The Kinds of Picture

Pictures as media directly help students in writing by giving them opportunities to produce their text. The opportunities given by pictures in writing are classified by Wright as the following explanation: 17 1. Opportunities to express their opinion. These opportunities are given to students so they can write their ideas from the picture in the range of opinion. For example, if objects in the pictures are jobs, students can express their ideas about the payment of the job whether it is well paid or not, whether it is outdoor or indoor job, and other opinion related to the job. 2. Opportunities to express experience and feelings. Pictures can be used to lure stude nts’ memories about past experiences and their feelings about them. The ideas are obtained by saying what the experience is, their feeling whether it is bad or god, and also the implication for their future after learning from past experience. 3. Opportunities to express speculation and opinions. After seeing objects in pictures, students can make some speculations about the information related to the object. If the object is people, the information can be about age, family background feeling, and other speculation about the people. When a thing is used as an object in the picture, students can speculate about the use of the thing, the price, the belongings, and any other speculations in the range of the picture. A teacher must not have any fixed interpretation of the pictures so that students will have wider opportunities in speculating. 4. Opportunities to express and debate opinions. Since every student may have different opinions toward a picture, teacher can facilitate them to conduct debate to get ideas to write. Every student can enrich each other ideas by conducting debates. 5. Opportunities to dramatize. Picture can show an event. Prediction on what is going to happen after the event, the cause of the event, can be 17 Ibid., pp. 96 –113. dramatized. Every student can be given opportunities to predict it based on their ability to dramatize the event to gather their ideas. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that picture is one of media to give opportunities to the students to reveal or express more than their writing before, picture helps them to recall their past, to think critically, and to bring them to their imagination about the idea of the pictures.

5. Picture Series

Betty Morgan defines a picture sequence as a series of pictures of a single subject. Its function is to tell a story or a sequence of events. 18 It means picture sequence is a kind of picture which presents a chronological order. In this type, it is presented in a series of picture that tells a story in some events. It usually tells experience, legend, or fable story, etc. From this picture series, learners will be easier to understand the meaning of a word, a sentence or event or a paragraph after they saw the picture itself. The definition of picture series above gives a clearly understanding that this picture series is usually used to tell a story by telling the sequence of events that happen in it. It is a series picture tells of one idea of story. According to Wright, he states that picture series consists of cartoon strips and instruction strips. Carton strips and instruction strips are potentially useful. Experience will show the teacher which strips are the most useful. The strips can be kept as they are and used to contextualize a story on description of a process. 19 It means that picture series need to use by the teacher to make students think chronologically on their writing based on which describe of a process. This cartoon strips were the most found in daily life to represent picture sequences. It can be used to contextualize a story, therefore learners can know the sequence of events happen in that story to find out the relation between the picture and the appropriate words to use. 18 Betty Morgan Brown. Look here Visual Aids in Language Teaching, London: Language Teaching Series, 1973, p. 28. 19 Wright, op. cit., p. 201.

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