Data Analysis Techniques Research Procedures

24 procedure is most used in the translation. To answer this research, the researcher employed data calculation.

D. Data Analysis Techniques

This section presents the techniques used by the researcher to analyze the object of the study, which is Djenar’s Painting a Window. There were five techniques used by the researcher to solve the research problem. 1. Data Input The researcher collected the data and put it into data compilation. This technique helps the researcher to make the data categorization much easier. 2. Data Categorization Data categorization aims to help the researcher analyze and identify the data one by one. There are seven categories based on Vinay and Darbelnet’s research procedures. 3. Data Analysis and Identification The researcher analyzed each category to find certain features in the translation and thoroughly observed them. Identification is a further step to validate whether the features found in the translation match to the given category. 4. Data Measurement The final step is data measurement. This technique aims to provide logic and countable research findings. 25 The researcher calculated the precentage of the data by using the formula below: Figure 3.1 Data Calculation Formula In where: = The total of the collected data based on the category = The total of the collected data The formula above is used to calculate the percentage of the data on each of the procedure by dividing the total of the collected data based on the category by the total of the collected data. The result of the calculation represents the amount of each data based on the category.

E. Research Procedures

This study applied several procedures, which were done as follows: 1. Collecting the data The researcher observed the data to find some insights. Then, the researcher collected the data from Djenar’s Melukis Jendela and Painting a Window. 2. Inputting data into the table. The second step requires the reserarcher to put the data into the table. The organized data in the table helps the data analysing process become much easier. � � X 100 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 3. Analysing the data After putting the data into the table, the researcher analysed the data by using Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedures as the guidance. 4. Placing the data based on the category Categorization was the second last step in this section. After finishing the analisis part, the researcher placed each data based on their translation procedures category. 5. Calculating the occurence of each procedure in the translation The last step after completing data collection and analysis was calculating the occurence of each procedure in the translation. The researcher used a formula see figure 3.1 to gather the occurence precentage of each procedures. 27


This chapter consists of two parts where the researcher discusses the results of the research. There is an additional part which has a relation with the main part. The main part discusses the translation procedures used in Djenar Maesa Ayu’s Melukis Jendela. Whereas the additional part points out the occurence of the procedures in Painting a Window. The researcher calculated the results and presented it as a calculated data in a form of precentage.

A. Vinay and Dalbernet Translation Procedures in Djenars Painting