Identification of the Problem


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, some factors that contributed to the low performance of students‟ writing fluency could be identified; they were coming from the teacher, the students themselves, and the technique used to teach writing in the classroom. First, the teacher herself did not really motivate the students during the teaching and learning process. She also often provided long texts with comprehension questions related to the text and then the students had to answer that. Moreover, the teacher gave the simple past tense exercises by putting the correct verbs into sentences but they were not taught how to write sentences. Those activities made the students get bored and in the end, they did not listen to the teacher; they talked to their friends even they played with their gadgets. The teacher did not provide innovative and fun activities during the lesson. Second, the students did not have high motivation during the teaching and learning process. Most of them got frightened when English lesson was coming. The big contribution were on the mastery of vocabulay and grammar rules. Most of them did not know the meaning of English words and got confused when they were asked to make sentences and even paragraphs. They could not dfferentiate which one could be the subject; which one could be the verb and which one could be the object. Other problems appeared when dealing with writing such as developing ideas, organizing the texts, choosing the appropriate words, and putting the correct punctuation. Moreover, getting an idea was one of the difficult things to do for them. They got confused about 6 what to write. In organizing the texts, they did not make introduction or they just made the introduction and very limited events there. They were just able to make simple sentences and repeated the same words in their stories. The students‟ vocabulary mastery was also very low, thus they found it difficult in choosing the right words for their sentences. The last was punctuation. Lots of the students were indecent to pay attention to it and to spelling as well. Third, the technique used in the classroom was almost the same from time to time. The teacher did not use any new innovative techniques in her teaching and learning processes. This caused the students to easily get bored with the activities done in the classroom. As the result, their writing products were not satisfying yet. In reference to the explanation given above, this particular research was conducted to improve students‟ ability in writing skills especially writing fluency of the class X-C students of SMA N 5 Magelang by the use of dialogue journal. It was expected to make some changes that could give benefits on the students‟ writing skill to achieve the target in the teaching and learning process.

C. Delimitation of the Problem