Occurrence Frequency of Vinay and Darbelnets Translation

37 Researcher reviewed and calculated the precentage from the table data which can be seen in the appendix.

B. Occurrence Frequency of Vinay and Darbelnets Translation

Procedure Applied in Djenars Translation The discussion is given to each points of Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedure in general. This section presents the calculation of the occurrence frequency of each translation procedure. Some examples are already explained in section A of this chapter. This section will mainly discuss the percentage of occurence of Vinay and Darbelent’s translation procedures in the translation. The following table presents the data in a form of numbers. Reseracher reviewed and calculated the precentage from the table data which can be see in the appendix. Table 4.8 Data Collection Result TP B C L T M E A Double Total 2 3 130 25 19 5 1 4 Note: TP: Translation Procedures; B: Borrowing; C: Calque; L: Literal; T: Transposition; M: Modulation; E: Equivalence; A: Adaptation Table 4.8 shows that literal translation procedure dominates the results. Literal translation procedure is in the first place followed by transposition, modulation, equivalence , calque, and the last is borrowing. However, there are four data which have double procedure in a sentence. 38 Table 4.9 Sample data of Double Procedure SL.002 Sebagai anak tunggal ia menghabiskan banyak waktu hanya dengan melamun tanpa seorang pun untuk diajak berbicara. TL.002 As an only child she spent much of her time day dreaming, since she had no one to talk to. Literal and Modulation SL.046 Mayra menerima pisau itu kedalam tangannya dan mereka bergandengan kembali ke kamar lalu mengunci pintu. TL.046 Mayra took the knife in her hand and they walked arm in arm back to the bedroom, locking the door. Literal and Equivalence SL.056 SL.056 Ibu sudah kembali ke dalam lukisan, duduk tersenyum manis sambil memangku dirinya, mengenakan kebaya emas dan selendang coklat muda. TL.056 TL.056 She was back in the painting, sitting there smiling sweetly, while taking Mayra on her lap, wearing golden kebaya with the light brown scarf. Literal and Borrowing Note: SL = Source language; TL = Target language 39 Double procedure sentence is a sentece which applied two procedures in a sentence. In TL.002, the first half part of the sentence applied literal translation. The first half part of the literal translation is: “Sebagai anak tunggal ia banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan melamun ...” translated into “As an only child she spent much of her time day dreaming ...”. This half part of the sentence is structurally and grammaticaly the same between the source language and the target language. However, starting from the second half of the sentence, Garcia changed the procedure into modulation. In this part of the sentence: “... tanpa seorang pun untuk di ajak bicara.” Garcia translated the sentence into “... since she had no one to talk to.” The translator added the conjunction “since” and change the point of view of the message. The actual message visualizes that it was there was no one around. That is why Mayra spent much of her time day dreaming. It is the environment which made Mayra does not have any companion. By applying modulation procedure, Garcia actually did not change the message at all. The use of the conjuction simplify the structure of the source language. The conjuction let the translator to directly points out that Mayra does not have anyone to talk to. However, the outcome of the translation did not really points out why Mayra does not have anyone to talk to. The second combination of the procedures is in SL.046. The translator combines literal translation procedure and equivalence translation procedure. Most of the words are literaly word to word translation except for one word 40 bergandengan which means holding hands. The translator translated the word bergandengan into an English idiom arm in arm, ehic shares the same message of holding hands or bergandengan in Bahasa Indonesia. SL.056 on the other hand, used the combination of literal procedure and borrowing procedure. The procedure can be clearly seen from the structure and grammar of both source and target language. Borrowing procedure is used mainly to translate the cultural word, kebaya. The researcher gathered and calculated the results in order to find the precentage of each procedures used in the translation. The following formula is the formula used in the data calculation see figure 4.1. The results of the data calculation is presented in table. 4.1. Figure 4.1 Data Calculation Formula In where: = The total of the data based on the category = The total of the collected data � � X 100 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 Table 4.10 Data Calculation Result No. Category Total Data Result 1. Borrowing 2 1.08 2. Calque 3 1.62 3. Literal 130 70.27 4. Transposition 25 13.5 5. Modulation 19 10.27 6. Equivalence 5 2.7 7. Adaptation 1 0.54 8. Double Procedure 4 2.16 Michael Nieto Garcia as the translator of Djenar Maesa Ayu’s Melukis Jendela used all of the translation procedures proposed by Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet. The calculation above shows that the most applied procedure is the literal translation. Literal translation dominates all other procedures by seventy point twenty seven percent 70. 27. There are one hundred and thirty 130 entries of literal translation in Painting a Window. The second procedure which occurs frequently is transpotion 25 entries, followed by modulation 19 entries, equivalence 5 entries, calque 3 entries and borrowing 2 entries. Adaptation is the least used procedure in this translation. Double procedure data are not commoly found in the translation but the researcher managed to point out four entries. 42 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter consists of two parts, namely, conclusions and recommendations. Conclusions present the essential points of the discussion.