The Purposes of Recount Text The Types of Recount Text

they can directly see the object or the situation of the material. So, they can remember it much longer from the sight.

2. The Kinds of Picture

According to Andrew Wright, there are 21 kinds of picture based on the form, they are: a. Checkchart for pictures b. Pictures of a single objects c. Pictures of one person d. Pictures of famous people e. Pictures of several people f. Pictures of people in action g. Pictures of places h. Picture from history i. Picture with a lot of information j. Pictures of the news k. Pictures of fantasies l. Pictures of maps and symbols m. Pairs of pictures n. Pictures and texts o. Sequence of picture Picture series p. Related pictures q. Single stimulating pictures r. Ambiguous pictures s. Bizarre pictures t. Explanatory pictures u. Student and teacher drawings 14 As mentioned above, it can be concluded that there are so many kinds of pictures. They can be useful for teachers and students to help them in mastering 14 Ibid., pp. 193 –203. English. Those kinds of pictures also can be applied in teaching and learning activities.

3. The Function of Picture

After identifying the definition and the kinds of pictures, it is also necessary to know the functions of pictures are. Here are some functions of picture for the teaching and learning activity. According to Andrew Wright, here are some functions of pictures: 15 a. Structures and Vocabulary Pictures are very useful for presenting new grammatical and vocabulary entries. They also help to provide the situations and the contexts that light up the meaning of words or utterances, help the teachers to avoid giving a long translation that might the learners become confuse. b. Function and Situation Pictures can be used for the revision from one lesson to another. Pictures also can be used as the basis of the written work, for example question writing. Pictures al so can increase the learners’ motivation and provide a useful practice material. c. Skills Pictures can be useful to give the learners a chance to practice the language in real context or in the situations in which they can use it to communicate their ideas. Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that pictures can be used by teachers and students whatever the emphasis of the syllabus they are following. Pictures have some functions that related to structure and vocabulary, function and situation, and skills. 15 Ibid., pp. 4 –5.

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