked”changes to the shorter utterance“Sekarang, jangan banyak tanya lagi. “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 111. No, no, no.And no magic. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Tidak, tidak, tidak. Dan tidak sihir”. The subtitle ” No, no, no.And no magic.”changes to the shorter utterance“Tidak. Tidak ada sihir “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. The utterance “no” has involved in repetition. Linguistic element such as repetition is intentionally to be condensed. 54 116.Maybe she might be hungry. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Mungkin dia bisa saja lapar”. The subtitle ” Maybe she might be hungry.”changes to the shorter utterance“Mungkin dia lapar “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 118. Its gonna to starve withthose three looking after it. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Dia akan terus kelaparan dengan tiga orang ini yang menjaganya”. The subtitle ” Its gonna to starve withthose three looking after it”changes to the shorter utterance“Dia bisa kelaparan jika dirawat ketiga peri itu. “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 119. Youre cheating. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kau sedang mencurang”. The subtitle ” Youre cheating”changes to the shorter utterance“Kau curang “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 126. Oh, look The little beast is about to fall off the cliff. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Oh, lihat Makhluk kecil yang buruk itu segera untuk jatuh dari tebing”. The subtitle ” Oh, look The little beast is about to fall off the cliff”changes to the shorter utterance“Oh,lihat Makhluk buruk itu akan terjatuh dari tebing. “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 55 128. Go on. Go, go, go. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Pergilah. Pergi, pergi, pergi” The subtitle ” Go on. Go, go, go.”changes to the shorter utterance“Pergilah. Pergi “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. The utterance “go” has involved in repetition. Linguistic element such as repetition is intentionally to be condensed. 130. How could you do that to me? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Bagaimana bisa kau melakukan itu padaku?”. The subtitle ” How could you do that to me?”changes to the shorter utterance“Teganya kau melakukan itu padaku?“. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. 132. Well, Ill be a mealy worm, gladly Anything but a filthy, If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Baik, Aku akan jadi seekor cacing gemuk dengan senang hati Apapun tetapi seekor bau”. The subtitle ” Well, Ill be a mealy worm, gladly Anything but a filthy,”changes to the shorter utterance“aku lebih suka menjadi cacing gemuk daripada anjing kotor bau “. Condensation is making the text brief to miss unneccesary utterance using the shorter utterance, but it does not lose the message. Decimation

56 Decimation is used to translate when the actors are quarrelling with the fast speaking. So, the translator is also to condense the utterance because the utterances have difficulty to be absorbed quickly from unstructured written text. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 8 Whyd you get to tell her? Mengapa kau memberitahunya? 105 Well, we have to blend in,dont we? Kita harus mampu membaur, kan? Data Analysis: 8. Whyd you get to tell her? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Mengapa jadi kau yang akan memberitahunya?”, but here it is translated as “Mengapa kau memberitahunya?.”, which the translator condense the utterance because the utterances have difficulty absorbing unstructured written text quickly. 105. Well, we have to blend in,dont we? The phrase “Well, we have to blend in,dont we?” It was not translated word-to-word because it was represented by “dont we?” which in TL could be translated “Kita harus mampu membaur, kan?”, which the translator condense the utterance because the utterances have difficulty absorbing unstructured written text quickly. Imitation

57 Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. Imitation is ussualy used to deal with the name of person, place, names of magzine, journals, newspapers, the titles of as yet untranslated literary works, name of company and instituitions, addresses, etc. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 14 Im called Stefan. Namaku Stefan.

39 You will not have the Moors.

Kau tak akan bisa menguasai Moors. 49 Maleficent , Ive cometo warn you. Maleficent, aku datang untuk memperingatkanmu. 50 King Henry will stopat nothing. Raja Henry akan mengerahkan segala upaya. 68 King Stefan and the Queenhave had a child. Raja Stefan dan Ratunya telah memiliki seorang anak. 75 I am Knotgrassof the Moorland fair folk. Aku Knotgrass dari kaum peri Moorland. 96 Maleficent , please dont do this. Maleficent, jangan lakukan ini. 102 while his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down sementara pasukannya berkuda ke segala penjuru untuk memburu Maleficent 125 Not a wall, not Maleficent Begitu juga tembok itu dan Maleficent Data Analysis: 14. Im called Stefan. ”Im called Stefan” translated to be “Namaku Stefan.”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Stefan’.

39. You will not have the Moors.

58 ” You will not have the Moors” is translated to be “Kau tak akan bisa menguasai Moors”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of place ‘Moors’. 49. Maleficent, Ive cometo warn you. ” Maleficent, Ive cometo warn you” is translated to be “Maleficent, aku datang untuk memperingatkanmu”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Maleficent’. 50. King Henry will stopat nothing. ” King Henry will stopat nothing.” is translated to be “Raja Henry akan mengerahkan segala upaya”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Henry’. 68. King Stefan and the Queenhave had a child. ” King Stefan and the Queenhave had a child” is translated to be “Raja Stefan dan Ratunya telah memiliki seorang anak”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Stefan’. 75. I am Knotgrassof the Moorland fair folk. ” I am Knotgrassof the Moorland fair folk” is translated to be “Aku Knotgrass dari kaum peri Moorland”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Knotgrass’ and in the name of place ‘Moorland’.

96. Maleficent, please dont do this.

59 ”Maleficent, please dont do this” is translated to be “Maleficent, jangan lakukan ini”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Maleficent’. 102. While his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down ”While his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down” is translated to be “Sementara pasukannya berkuda ke segala penjuru untuk memburu Maleficent”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Maleficent’. 125. Not a wall, not Maleficent ” Not a wall, not Maleficent” is translated to be “Begitu juga tembok itu dan Maleficent”. Imitation is re-writing the word of the original text. In this subtitle, imitation occurs in the name of person ‘Maleficent’. Deletion

Deletionis refers to the elimination of parts of a text which this term carryless semantic meaning. Therefore, it can be deleted without changing the informationto the audience. No. English Subtitle Indonesian Subtitle 3 So vast the discord between them Begitu sengitnya pertentangan mereka 16 If I knew you would throw it away, Jika aku tahu kau akan membuangnya, 19 So, your parents are farmers then? Jadi orang tuamu petani? 43 Each of you swore allegiance to meand to that cause Kalian semua bersumpah bersekutu bersamaku demi tujuan itu 57 What have you done to my beautiful south? Apa yang kau lakukan pada tubuh indahku? 85 What an awkward situation Situasi nan canggung sekali 88 And to show I bear no ill-will Untuk membuktikan aku tak berniat jahat 60 91 Listen well, all of you. Dengarkanlah, kalian semua 95 A sleep from whichshe will never awaken Tertidur dimana dia takkan pernah terbangun lagi 106 So, gather around, ladies. Berkumpullah kemari, nona-nona. 113 Come on. Here you go. Kemarilah. Ini dia. 120 Were starting again. Kita mulai lagi. 122 Stop doing that. Hentikan kelakuanmu. Data Analysis: 3. So vast the discord between them If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as ´Begitu sengitnya pertentangan diantara mereka ´, but here it is translated as ´Begitu sengitnya pertentangan mereka ´, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “between” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 16. If I knew you would throw it away, If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as ´ Jika aku tahu kau akan membuangnya jauh´, but here it is translated as ´ Jika aku tahu kau akan membuangnya, ´, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “away” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 19. So, your parents are farmers then? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Jadi orang tuamu petani kemudian?´, but here it is translated as “Jadi orang tuamu petani?”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “then” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 61 43. Each of you swore allegiance to meand to that cause If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as ´ Kalian semua bersumpah bersekutu bersamaku dan demi tujuan itu´, but here it is translated as ´ Kalian semua bersumpah bersekutu bersamaku demi tujuan itu´, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “and” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 57. What have you done to my beautiful south? If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Apa yang telah kau lakukan pada tubuh indahku?”, but here it is translated as “Apa yang kau lakukan pada tubuh indahku?”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “have” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 66. Well, I saw nothing. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Baiklah, aku tidak melihat apapun”, but here it is translated as “Aku tak melihat apapun”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “well” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 85. What an awkward situation 62 If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Apa sebuah situasi nan canggung”, but here it is translated as “Situasi nan canggung sekali”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “an” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 88. And to show I bear no ill-will If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “DanUntuk membuktikan aku tak berniat jahat”, but here it is translated as “Untuk membuktikan aku tak berniat jahat”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “and” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 91. Listen well, all of you. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Dengarkanlah baik-baik, kalian semua”, but here it is translated as “Dengarkanlah, kalian semua”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “well” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 95. A sleep from whichshe will never awaken If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Tertidur dari yang mana dia takkan pernah terbangun lagi”, but here it is translated as “Tertidur dimana dia takkan pernah terbangun lagi”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “froml” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 63 96. Maleficent, please dont do this If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Maleficent, mohon jangan lakukan ini”, but here it is translated as “Maleficent, jangan lakukan ini.”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “pleasel” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 106. So, gather around, ladies If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Jadi, berkumpullah kemari, nona-nona.”, but here it is translated as “Berkumpullah kemari, nona-nona”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “so” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 113. Come on. Here you go If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kemarilah. Disini kau pergi.”, but here it is translated as “Kemarilah. Ini dia.”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The words “go” and “you” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 120. Were starting again. 64 If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Kita sedang mulai lagi.”, but here it is translated as “Kita mulai lagi.”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “are” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. 121. Stop doing that. If the subtitle is literally translated, it will be translated as “Hentikan kelakuanmu itu”, but here it is translated as “Hentikan kelakuanmu.”, which can give same situation between SL and TL. The word “that” in this term carry less semantic meaning; therefore, it can be deleted without changing the information to the audience. Transcription

There is no found any data related to the transcription strategy of translation. Dislocation

There is no found any data related to the dislocation strategy of translation. Resignation

The research does not find any data related to the dislocation strategy of translation.

4.2. Findings

65 Based on the analysis of the strategies of translation into Indonesian in “Maleficent” movie, there are 7 strategies occured by using Gottlieb theory in Gottlieb’s subtitling strategies 1994: 294.The most dominant strategy is expansion with 35 26.31 occurences, then condensation with 33 24.8 occurrences, transfer with 28 21.05 occurences, deletion with 14 10.52 occurrences, paraphrase with 12 9.02 occurences, imitation with 9 6.7 occurrances, and decimation with 2 1.5 occurences. The calculation of the findings percentage can be seen below: No Strategies of Translation Total Percentage 1 Expansion 35 29.32 2 Condensation 33 25.56 3 Transfer 28 23.3 4 Deletion 14 11.3 5 Paraphrase 12 9.02 6 Imitation 9 6.7 7 Decimation 2 1.5 Total 133 100 CHAPTER V 66 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1. Conclusion