Setya Ernawati is the analysis performed on a question made by accounting teacherin Accounting Expertise Program in Grade X A SMK Negeri 1 Bantul.

C. Framework

A teacher must have the knowledge and skills to carry out an evaluation of the process and the students learning outcomes. Assessment activities that included in the evaluation activities are planning and implementing assessment as well as process and analyze the results of the assessment. The evaluation will provide to the teachers an information about the development of learners and the success of learning process in realizing the goal of learning itself. Information from this evaluation also serves to reference the teachers and other interested parties in decisions making relating to the learners. This activity is useful to assist teachers in analyzing about the questions of Final Examination in Economics Subject of Grade XII IPS academic year of 20142015 in SMA 1 Wonosari because the question is still have a questionable quality because it has not done the test item analysis. A test results obtained from not qualified questions certainly can not be a true reflection of the achievements of learners concerned. Test item analysis that will be done including the validity, reliability, discrimination index, level of difficulty, and the distribution pattern of answers. Validity analysis aims to determine whether a test is appropriate to use as a measuring tool or not. A test can be said to have high validity if the test is function properly as a measurement tool or provide measurement results in accordance with the purpose in doing the measurement. Reliability is the measurement to determine the level or degree of consistent a test device. A test is said to be reliable if the test gives the same result when given to the same group of learners at different times. Analyze the level of difficulty of questions means reviewing questions which includes easy, medium, and hard. The difficulty level of questions is indicated by the index of difficulty level of the question ranging from 0.00 to 1.00, the closer to 1.00, the easier level of question. Discrimination indexwill review the test questions in terms of the ability of these tests to distinguish students who fall into the category of low and high achievement. Effectiveness humbug detractors can be determined by looking at the distribution pattern of the answers of learners. From the distribution pattern of the answers can be determined whether or not the detractors function properly. Good detractors characterized by chosen by at least 5 of the test participants. Test item analysis on the questions of Final Examination of Economics Subject in Grade XII IPS academic year of 20142015 is done after the test was held in mid-December 2014. The activity of test item analysis is intended to provide information for the teachers about the quality of the questions used. Teachers can find out the real quality whether it has sufficient quality and can be used as a material consideration in decision making or not, especially the decision to the next grade. In addition, teachers can develop and revise a question which is less good or not good.

D. Research Paradigm