Foreign Language Theoretical Framework

34 the time to [consider] the use of cross lingual strategy”. The cross lingual strategy means that the teacher uses both the first language and target language. Jingxia 2001 and Tabaku 2014 conducted some research projects of teacher‟s attitude to code switching. In EFL class, most of the teachers have a positive attitude to code switching. The teacher who has a positive attitude to code switching will be aware of the process of code switching. Jendra 2010:111 stated that goodpositive attitude toward the target language will give more positive result in learning. In contrast, negative view to the language being learned will be more likely to give negative result in the study.

2.2.6 Foreign Language

Richards and Schmidt 2002:206 define a foreign language as a language that is not the native language of large number of people in a particular country of region. It is not used as medium of instruction in schools and is not widely used as a medium of communication in government, media, etc. Moreover, they sated that foreign languages are typically taught as school subject for communicating with foreigners or for reading printed material in the language. Studying a foreign language is a key to understanding and communicating with the people of a foreign culture. Many countries such China, Korea, and Japan frame education policies to teach at least one foreign language at the schools. There are a thousand languages outside, but there are some languages called international language such as English , Arabian, and Mandarin. It means most of people in this world used the languages as international communication 35 device. The uses of those languages in international interaction are commonly in areas such as trade, tourism, international relations, technology, media, and science. However, most people in this world prefer using English than other international languages such as Arabian and Mandarin. Indonesian has lot of languages. However, the big classifications of the language are national language and local language. It means the languages outside Indonesia‟s national language and local language are called foreign language. Similar to other countries, the government of education policy in Indonesia gets Indonesian students to study at least one foreign language at schools. The language is English. Therefore, Indonesian Students since elementary level until university level must study English. 36 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD This chapter concerned with methodological activities covering research design, data and data collection, research instrument, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

Qualitative is the design of this research. Sukmadinata 2012:60 stated that qualitative research is a research design that used to describe and analyze the phenomena, events, social activity, attitude, belief, perception, and human thought. Furthermore, Meriam 1988 in Creswell 1994:145 also stated, “qualitative research is descriptive in that the researcher is interested in process, meaning, and understanding gained through words and pictures.”. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative. In this research, I described and explored the phenomenon of code switching done by non-native English teacher. Furthermore, I am the main instrument of the research. It means I plan, gather, analyze, and report the data in the field to explain the phenomenon of code switching.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

The data were taken from English class in SMK Negeri 1 Jombang. The data are the teacher‟s utterance when she conducts code switching in teaching learning activity. The respondent of this research is one of the English teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Jombang. Actually, there are five teachers in SMKN 1 Jombang, but I