Function of Code Switching Factors of Conducting Code switching

31 Based on grammatical classification, Wardaugh 2006:101 classified code switching into inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. Inter- sentential switching happens when the switching occurs between sentences. Moreover, intra-sentential switching happens when the switching occurs within a single sentence. For this research, I used the theories from Holmes and Wardaugh. The types of switching are based on grammatical and contextual classification. Function of Code Switching

Bilingual speakers often switch their code when they are communicating. Holmes 2001:43 classified the reason of code switching into the change of domain feature of social situation, and aspect of the interaction purpose. Holmes 2001:43 mentioned ten functions of code switching done by people in daily communication. The functions are to address specification, to show ethnic identity marker, express solidarity, to express social distance, to assert social status, to express ethnic identity marker, to quote someone, to proverb, to add emphasis, to add authority, and to express feeling. In addition, Hoffman 1991:116 classified the function of code switching into five items: talking about particular topic, quoting someone else, showing emphatic, inserting sentence filler, and clarifying repetition. Some researchers such as Macaro:2001, Edstrom:2006, Turnbull and Arnett:2002 that interested in classroom discourse classified the function of teacher‟s code switching into three categories.: code switching for curriculum access, code switching for classroom management discourse, and code switching for interpersonal relations. 32 Factors of Conducting Code switching

Some researchers such as Jingxia:2010, Duff and Polio:1990, Tabaku:2014 also analyzed the classroom discourse. From the research, they found that there were some factors, which influence their respondents to switch the code. Duff and Polio 1990 found four factors: differences between the languages, teaching materials, lesson contents and objectives, and department policy on the target language TL use. Furthermore, in china context Jingxia 2010 found more than four factors that influence code switching in the classroom discourse. The factors are student‟s English proficiency, teacher‟s English proficiency, the difference between Chinese and English, department policy on target language use, pedagogical material, lesson content and objective, attitude toward code-switching, traditional method, and situational factors. The last researcher is Tabaku 2014. In Albanian context, he found that there are seven factors of conducting code switching done by the teacher in the classroom. The factors consist of the teacher‟s foreign language proficiency, students‟ proficiency, the method used, teaching activity conducted, class size, lesson content, and learning objective.

2.2.5 Attitude to Code Switching