Research Background Vinay and Darbelnet's translation procedures in Djenar's Painting a Window.

1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents six sections of subdivided parts of the introduction. The six sections presented are namely 1 research background, 2 research problem, 3 problem limitation, 4 research objectives, 5 research benefits, and 6 definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Day 1971 states that everyone is born with a natural desire to be entertained by fiction. He also admits that reading a piece of literary piece gives different satisfactions and pleasures also wider and deeper feeling of enjoyment from reading to obtain facts p. ix. Therefore literary piece could be one of some simple ways to lose the tense from the routines. Reading literary piece such as novel, novella, short story, or poem enables the reader to explore and interpret the meaning by themselves because there are no boundaries which limit reader’s imagination. Still in his book, Grove Day says that reading a fiction provides many rewards for the readers, but the ultimate reward which the readers could obtain is that it enables the readers to understand the meaning of being a human and understand it better 1971, p.x. Fiction tells a tale or a story to the readers and also delivers a message in which the writer implicitly or explicitly states. When the readers obtain the message, have a thought of it, and understand it then it can 2 be concluded like Grove Day said that the readers have found the so called reader’s reward. As a literary piece devotee, the researcher tries to show that each literary piece has its characteristics to be admired. The Encyclopedia of Indonesian Literature affirms that the characteristic of the piece reflects the auth or’s characteristic “Karakteristik”. Therefore, each literary piece devotee has its own favorite author based on the characteristic of the literary piece. In Indonesia, there is a quite controversial author emerged in the last decade. She is Djenar Maesa Ayu, a defiant author who has successfully published her first book, a compilation of her short stories entitled Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet in 2003 followed by the English version They Say I’m a Monkey in 2005 translated by Michael Nieto Garcia. Sutardji Calzoum Bachri as a senior in Indonesian modern literature on Djenar’s book commented that Djenar is one of the most impressive fiction writers in the last decade. Bachri adds that Djenar’s language also expresses herself simply and directly 2005: p.124. As seen from Bachri’s comment, he sees Djenar’s work in a positive way that the language used in Djenar’s work is the expressions of herself as a simple and direct person. Bachri did not mention any words related to the word controversy. There were two b locks formed after the release of Djenar’s book. The contrary side stated that there were too much sexual content exposed in her book, in which, exposing sexuality is quite taboo on our country. On the other hand, the pro society agreed that Djenar’s way of expressing the message through her book is a breakthrough 3 in the modern literature. Obviously, there are pros and cons about Djenar Maesa Ayu and her works. The researcher finds it interesting to conduct a research on Djenar’s works. This study limits the scope of the research in one of Djenar’s short story titled Melukis Jendela or Painting a Window. The research will not focus on the overall quality of the translation. However, the focus of this research will be more on the application and the occuren ce of Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedures in the translation. Melukis Jendela is a literary work of Djenar Maesa Ayu, printed as a short story by Horison, November edition in 2001. The English version of Melukis Jendela, Painting a Window was published as a compilation along with the book in 2005. Michael Nieto Garcia is the man who translates Melukis Jendela into Painting a Window. Djenar Maesa Ayu’s work is famous for its direct language and sex- oriented content. This could be an interesting study to gain further knowledge on how well do a translator translate such a controversy work. The researcher decides to analyze further on Djenar’s Painting a Window and compare it to the original version Melukis Jendela. The researcher conducted a surface research by comparing Painting a Window to Melukis Jendela using Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedures. 4

B. Research Problem