Tag Switching Types of Code Switching

51 categorized as intra-sentential switching because Javanese word inserted within a sentence in a base language. Indonesian is the base language of the utterance. In the utterance above, the teacher was talking about cheating. The teacher gave the rule not to cheat in the pretest because the teacher wants to know the real ability of each student and does not want to collect the student‟s English score in finishing the pre-test. Example 4.10 gak perlu Kulak‟an gak perlu Lirik-lirik gak perlu Not need wholesale not need Pierce not nedd diskusi dicussion You don‟t‟ need to cheat, don‟t need pierce, don‟t need any discussion. The data from tenth grade: X KWU In above data, the teacher used two codes, Indonesian and Javanese. The teacher switched her code from Indonesian to Javanese. The teacher forbade the students to cheat during the pre test. She elaborated some forbidden activity during the test. The categorization of the switching in the data above is intra- sentential switching, because the Javanese word “ngerpek” occurs within an Indonesian sentence. Indonesian is used as the matrix language, and Javanese is embedded language, because the use of Indonesian is more dominant than English. Tag Switching

52 The third type of code switching is tag switching. Based on Holmes 2001, tag switching will occur if the speakers use interjections, tag or sentence filler of different languages to signal the speakers‟ ethnic identity and solidarity with the addressee. The use of interjections, tag, or sentence filler shows their shared ethnic background in order to smooth the future relationship. In the data below, there are some examples of teacher‟s utterance included in tag switching done by the teacher in X PM1 during the teaching learning activity. Example 4.11 Mbok Pakek Bahasa Inggris Bikin berapa teman-teman Mbok Use Language English make how many Friends Mbok use English, how many we have to make, guys? The data from tenth grade: XPM1 The recording was conducted in English class while the non-native English teacher was teaching in the classroom. Although it is an English class, the teacher used other code while she was speaking. She used Javanese and Indonesian. Javanese word was presented in underline form, and then Indonesian words were written in italics. Javanese is known as local language of people who live in Jombang. For my respondent, Javanese is her second language the teacher does not master Javanese well. In the utterance above, the speaker switched from Javanese to Indonesian. Although the speaker is not the native speaker of Javanese, the speaker understands some Javanese words. In the utterance above, the speaker only applied the Javanese filler mbok in her whole utterance conducted in Indonesian in order to share their ethnic background with the students for the good relationship in the future, so it is called tag switching. The 53 teacher did it to make the teaching learning activity can run well. The teacher used “mbok” which is known as Javanese filler to make the students consider her as the part of them as Javanese community, therefore, the teacher can be closer to the students personally. Example 4.12 Mbok Kamu Ambil kursi Toh Mbok You Take chair Toh Mbok you take a chair toh. The data from tenth grade: XPM 1 The teacher was managing the class when she spoke the sentence above. The speaker uses both Indonesian and Javanese. Indonesian words were presented in underlined form, and then Javanese words were written in italics. “mbok” is Javanese filler and “toh” is Javanese tag. In the data above, the teacher switched from Javanese to Indonesian. The speaker only applied the Javanese filler mbok and Javanese tag “toh” in her whole utterance conducted in Indonesian in order to share their ethnic background for the good relationship in the future, so it is called tag switching. The teacher used “mbok” and “toh” which is to make the students consider her as the part of them as Javanese community, therefore, the teacher can be closer to the students personally. Thus, the teaching learning activity can run well. Example 4.13 Pukul 10:21 sekarang karena gak berbunyi semua orang kecelek At 10:21 Now because not Sound all people got lied At 10:21 now, because the bell did not ring, all people is got lied 54 The data from tenth grade: XPM3 In the example above, the teacher switched her code from Indonesian to Javanese. “Pukul 10:21 sekarang karena gak berbunyi semua orang” is Indonesian, then “kecelek” is Javanese. The data above is identified as tag switching because the speaker uses Javanese word to show ethnic identity marker. Although in the reality she is not a part of Javanese community, she still uses Javanese once or twice when she was teaching because her students are Javanese. She used Javanese word “kecelek” to show the solidarity to the student. The switching from Indonesian to English to make the students consider her as the part of them as Javanese community, therefore, the teacher can be closer to the students personally. Thus, the teaching learning activity can run well. Situational switching