Scope of the Research Definition of Key terms Writing Organization

17 can give some advantages in the language teaching. Code switching from English to Indonesia can help the students understand the concept of some materials such as the concept of genre text. Moreover, code switching also helps the teacher to create an enjoyable situation during the teaching learning process because the students can listen some jokes from the teacher, 2This research can give other researchers a reference to conduct further research on code switching especially in the teaching learning activity.

1.5. Scope of the Research

This research studied the phenomenon of code switching done by non-native English teacher in SMK Negeri 1 Jombang. The research was done in tenth grade of marketing department. I analyzed the teacher‟s utterances during teaching learning activity in four classes of marketing department. The teacher‟s utterances were analy zed based on Holmes‟ and Wardaugh‟s theory 2001. The theory covers type of code switching tag switching, situational switching, and metaphorical switching and the reason of conducting code switching.

1.6. Definition of Key terms

1 Code Code refers to language, a variety of language, dialect, and mixed form Fought, 2006:219 2 Code switching An activity done when someone switches from one code to another Holmes, 2001 18

1.7. Writing Organization

This study consists of five chapters. In order to help the readers in comprehending the study, this research is systematized as follows: Chapter one is Introduction. It consists of the research background, the research questions, the research objective, the scope of the research, significance of the research, the definition of key terms, and writing organization. In general, this chapter provides the framework or the ground thinking of this study to bridge the following chapters. Chapter two provides the review of related literature. It consists of previous study and theoretical framework. All of them will serve the fundamental reference in conducting and analyzing the study. Chapter three is research method. It elaborates of research design, data and source data, research instrument, technique of collecting data, method of presenting data, and data analysis. Chapter four is finding and discussion. It elaborates the data analysis and the result of the research. It covers the explanation of the types, functions, and factors of code switching. Chapter five provides conclusion. It displays the summary of the research. It also provides some suggestions, and implication of conducting this research 19 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter is divided into two main sections: previous studies and theoretical framework. The first section deals with study related to the chosen topics code switching. The second section concerns the theories related to code switching.

2.1 Previous Study