Analogy and reanalysis Language contact

c Excrescence amra ambra “Excrescence is a type of a sound addition which refers to a consonant being inserted between other consonants Campbell, 2004: 36”. d Paragoge tat tata “Paragoge is added a sound usually a vowel to the end of a word Campbell, 2004: 37”. 5 Metathesis asta atsa “Metathesis is the transposition of sound which is a change in which sounds exchange position with one another within a word Campbell, 2004: 39”. Metathesis does not involve the loss or addition of sounds, or a change in the appearance of a particular sound. Metathesis is simply a change in the order of the sounds. For example, the words ask [æsk] is pronounced as [æks]. 6 Diphthongization “Diphthongization refers to any change in which an original single vowel changes into a sequence of two vowel segments which to gather occupy the nucleus of a single syllable Campbell, 2004: 42”. For example in Spanish language the vowel [ ] and [ ] diphthongizied to ie and ue as in the word p tra becomes piedra mean stone, b no becomes bueno means good. 7 Monophthongization According to Campbell, monophthongization is the changed of diphthong into a single vowel 2004: 42. For example in the monophthongization of [ai] to [a:] before r in some dialects as in fire [fa ə] becomes [fa:r] and tire [ta ə] becomes [ta:r]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8 Lenition weakening According to Campbell, Lenition is a process that involves some weakening of sounds 2004:44. Lenition typically include voicing or sonorization refers to changes of voiceless sounds to voiced as in [f] Æ[v], affrication refers to changes of a stop or fricative to affricative as in [t] Æ[ts] and [k]Æ[ ], deaffrication refers to changes of a affricatives to a fricative as in [ ] Æ[ ], and deaspiration refers to changes of an aspirated sound to an unaspirated sound. 9 Strengthening “Strengthening shares a loosely defined notion which the resulting sound is somehow stronger in articulation than the original sound Campbell, 2004: 44”. Fro example in Mayan language the sound [w] Æ[kw] as in winqÆkwi:nq means person and [y] Æ[ty] as in iyaxÆityax. The sounds [kw] and [ty] are stronger than the sounds [w] and [y]. 2. The Potential Problems in learning English pronunciation Languages all over the world have sounds that other languages do not have. English language also has sounds that Indonesian language does not have. So, Indonesian students find difficult to pronounce new English sounds because students are not familiar with those sounds. Here are some of the new English sounds for Indonesian students. It does not explain all sound. a. The sounds [ θ] and [ð] by the initial letter ‘th’ According to Syafei 1988:2 [ θ] and [ð] are new sounds for Indonesian