Intra-sentential Switching Types of Code Switching

47 utters one sentence in Indonesian and it is followed by one sentence in English. The switching occurs after a sentence from different language. The teacher said, “ok guys jangan pindah dulu, sebentar dulu jangan pindah dulu, iya perhatikan ke sini” to get the students attention. When most students had paid attention, the teacher switched her code to English to discuss the assignment. Intra-sentential Switching

Intra-sentential switching is the second type of code switching done by the teacher. Intra-sentential switching is switching when the switching occurs within a single sentence Wardaugh, 2006:101. In this research, 50 data is categorized as inter-sentential switching. The teacher switched her code from English to Indonesian vice versa. The detail explanation of intra-sentential switching elaborated below: 1 English to Indonesian The teacher did intra-sentential switching 12 times. The teacher switched from English to Indonesian. The examples of intra-sentential switching were taken from X PM 3. Example 4.5 Do Your self What you need Just do It begitu Do Your self What you need Just do It like that Do your self what you need then just do it, like that. The data from tenth grade: X PM3 In the data above, the teacher used both English and Indonesian. The teacher switched from English to Indonesian. English is written in bold, and 48 Indonesian is written in italics. This data is identified as intra-sentential switching since the speaker uses an Indonesian word “begitu” within a single sentence in English. Indonesian is used as the primary language, and English is employed as the secondary language. In the data above, the teacher used the word “begitu” to emphasize her utterance. Example 4.6 Make A group of three Ya make A group of three Make A group of three Ok make A group of three On five hitungan lima On five Count five Make a group of three, ok make a group of three on five, on five The data from tenth grade: X PM3 The above data is categorized as intra-sentential switching because the speaker uses three English words “ya, hitungan, and lima” within a single sentence in Indonesian. Indonesian is used as matrix language and English is used as embedded language. It means that Indonesian is employed as the frame of the utterance, and English is used as the additional language. In the data above, the teacher ordered the students to create a group discussion that consists of three students in each group. 2 Indonesian to English The teacher did intra-sentential switching 34 times. The teacher switched from Indonesian to English. The example of intra-sentential switching was taken from X KWU and X PM2. Example 4.7 49 Hanya Ada empat Soal Multiple choice dan Only There are four question Multiple choice And tiga Soal essay gak perlu nyontek Gak perlu three Question essay not need cheat Not need menjadi pejuang contekan kerjakan Sendiri ya Gak Become fighter cheating Do Your self ok not usah Jadi pejuang Contekan need become fighter Cheating There are only four multiple-choice questions, and three essay question, you do not need to cheat, don‟t need to be cheating fighter, do by your selves, you don‟t need to be a cheating fighter. The data from tenth grade: X KWU The above data shows that the teacher uses two languages in her switching, English and Indonesian. English is written in bold, and Indonesian is written in italics. Indonesian is used as matrix language and English is used as embedded language. It means that Indonesian is employed as the frame of the utterance, and English is used as the additional language. In the data above, the teacher reminded the students not to cheat during the pre test. The data above is included in intra-sentential switching because the code switching occurs within a single sentence. The teacher spoke some English words within one sentence in Indonesian. Example 4.8 Saya akan memberikan one Example di bahasa Indonesia I will Give one Example in language Indonesian I will give one example in Indonesian The data from tenth grade: X PM2 50 In the data above, the teacher switched from Indonesian to English. Indonesian is written in bold, and English is written in italics. Intra-sentential switching is the categorization of the switching done by the teacher because the teacher utters English word within a sentence in a base language. In this data, Indonesian is the matrix language and English is embedded language. It means that English is used as the frame of language and Indonesian is the additional language. The teacher used one English word “one example” within one Indonesian sentence. 3 Indonesian to Javanese The teacher did intra-sentential switching 14 times. The teacher switched from Indonesian to Javanese. The example of intra-sentential switching was taken from X PM3 and X KWU. Example 4.9 25 Menit Dari sekarang Gak perlu Ngerpek gak Twenty five minutes From now Not need Cheat not akan saya Masukkan penilaian will I enter assessment Twenty five minutes from now, you don‟t‟ need to cheat, I will not input to the assessment. The data from tenth grade: X PM3 In the data above, the teacher did code switching in form of intra-sentential switching. The teacher switched from Indonesian to Javanese. Indonesian is written in italics and Javanese is written in underlined form. This switching is 51 categorized as intra-sentential switching because Javanese word inserted within a sentence in a base language. Indonesian is the base language of the utterance. In the utterance above, the teacher was talking about cheating. The teacher gave the rule not to cheat in the pretest because the teacher wants to know the real ability of each student and does not want to collect the student‟s English score in finishing the pre-test. Example 4.10 gak perlu Kulak‟an gak perlu Lirik-lirik gak perlu Not need wholesale not need Pierce not nedd diskusi dicussion You don‟t‟ need to cheat, don‟t need pierce, don‟t need any discussion. The data from tenth grade: X KWU In above data, the teacher used two codes, Indonesian and Javanese. The teacher switched her code from Indonesian to Javanese. The teacher forbade the students to cheat during the pre test. She elaborated some forbidden activity during the test. The categorization of the switching in the data above is intra- sentential switching, because the Javanese word “ngerpek” occurs within an Indonesian sentence. Indonesian is used as the matrix language, and Javanese is embedded language, because the use of Indonesian is more dominant than English. Tag Switching