Picture as Media in the Writing Process

All of the explanation above, it can be concluded that a picture series is a kind of pictures that has a series of an object or a situation is explained by some pictures. This picture usually tells about a story, or an event about something that happened. The sequence must be presented in chronological order.

6. Application of Using Picture Series in Teaching Writing of Recount Text

Most of the students are lazy to write because they regard it as a complex and difficult English language skill. In their thought, it needs a long process to write something. They also are often having no idea about the topic that will be written on their paper. Moreover, they are always getting stuck to tell and describe the next plot of story after writing the introductory paragraph. Therefore, the teacher can use picture series to help them develop their ability in writing from the pictorial story. In the classroom, the teacher can apply it to teach writing recount text. After explaining about recount text, heshe can distribute the picture series to each student, and then ask them to retell and rewrite the story into paragraph in English. This method is very easy to be conducted by the teacher in the classroom, and it will make the students feel fun in writing. Hence, teaching writing of recount text by using picture series is an appropriate and recommended method for the teachers to apply in the classroom in the teaching-learning activity.

7. The Example of Picture Series

Picture 2.1 The example of picture series 1 Picture 2.2 The example of picture series 2 Picture 2.3 The example of picture series 3

D. Previous Related Studies

The first previous study is a skripsi entitled Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text Through Picture Sequences A Classroom Action Research at X Grade MA Darul Ma’arif Cipete written by Puji Astuti, Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2011. From her research can be taken a conclusion that using picture sequences can improve the students’ ability in writing recount text. It can be seen from the result of the result of the student. As the result, the mark of students in experimental class is higher than the mark of students in control class. 20 The second previous study is The Use of Real Picture Series in Teaching Recount Text Writing written by Desy Yunita Sari Widarti et al. English

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