Independent Commissioner Towards Going Concern Audit

54 Rudyawan and Badera 2009: 11. The criteria for the company that made in the research sample are as follows:

1. The Companys real estate and property sector listed on the Indonesia

Stock Exchange BEI during the research period 2013-2015.

2. Publish financial statements have been audited by an independent

auditor as per December 31 of the year 2013 to 2015.

3. The Company is not delisting or out of the Stock Exchange during the

period of observation.

4. Those financial statements are contained with complete information

related to all the variables studied.

C. Data Collection Methods

The types and sources of data used in this research is using secondary data types and sources. Secondary data is a source of research data obtained by researchers indirectly through an intermediary medium obtained and recorded by the other party. Secondary data generally in the form of evidence, records or historical reports that have been compiled in the archive documentary data published and unpublished Indriantoro and Supomo, 2009: 147. Data used in this research is the data type of documentary, the auditees financial statements and annual report of real estate and property company that go public and listed on the Stock Exchange in the year 2013- 2015 has been published. Documentary data in this research can be the basis of material or complex data analysis collected through observation 55 and analysis of documents. So it can be seen that the time horizon used in this research were researchers study time series, where this research is more emphasis on research of succession time data. The data collected can also be directly downloaded through the website , the researchers collected data information used as the basis for the theory and books and literature-literature related to the preparation of this research.

D. Analysis Method and Testing of Hypothesis

Completion of this research by using quantitative analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis is used in a way to analyze a problem that realized by quantitative. In this research, quantitative analysis is done by quantifying the research data to generate the information needed in the analysis. The analytical tool used in this research is the logistic regression analysis. The assumption of normal distribution can not be fulfilled because the independent variable is a mix between continuous variables metric and categorical non-metric. In this case can be analyzed by logistic regression because it does not need the assumption of normality test of data on independent variable. Stages in testing by using logistic regression test can be explained as follows Ghozali, 2013:

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