Conclusion Standard Competence Basic Competence

46 Ur, Penny. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory.New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Urquhart and McIver. Teaching Writing in the Content Areas. Virginia: McREL, 2005. Wright, Andrew. Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1982 Yunita, D. Sari Widarti et al. The Use of Real Picture Series in Teaching Recount Text Writing. 2014. Zemach, Dorothy E. and Carlos Islam. Writing in Paragraph. England: MacMillan, 2006. Appendix 1 SYLLABUS Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen 6.1. Mengung- kapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan mengguna- kan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinterak- si dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount 1. Teks rumpang berbentuk - descriptive - recount 2. Tata bahasa Kalimat sederhana - Simpel present tense - Simpel past tense - past cont tense 3. Kosa kata - kata terkait tema dan jenis teks - kata penghubung and, then, after that, before dsb 4. Tanda Baca, Spelling 1. Review ungkapan- ungkapan yang terkait jenis teks descriptive dan recount. 2. Menulis kalimat yang berdasarkan yang terkait jenis teks descriptive dan recount gambar realia. 3. Melengkapi rumpang dalam teks descriptif dan recount dengan kata yang tepat. 4. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks descriptif dan recount yang terpadu.

5. Membuat

draft teks descriptive dan recount secara mandiri. 6. Mengekspos teks descriptive dan recount yang ditulis di kelas. 1. Meleng- kapi rumpang teks essai pendek berbentuk descript- tive 2. Menyusun kalimat menjadi teks yang bermakna dalam bentuk descri- ptive dan recount. 3. Menulis teks essai dalam bentuk Descriptive dan recount . Tes tulis Tes tulis Tes tulis 1. Completion 2. Jumbled sentences 3. Essay 1.Complete the paragraph usingthe suitable words. 2.Rearrange the Following sentences correctly. 3.Write an essay a. describing something or a certain place. b. Telling what you did last Sunday 6 x 45 menit 1. Buku teks yang relevan 2. Gambar terkait temato pik 3. Benda- benda sekitar Appendix 2 LESSON PLAN MEETING I School : SMP Nusantara Plus Subject : English Grade Semester : VIII 1 Skills : Writing Topic : Recount Text Time Allocation : 2 x 40 Minutes

A. Standard Competence

6. Express the meaning of simple short functional text in form of descriptive and recount text to interact in daily context.

B. Basic Competence

6.1 Express the meaning of simple short functional text by using accurate, fluent, and acceptable ways of writing to interact in daily context. 6.2 Express the meaning and rhetorical step of simple short text by using accurate, fluent, and acceptable ways of writing to interact in daily context in form of descriptive and recount text.

C. Indicator

1. Identify information of recount text. 2. Identify rhetorical step of recount text. 3. Respond the meaning of recount text. 4. Create recount text.

D. Skill


E. The Purpose of Learning

1. The students are able to read loudly short functional text based on correct pronunciation. 2. The students are able to identify the information of recount text. 3. The students are able to respond the meaning of recount text. 4. The students are able to create recount text. Appendix 2 5. The students are able to identify the rhetorical step of recount text.

F. Material of Learning

1. Recount text is to retell an experience activity event in the past. 2. Social function: to retell events for the purpose of informing entertaining to retell past experience for the purpose. 3. Generic structure: a. Orientation : introducing the participant, using first person point of view. b. Events : describing a series of event which happened. c. Re–orientation : starting the writer’s personal note. 4. Language Features: a. Using personal participant he, she, I, Andhika, the cat, the librarian, etc b. Using chronological connectives after, after that, and, then, but c. Using action verb go, help, jump, etc d. Using simple past tense they went…., I was there... e. Conjunction and time connectives and, but, then, after that, after f. Adverb and adverb phrases tomorrow, quickly, yesterday, at home

G. Method

PPP Presentation Practice Produce

H. Stage of Teaching

Steps Activities Time Allocation Pre-Teaching  The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.  The teacher giving the motivation to students.  Teacher gives simple question to make students’ interest and ready to accept the materials. 10 minutes Whilst Teaching a. Exploration  Teacher stimulates students by asking a question about recount text.  Teacher discusses about recount text with 60 minutes Appendix 2 b.Elaboration c. Confirmation students  Teacher gives opoortunities for students to express their ideas or opinion about recount text.  Teacher devides students into some groups  Teacher gives worksheet for the students  The students answer the question based on the text.  The teacher correct students’ worksheet  The teacher gives feedback  The teacher reflects the material about recount text Post-Teaching  The teacher concludes for lesson today  The teacher gives chance the students to ask about the material  The teacher closes the teaching learning process 10 minutes

I. Source

- soal recount text - http:www.sekolahoke.com201102pembahasan-soal-ujian-nasional-sma.html - References: Look a Head, English for a Better Life. English Text in Use

J. Assessment

- Written form: Write a recount text based on the picture below: Appendix 2 STUDENT’S WORKSHEET

I. Read the text and answers the questions

1. What is the type of the text above? 2. What is paragraph that tells orientation? 3. What are paragraph that tell series of event? 4. What is paragraph that tells re- orientation? 5. What is the social function of the text? The Answers: 1. Recount text. 2. The first paragraph. 3. The second, third, and fourth paragraphs. 4. The last paragraph. 5. To give a description of what happened and when it happened. Going to Solo with My Family Last Sunday, I and my family went to Solo to visit a relative. First, I prepared clothes of my husband, and my sons. We went there by car. Then we left home about 7.a.m. We drove along the rough roads of Purwodadi and arrived there 4 hours later. After chatting, praying, and having lunch, we took a rest for a while. Then, at about 2.p.m., we left the city for home. On the way home, we dropped at Gajah Mungkur dam to buy some fresh fish. There were plenty of fish, and the price was reasonable. Next, we continued our way home. We got home at 7.p.m. feeling tired and sleepy.

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