Scope of Research Data Collection Methods

57 From this hypothesis it is clear that we would not reject the hypothesis that no model fit the data. Statistics used by the data likelihood function. Likelihood L of the model is the probability that the hypothesized model that describes the input data. To test the null and alternative hypotheses, L transformed into -2LogL Ghozali 2013: 340. Decrease likelihood -2LL show regression model better, or in other words the hypothesized model fits the data.

4. Coefficient of Determinationn Nagelkerke R Square

Cox and Snells R Square is a measure that seeks to imitate the size of R2 on a multiple regression based on estimation techniques likelihood with a maximum value of less than one so difficult to interpretation as the value of R2 in multiple regression Nagelkers R Square is a modification from coefficient cox and snell to ensure that its value varies from 0 zero to 1 one. This was done by dividing the value of Cox and Snells R2 to the maximum value. Nagelkerkes value R2 can be interpretation as R2 in multiple regression. A small value means the ability of independent variables explains the variation in the dependent variable is very limited. A value close to the mean of independent variables provide almost all the information needed to predict the variation of the dependent variable. 58

5. Testing Feasibility Regression Models

Feasibility regression model was assessed using the Hosmer and Lemeshows Goodness of Fit Test. Hosmer and Lemeshows Goodness of Fit Test to test the null hypothesis that the empirical data fit the model there is no difference between the data so that the model can be said to be fit. If the value of statistic Hosmer and Lemeshows Goodness of Fit Test is equal to or less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected, which means there are significant differences between the models with observations that the value of goodness fit model is not good because the model can not predict the value of observations. If the value of statistic Hosmer and Lemeshows Goodness of Fit Test is greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected and it is mean model is able to predict the value of observation, or it can be said the model is acceptable because it fits with the data observations.

5. Classification Table

Classification table shows the predictive power of the regression model to calculate the estimated value of right and wrong. This matrix shows the predictive power of the dependent variable, receiving going concern audit opinion.

6. Regression Models and Hypothesis Test

The analysis used in this research is the business of logistic regression is to see the effect of good corporate governance, 59 leverage, and the previous years audit opinion on going concern audit opinion on the companys real estate and property. The regression model in this research are as follows: Information : Ln �� 1−�� = Going concern audit opinion, dummy α = constants BoC = changes of board commissioners dummy BoD = changes of board directors dummy Ind_Comm = the percentage of independent commissioner in the total Board of Commissioners Lev = Total Liabilities : Total Assets OATS = audit opinion the previous year dummy ε = residual error

E. Variable Operational Research

1. Independent Variable

Variables are not dependent or independent variables are the types of variables that explain or influence of other variables. The independent variable is also called the variables suspected as the cause Presumed Ln �� 1−�� = α + β 1 BoC + β 2 BoD + β 3 Ind_Comm + β 4 Lev + β 5 PYAO + ε

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