The Purpose of Writing

4. The Generic Structure of Recount Text

Anderson Anderson explained the generic structures of recount text as follows: 12 a. Orientation: Provides some basic information related to the event such as who, what, where and when. b. Events: Tells the events that happened in a chronological sequence. c. Re-orientation: A conclusion of the story.

5. The Language Features of Recount Text

The language features of recount text are as follows: a. Introducing personal participant, e.g., I, my group, etc. b. Use of chronological connection, e.g., then, first, etc. c. Use of linking verb, e.g., was, were, saw, heard, etc. d. Use of action verb, e.g., look, go, change, etc. e. Use of simple past tense.

6. The Example of Recount Text

Here is the example of recount text. MY FOOTBALL EXPERIENCE Orientation I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in school field with my team and my coach. Event 1 They were strong and smart players. My coach, Mr. Phillips was a kind person. But, while he was coaching us, he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team’s rules. 12 Anderson, op. cit., p. 50. Event 2 With Phillips, our team won many tournaments in many big cities. Our team named Treble Maker because we had so many trophies and we had so many fans too. Now, I still love football and have a team too. Re-orientation But, my parents warn me to play attention more to study, football just for hobby.

C. Picture

1. The Nature of Picture

Picture is a drawing object and it is visual aids that are very useful for teaching, especially for English teaching. Picture can really help the learners to ease them in comprehending the meaning of a word, a sentence, or a paragraph. By using picture, the learners can get the imagination about the objects or the situations. Picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface. It also shows a person, thing, or scene. According to Wright, he stated that, ―pictures are not just an aspect of method, but through their representation of places, objects, and people they are essential part of the overall experiences, we must help students to cop e with.‖ 13 It means that pictures can help the learners to understand the meaning of a word because it represents the meaning of it. Through picture, students can see people, places, and things from out of their own experiences. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that picture is one of a media in study which is able to be used to help the teacher in delivering a material which is given to the students. This media is used to stimulate the participation of the student in learning process. It is needed to make the learning process more attractive and makes the material become easier to be accepted by the student. One of media in learning process, picture series is also intended to increase student’s motivation. Through picture, language learners get both of it because 13 Andrew Wright, Pictures for Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, p. 2.

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