Dependent Variable Variable Operational Research


B. Analysis

1. Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistic provide an overview of the minimum value, maximum value, average value mean and standard deviation of the data used in the research. O u t p u Source: Output SPSS 22.0 Variable changes in the board of commissioners BOC indicates the minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 1. This is because the variable BOC is a dummy variable with analysis categories 0 and 1. The mean value of variable BOC is 0,450. It is clear that only about 45 of total sample from 120 companies that make the turn or change the board of commissioners. Variable changes in board of directors BOD shows the minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 1. This is because the variable BOD is also a dummy variable with analysis category 0 and 1. The mean value of the variable BOD is 0,650. It shows that on average only about 65 Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics BOC BOD Com_Indd Lev PYAO N Valid 120 120 120 120 120 Missing Mean .450 .650 39.9716 .409359 .142 Std. Deviation .4996 .4790 10.40472 .1661897 .3502 Minimum .0 .0 22.22 .0599 .0 Maximum 1.0 1.0 75.00 .7684 1.0 67 of the sample companies from total 120 companies that make the turn or change board of directors. Variable independent commissioner Ind_Comm shows the minimum value is 22,22 and the maximum value is 75,00. This means that the sample of companies, the percentage of the number of independent directors at least is equal to 22,22 of total number of commissioners and at most 75 of total number of commissioners. Mean of variable independent commissioner is 39,9716. This explains that the average proportion of independent directors on the companys sample was 39,9716. Variable leverage Lev has a minimum value 0,7684 and maximum value 0,0599 and 0,409359 mean. Leverage variable is proxied by total liabilities to total assets. Variable previous year audit opinion PYAO is a dummy variable with category analysis 0 for non-going concern opinion and 1 for going concern opinion. PYAO has a minimum value is 0 and a maximum value is 1 and mean also 0,142. This shows the average of PYAO 14,2 of the sample companies from total 120 companies get going concern audit opinion. 68

2. Logistic Regression

In this research, the hypothesis was tested using logistic regression. Logistic regression was used to examine the probability of occurrence of the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable. This analysis techniques no longer require data normality test on the independent variable Ghozali, 2013. Testing is done with a significant level of 5 0,05 Stanislaus, 2006: 236 in Amilin and Indrawan 2008: 80.

a. Overall Model Fit Test

This test is performed to determine whether the model was fit to the data, either before or after the independent variables included in the regression model solikah, 2010: 102. Testing of overall model fit is done by comparing values between -2 Log Likelihood at the start Block Number = 0 with -2 Log Lokelihood end Block Number = 1. Hypotheses to assess that model fit are: H : Model hypothesized fit to the data H a : The model does not fit with the data hypothesized Based on this hypothesis, H must be accepted and H a must be rejected so the model will be fit with data. Likelihood L from model is the probability that show the model can describe the input data.

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