Techniques of Collecting Data Method of Presenting Data

38 this research, I collected and analyzed the data by myself, so understanding method and theory of the research are needed in order to get the validity of the data and research.

3.4 Techniques of Collecting Data

In gathering the data, the researcher can use some methods, such as observation, interview, and document. Catherine Marshall in Sugiyono 1995:226 stated that The fundamental methods relied on by qualitative researchers for gathering information are, participation in the setting, direct observation, in depth interviewing, and document review In gathering the data, I used observation and interview method Sugiyono: 2012, Sudaryanto:1993. In observing, I used some techniques, such as non- participant observation technique and recording technique Sudaryanto, 1993. While I was observing the class situation, students‟, and teacher‟s activity, I also recorded the t eacher‟s utterance when she was conducting the teaching learning activity. I did the same thing for all classes. The classes are tenth Pemasaran 2 X PM1, tenth Pemasaran 2 XPM2, tenth Pemasaran 3 XPM3, and tenth Kewirausahaan XKWU. For the second method, I used unstructured interview method to gather the data from the teacher. After recording the teacher‟s utterance for all classes, I interviewed the teacher. I asked some questions related to the objective of the research. Before interviewing the teacher, I had prepared some points that would be asked. I also used recording technique in gathering the result of interview. After gathering all the data teacher‟s utterance in the classroom and the teacher‟s interview, I made the transcript of the data orthographically. 39

3.5. Method of Presenting Data

In displaying data, the researcher can use informal orand formal method. Informal method means the analysis of data will be elaborated in natural words, but formal method will used sign or symbol to display the data Sudaryanto, 1993:145. The analysis results of this research were displayed by using informal method. It means the phenomenon of code switching done by the non-native English teacher was elaborated by using natural words. 3.6.Data Analysis Data analysis is done to find out the information about the phenomenon therefore the data analysis is an important part of the research. At this point, the research finally can solve the problem that makes herhim curious, or can prove the hypothesis of the research. Levine 1996 supported it. He stated that: Data analysis is a body of methods that help to describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations, and test hypothesis. It is used in all the sciences. It is used in business, in administration, and in policy. Levine,1996 The analyses of this research are included the types, functions, and factors of code switching. Therefore, I used referential identity method to find out the type, function, and factors of code switching. In analyzing the data of this research, I did three steps: organizing the data, classifying the data, and interpreting the data. 1 Organizing the data 40 This is the first step in analyzing the data. After collecting the record files as my data, I transcribed the data one by one. There are four records of the teacher‟s utterance during class activities and one record of the result of the teacher‟s interview. After transcribing the audio file, I gave a sign to the code switching done by the teacher. 2 Classifying the data The second step is classifying the data. After getting the data transcript of teacher‟s code switching during the class activity, I classified the code switching based on the type of code switching mentioned by Holmes 2001. Moreover, I figured out the function of code switching used by the teacher, and the last I found out the factors that influenced the teacher to conduct the code switching during the teaching learning activity. 3 Explaining and interpreting the data The last step is analyzing the data. I gathered the results of observation and interview to get the complete data. Furthermore, I explained them one by one based on the research problems. First, I explained the type of code switching by the teacher. Second, the function of code switching was also elaborated. The third, interpreting the data is to know the factors that force the teacher to switch her code. 41


In this chapter, results and discussion are presented in a separate section. The results section consists of three part sections: types of code switching, functions of code switching, and factors of code switching. The last section is discussion.

4.1. Result