Background of the study

score through the assessment; it can be successful in learning process. But, when the students cannot achieve their good score, it might be a challenge for students to develop their motivation in learning, it means that role of teacher will be an effectiveness to encourage students’ motivation. MTsN Pamulang has a good environment which supports teaching and learning process. Besides, the facilities are also completely provided at the school such as education tools, the buildings, natural resources, technology, competence teachers, and various students from different background. Islamic Junior High School Pamulang where 2 nd grade is this study proposed. There are some factors that affect students’ achievement in learning forign language. After doing the survey, found it second grade class 1 of Bina Prestasi is the one of growing classes . So, that’s why the class called by Bina Prestasi, although the students come from lower achievement. The teacher mentioned that Bina Prestasi is hoped to motivate them in learning process especially in learning English. This is one of the problem faced in this school, the students has less motivation in learning English. So, MTsN is using Contextual Teaching Learning CTL method to create student as center of teaching and learning process and teachers are trying to create fun learning to motivate them more in learning English, although all of those things are still difficult to apply at school. Besides that, the students has to achieve minimum score is 75 as Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasa Minimum KKM. It means that students should achieve that’s score even some of them have to do remedial to complete the score many times to reach the standard score. And then, teachers and students forget about the basic of English learning is to communicate because only reaching out the score itself. In fact, students are not confident to communicate their English ability although they have learnt English much in the class. Furthermore, this study is to find a research about “the correlation between students ’ motivation and their English learning achievement.” A Survey Study at the Second Grade of MTs Negeri Pamulang.

B. Identification of the Study

Based on the background study above, the problem related to the students’ motivation in learning English could be identified as follows. 1. Some students are less motivation to learn English. 2. Some students are difficult to achieve their English learning score. 3. The students are not confident enough to communicate their English.

C. Limitation of the Problem

As mentioned in the background above, the problem is limited only on motivation in correlation with students’ achievement in learning English. In this research, the object of the study is limited at the second year students of MTs Negeri Pamulang, Jalan Pajajaran No.31 Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417, Indonesia.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the research problem is formulated as follows ” Is there any correlation between students’ motivation and their learning English achievement? ”

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is as follows: 1. Knowing the English learning achievement of the second grade students at Bina Prestasi Class of MTsN Pamulang. 2. Gaining the motivation score of the second grade students at Bina Prestasi Class of MTsN Pamulang. 3. Correlating the students motivation and achievement in learning English of the second grade students at Bina Prestasi Class of MTsN Pamulang.

F. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give new insights for the writer, teachers’ and students’ evaluation and the readers generally. 6


A. Motivation

1. The Understanding of Motivation

There are many definitions of motivation by experts from different backgrounds. The term “motivation” is derived from the Latin verb movere to move. The idea of movement is reflected in such common sense ideas about motivation as something that gets someone going, keeps him working, and helps him complete tasks. 1 John De Cecco stated that motivation is also related to learning itself: The amount of effort, energy, and vigor a student invest in any performance will be one factor in determining how well he performs. 2 It means that motivation is a movement that can raise good energy to keep so meone’s performance in learning well as much as students’ investment does. Herbert L. Petri and John M. Govern claimed that motivation is the concept used when he describes the forces of acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behavior. 3 Charles Cofer and Mortimer Appley believed that the general statement “without motivation there would be no behavior” is without meaning. 4 It means that motivation influences the behavior; good motivation will result in good behavior. Jeremy Harmer stated that motivation is some kind of internal drive that encourages somebody to pursue course of actions. Robert S. Feldman continued that “A drive is motivational tension, or arousal, that energizes behavior in order to fulfill some need. 5 In describing the nature 1 Paul R. Pintrich, Motivation in Education, New Jersey: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008, 3 rd Edition, p.4 2 John P. De Cecco, The Psychology of Learning and Instruction: Educational Psychology, New York: Prentice Hall, 1968 p. 132 3 Herbert L. Petri and John M. Govern, Motivation: Theory, Research, and Applications, Wadsworth Thomson, 2004, 5 th edition, p. 16 4 Ibid., p. 133 5 Robert S. Feldman, Essential of Understanding Psychology, New York: McGraw Hill, 2003, 5 th Edition, p. 251 of the motivated state, some theorists would pay most attention to the physiological conditions responsible for such things as hunger, thirst, pain, and sex drive. 6 It means that motivation can be a drive which drives the internal person to get his needs through energy which comes from motivation. Motivation is about how to set the mindset, as what Carol Dweck said “most recent analyses of motivation for achievement stress the importance of children developing a mindset. 7 From this statement, it can be understood that mindset is a part of motivation which will influence the outer journey of life. A good condition will be created when one has a good mindset and vice versa, bad condition will be created with a bad mindset. To maintain a positive mindset may be of a great challenge, however it can be useful for one’s learning process towards an achievement. The abstract term “motivation” on its own is rather difficult to define. It is easier and more useful to think in terms of the “motivated” learner: one who is willing or even eager to invest an effort in learning activities and to progress. Learner motivation makes teaching and learning immeasurably easier and more pleasant, as well as more productive: hence the importance of the topic for teachers. 8 From this statement is understood that teachers can give a stimulus to the students to be motivated learners and they should know the students’ needs in the class in order to properly encourage them. The authors of classic study of successful language learning came to the conclusion that the most successful learners are not necessary those who display certain typical characteristics, most of which are clearly associated with motivation. Some of these characteristics include are; a 6 John M. Stephens, The Psychology of Classroom Learning, New York:Rinehart and Winston,1965, p. 187 7 John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology,New York: McGraw Hill, 2009 Updated 4 th Edition,p. 472 8 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, Cambridge: University Press, 1996 p. 274 Positive task orientation - the learner is willing to tackle tasks and challenges and has confidence in his or her success. b Ego involvement – means the learner finds it important to success in learning in order to maintain and promote his or her own positive self-image. c Need for achievement, which means the learner has a need to achieve, to overcome difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do. d High aspiration - the learner is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges high proficiency, top grades. e Goal orientation - means that the learner is very aware of the goals of learning or learning activities, and directs his efforts towards achieving them. f Perseverance - means the learner very consistently invests a high level of effort in learning and is not discouraged by setbacks or apparent lack of progress. g Tolerance of ambiguity - means that the learner consistently invests a high level to effort in situation involving a temporary lack of understanding on confusion; he can live with this patiently and in the confidence that understanding will be coming later. 9 According to Penny Ur’s description above, it gets the interpretation through the typical of characteristics for successful students. Good aspiration will bring the learners eagerness to have a goal orientation that will impact the responsibility to complete the tasks, so it will get the need to be achieved because of that the effort. The learners are able to set strong ambitions to become confidence and patience in achieving the successful in learning process. A simple but accurate definition of motivation is not easy. It must be able to include terms that refer to such diverse states as desires, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purposes. Some of these states imply a deliberate and calculated process involving reasons, whereas others convey a flavor of spontaneity. And then, Fritz Heider emphasized that 9 Ibid.,p. 275