Factors of Conducting Code Switching

78 English to Indonesian because she wanted to emphasize that the time to finish the test was almost over. The students have to finish the test soon so both teacher and students could check it together.

4.1.3 Factors of Conducting Code Switching

Some researchers Jingxia: 2010, Duff and Polio: 1990, Tabaku: 2014 had conducted the analysis of code switching in the classroom discourse. They have tested some factors that trigger code switching in the classroom. They mentioned nine factors; 1 English teacher proficiency, 2 English students proficiency, 3 the difference between English and Chinese, 4 department policy on target language, 5 pedagogical material, and 6 lesson content 7 the objective of learning, 8 the attitude toward code switching, 9 situational factors. After analyzing the data the transcript of teacher ‟s utterance, and the teacher‟s interview and observing the class activity, I found that there are four factors in code switching done by the non-native English teacher in SMKN 1 Jombang. The factors are 1 students‟ proficiency, 2 attitude to code switching, 3 the difference between English and Indonesian, and the objective of learning. Each factor will be explained in detail below. 1 Student proficiency In a class with less ability in English, the teacher cannot speak English all the time because of the students‟ ability. The students in marketing department in SMKN 1 79 Jombang have low ability in English. That is why code switching is needed by the teacher in conducting the teaching learning activity. Among the classes observed, the students in X PM 1 have the highest ability. The students in X PM 1 often participated actively during the teaching learning process. When the teacher gave a question to the students, they could answer it. In this classroom, some of the students are also brave to ask some questions to the teacher when they did not understand the material given. Moreover, when the teacher gave the instruction in English to the students in X PM 1, most of the students could react and do what the teacher instructed to them quickly because they u nderstand the teacher‟s utterance. However, the students in other classes show different reaction. The students in other classes X PM2, X PM 3, and X KWU had less participation during the teaching learning activity. Most of the students are also silent or do not give reaction to the teacher‟s question. Moreover, when the teacher instruct by using English, some students did not react fast because they did not understand the teacher‟s utterance. Thus, in case of the students‟ activity in the classroom the students in X PM 1 have the most ability then the students in the other classes. The result of observation is also similar to the result of interview with the teacher. Below is the interview result with the teacher. The reseacher : dari ke 4 kelas yang saya observasi, menurut ibu mana kelas yang kemampuannya paling bagus? The teacher : gradenya lumayan rata, paling hanya misalnya di kelas kwu bahasa inggrisnya tidak terlalu. sri anak ini menonjol sekali bahasa inggrisnya tapi terlalu jauh dengan anak-anak lainnya. Ya kalau dibilang kelas mana yang paling menonjol, ya kelas pm 1. Kemampuannya lebih bagus, dan 80 dari pada kelas lainnya mereka lebih tanggap kalau saya beri instruksi, ya intruksi dalam bahasa Inggris, misalnya untuk membuat kelompok. Siswa juga lebih aktif kalau di dalam kelas. Sedangkan kelas lainnya agak kurang tanggap. Hmmm anak PM 1 itu juga kebanykan bisa jawab soal yang saya kasih. Ya begitu lah The teacher implied that the students in X PM 1 have the highest ability than the other classes. It is shown by the student‟s participation, the student reaction to the teacher instruction, and their understanding in English material. The students‟ proficiency affects the application of code switching in the classroom. The teacher did more code switching in X PM1 than in the other classes. The analysis focused on the intra and inter-sentential switching when the teacher switched from English to Indonesian vice versa because both code directly relates to the English teaching learning activity. The teacher did 32 codes switching in X PM1. The number of code switching is the most among the classes observed. The highest ability of students in X PM1 influences the numbers of code switching done by the teacher. Since Indonesian is the matrix language of the whole teacher‟ utterance, the teacher did more code switching in the class where the students have a good ability in English. It means the teacher spoke more sentences and words in English because. In conclusion, the student‟s proficiency influence the teacher‟s code switching. 2 Teacher’s Attitude Attitude is the way of thinking and behaving. Furthermore, attitude to code switch ing can be described as people‟s reaction though and behavior to the application of code switching. In this research, the respondent as the 81 representation of non-native English teacher has a goodpositive attitude to code switching. It means the teacher allows the use of two languages or more Indonesian and English in the English class. The respondent of this research shows a good attitude of code switching with the evidence that elaborated below. ok bagi satu orang satu, sebelah sana, itu udah tuh, boleh dibagi dengan temannya. Ok now, you have a text then make five questions, without the answer . tanpa jawaban. You just make the question, five questions. Then after that I am going to give you twenty or thirty minutes to make the question , dua puluh atau tiga puluh menit untuk membuat petanyaan, lima saja. You need your dictionary, and after that I am going to give you five questions to other group , kamu akan memberika the questions to other group. And then get a question from another group . Kalian dapat dari kelompok lain. Get my point ? Paham tidak teman-teman? X PM 3 “Coba no berapa saja, itu sakjane pertanyaane ngene enak.” X PM 1 In the table above, the teacher used three languages when she taught English in the classroom. The teachers applied both English and Indonesia in the data from X PM 3, and both Javanese and Indonesia are found in the data from X PM 1. The teacher allowed the use of L1L2 in the classroom it means the teacher has a good attitude to code switching. The use of L1L2 is important during the teaching learning activity. It is proven by the interview result with the teacher. Researcher : alih kode dalam pembelajaran, menurut ibu penting gak sih? Bu umi : penting, karena belajar bahasa pada dasarnya belajar budaya dan kebiasaan. Dan ketika tidak dijelaskan dalam bahasa asal, khawatir pemahamannya menjadi pemahaman yang kaku dalam bahasa itu. Bahasa itu kan sebenarnya berkaitan dengan rasa, dengan apa yang kita pahami dengan kata-kata itu, jadi tidak bisa kita mengajar anak-anak terutama tanpa adanya switching itu. 82 The interview result above implied that to make the students understand English material well, the use of code switching is needed. Not only Indonesian but also Javanese is also used to smooth the teaching learning activity. Javanese is needed not only to show solidarity relationship to the students Javanese but also to give the comparison word that cannot be got in Indonesian. The positive attitude of teacher to code switching is important. Each non- native English teacher should have a positive attitude to code switching. Like the respondent of this research and as the representation of non-English teacher, she has a positive attitude to code switching. Thus, the teacher can switch her code wisely. It means the teacher did code switching on purpose. Based on the previous result, she did code switching for making a humor, showing feeling, showing solidarity, translating some words, giving advice, giving explanation, managing the class, and emphasizing some point. The function of code switching above can help to create an effective teaching learning activity. Furthermore, the positive attitude to target language is also important. Even there are many advantages of switching from English to Indonesian but the position of English as the subject of the material is also important. Thus, in teaching learning activity, the teacher tried to speak English as much as possible in order to make the student familiar with English sentences or words. Even the students have a bad ability in English, the teacher tried to present her instruction in English. This is the example: make five questions based on the text. Think about the questions then after that we are going to give your questions to another group. From first group is going to give their question to the second group, get my point? Then the third group is going to give the questions to the fourth 83 group, and fifth one is going to give the question to the six one. Begitu seterusnya. Seven and eight, nine and ten, eleven back to one. Ya, gitu. berapa lama? How long does it take you to make that questions. Berapa lama kalian butuh untuk bikin five question? English is presented in bold, and Indonesian is written in italics. In data above, the teacher instructed the students to make five questions based on the text given. After making five questions, the students from one group gives the questions to another group. Actually, the teacher can give the instruction in Indonesian, but she keeps using English. In this point, the teacher did it in English to familiarize students with the English words. Based on my observation, I found that few students did not understand the teacher‟s instruction the instruction is to make a group discussion that consists of three students. They just looked and listened to the teacher‟s instruction, but they did not do anything. In this moment, the teacher did not directly change her instruction from English to Indonesian, but she still tried to give the instruction in English while she was using her body movement to show what the teacher‟ meaning. Based on the observation, sometimes it works. It means that the students can understand the teacher‟s instruction. Thus, positive attitude to target language force the teacher use more English to instruct the students to do something since English is applied as instructional language. The data analysis shows that when the teacher spoke English, the teacher always switches her code. In summary, positive attitude to code switching encourage the occurrence of code switching done by non-native English teacher in SMKN 1 Jombang. 84 The respondent have positive attitude so it is followed by positive action during the teaching learning activity. Similar to Jendra‟s statement 2010, 112, he said, “…positive language attitude is followed with positive action, whereas a negative language attitude is followed with negative ones.” By trying to use English as much as possible, to repeat her English instruction many times, and to use body movement shows that the teacher have a good attitude to the target language, and thus the teacher‟s action give many benefits to the students. In other words, the positive attitude to code switching and English target language are essential thing in teaching learning activity, it influences the implementation of code switching in the English classroom. 3 The Difference between English and Indonesian English and Indonesian are different because each language has each own characteristic. One language cannot be better than other languages Boas in Sampson, 2007:59-60. Similar to Jingxia, I also found that the difference between foreign language and L1L2 influence the application of code switching in the classroom. Reseracher :… pola antara bahasa Indonesian dan Inggris kan beda. Apa itu berpengaruh sama pemakaian alih bahasa dari Inggris ke Indonesia? Respondent :ya berpengaruh, misalnya kalau dalam bahasa Inggris kan kita mau bilang mobil baru, maka susunan katanya kan harus dibalik.“mobil baru” bukan “car new” tapi “new car”. Konsep seperti ini susah dipahami oleh siswa. Dalam bahasa inggris juga ada tenses, di bahasa Indonesia kan gak ada. Konsep-konsep bahasa inggris seperti itu perlu dijelaskan,. Dijelaskan pakek bahasa Indonesia aja mereka banyak yang 85 masih bingung, gimana kalau pakek bahasa inggris. The teacher‟s answer during interview section implies that code switching to Indonesian is required since English has many different concepts from Indonesian. The form of noun phrase and tenses are the examples. Although curriculum 2013 is reading oriented, grammar material such as noun phrase and tenses are still given to the students. In explaining the grammar, Indonesian is used as the language connector to explain the material. The use of Indonesian to explain the concept of grammar make the students can achieve the material easily than the use of English. In summary, the differences between English and Indonesian encourage the teacher to switch her code during the class activity. It aims to make the students able to understand the material well. 4 The Objective of Learning The objective of English teaching learning done by the teacher in SMKN 1 Jombang is to enhance the students‟ ability in English. It means that the teacher can help the student to understand the material and to enhance their English skill. Since curriculum 2013 was applied by the teacher, the teaching learning activity is text based learning. In this point, the student learnt more text. This is the result of interview with the teacher. The teacher : kalau dulu masih belum berubah kurikulum 2013 fokus saya adalah anak-anak bisa mengerti orang ngomong apa itu minimal, kemudian kalau mereka bisa merespon itu bagus, jadi mereka sudah bisa merespon. Itu ketika belum masuk kurikululm 13. Dan ketika masuk kurikulum 13, kan reading oriented kan 86 jadi anak-anak itu harus bisa ngerti bacaan ini isinya apa.. In the data above, the teacher said that the objectives of teaching learning activity before and after applying 2013 curriculum are different. Before applying 2013 curriculum, the teacher taught some English expression. Then, after applying 2013 curriculum, the teacher taught genre of text such as descriptive text, narrative text, recount text, discussion text, explanation text, etc. In teaching English expression, the objective of the teaching learning is to make the students familiarize with the English expression. The objective of learning before applying 2013 curriculum relates to the students‟ skill in speaking and listening. However, if the material is about the genre of text, the objective of learning is to make the students understand well the concept of genre text. It covers the communicative purpose of the text, the generic structure of the text, and generic feature of the text. The objective of learning in 2013 relates to the students‟ skill in reading and writing. Then, the skill reading and writing are more complex than skill in speaking and listening. Thus, the different objective of the teaching learning affects the teacher‟s way in teaching English. Since genre texts are difficult material for students, Indonesian is needed in conducting the teaching learning activity. The teacher does more code switching from English to Indonesian in order to help student understand the concept of genre text. The following example showed that the teacher switched from English to Indonesian for explaining the generic structure of descriptive text. Example 4.37 87 So each descriptive Text There is always identification So each descriptive Text There is always identification misalnya Parang tritis beach bla bla bla itu merupakan Such as Parang tritis beach Bla bla bla that is Identification Kemudian Di kalimat berikutnya itu tentang Identification Then In sentence following that about apa? tentang apa? Lokasi all right all the things in what? about what? location All right all the things in Parang tritis we call description Penjelasannya panjang Parang tritis we call description the explanation long Kali lebar Dari Rute pemandanganya ombaknya multiply wide From Route the scenery the wave Dan sebagainya And etcetera so each descriptive text there is always identification, for example parang tritis beach bla bla bla. That is identification. Then, in the following sentence is about what? About what? Location. All right, all the things in parang tritis we call description. The explanation is large. It starts from the rute, scenary, the wave and etcetera. The data from tenth grade: XPM 1 The data above showed that the teacher switched from English to Indonesian when she tried to explain identification the part of generic structure in the descriptive text. English is used to begin her explanation. She directs the students to know the concept of descriptive text. However, when the teacher built the concept of identification, Indonesian is needed. She used Indonesian to show what part of the sentence included in identification. English was switched to Indonesian to make the student understand the concept of identification. 88

4.2 Discussion

The result of this research shows the fact of sociolinguistic in the English classroom. The English teacher is bimultilingual, so the code switching during the teaching learning activity is inevitable. In classroom discourse, the teacher has a bigger power than the students do, so she can switch her code as much as she wants. Since it is included in classroom discourse, the code switching is limit. It means the reason of code switching is not as complex as when code switching happens outside the classroom discourse. The reasons of code switching in classroom discourse always relate and influence the process of teaching learning. Jingxia 2010 found that the English teacher in China did code switching. She explained that English in Chinese classroom discourse was used as the matrix language and Chinese as the embedded language. It means that the frequency of English in teaching learning process is more than the frequency of Chinese. However, in my research, the position of English is the embedded language, and Indonesian is the matrix language. It happened because both Jingxia and I conducted the research in different level. Jingxia did the research in University level, and I did the research in Junior high school level. Students in University level have a higher English ability than in senior high school level, so English cannot be used dominantly by my respondent. In Chinese context, Jingxia also found that the teacher only use two codes, English and Chinese. Nonetheless, in Indonesian context I found the teacher used three languages, English, Indonesian,