Slang and Solidarity Less Emotionally Responsive

30 The theories are summarized and used to analyze the research problems. For the first research question, “Which features of women‟s and men‟s speech styles are found in Angelina Jolie‟s utterance?” The researcher uses Wood‟s theory about men‟s and women‟s features rather than Lakoff‟s theory about women language because Wood studies women‟s and men‟s speech more to the purpose not only the features in speech style . Wood also provides both men‟s and women‟s speech features, which is different with Lakoff that only provides the features of women language. For the second research question, “What factors affect Angelina Jolie‟s speech style in Mr. and Mrs. Smith Movie?”, the researcher Spolsky‟s and Schmidt ‟s theories to analyze the factors that affect Angelina‟s speech style in the movie. Spolsky‟s and Schmidt‟s theories were chosen because their theories explain the social aspects that affect the way someone speak rather than gender aspects. 31


This chapter is divided into six sections. The sections are the research method, the research setting, the data source, the research instrument and data gathering technique, the data analyzing technique, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research is qualitative research in nature because of two reasons. First, it is because this research focuses on understanding social phenomena. Qualitative research is intended to approach the world out there and to understand, describe and sometimes explain the social phenomena from inside a number of different ways Ripley Uwe, 2007. The different ways mentioned in the definition were related to the technique of analyzing. Second, it is because of the use of the document or movie transcript that contained the conversation as data analyzed. According to Ripley and Flick 2007, “analyzing conversation has a long tradition in the h istory of qualitative research.” The data of this research were found in the Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie‟s script that contained the conversation of the characters. The data were analyzed based on woods 1993b theories about men and women‟s speech. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh 2002, p. 442 define document analysis as “a research method applied to written or visual material for the purpose of identifying specified characteristic of materials .” The materials were usually in the