Research Place and Time Research Design Operational Definition of Research Variables



A. Research Place and Time

This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari which is located at Jalan Brigjen Katamso No. 04, Wonosari Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Implementation of data collection conducted in March 2015.

B. Research Design

This research is a evaliatif research. In practice, this research intends to seek information and data that can be used to describe the quality of the test in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari. While the approach used is a quantitative approach because the data obtained will be realized in the form of figures and analyzed using ANATES program version 4.0.9.

C. Operational Definition of Research Variables

The variables in the research entitled “Test Item Analysis of The Final Examination on Economics Subject in Grade XII IPS SMA 1 Wonosari Academic Year of 20142015” include : 1. Validity Validity is the level of accuracy of the questions in measuring what should be measured. The numbers indicate the level of validity is obtained by calculating the correlation between the index score of each item with the total score. An item can be declared invalid if the scores item has fit or in accordance with the total scores or there is a positive correlation between the scores of each items with a total score. 2. Reliability Reliability is the measurement to determine the level of constancy of test scores or determine the level of correlation among items. High and low reliability of the test can be determined by looking at the size of the coefficient of reliability of the test. The higher coefficient, more reliable the test is. 3. Level of Difficulty The difficulty level is an opportunity to answer a question correctly on the certain level of capabilities that are usually expressed in the form of an index. The test item can be expressed as a good item if the item is not too difficult and not too easy, in other words the level of difficulty is medium or sufficient. 4. Discrimination index Discrimination index is the ability of items to distinguish students who have mastered the material with learners who lack or have not mastered the material. The higher coefficient of distinguishing an item, the more ability if the item to distinguish between students who master the material to students who did not master the material. 5. Distribution Pattern of Answer The distribution pattern of answer is the distribution of testee in determining the chosen answers in multiple choice form. Obtained by counting the number of test participants who chose option answer a, b, c, d, e, or do not select anything. From the distribution pattern of answercan be obtained information whether detractors has a good function or not.

D. Research Subject and Object