Formulation of the Problem

Positive task orientation - the learner is willing to tackle tasks and challenges and has confidence in his or her success. b Ego involvement – means the learner finds it important to success in learning in order to maintain and promote his or her own positive self-image. c Need for achievement, which means the learner has a need to achieve, to overcome difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do. d High aspiration - the learner is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges high proficiency, top grades. e Goal orientation - means that the learner is very aware of the goals of learning or learning activities, and directs his efforts towards achieving them. f Perseverance - means the learner very consistently invests a high level of effort in learning and is not discouraged by setbacks or apparent lack of progress. g Tolerance of ambiguity - means that the learner consistently invests a high level to effort in situation involving a temporary lack of understanding on confusion; he can live with this patiently and in the confidence that understanding will be coming later. 9 According to Penny Ur’s description above, it gets the interpretation through the typical of characteristics for successful students. Good aspiration will bring the learners eagerness to have a goal orientation that will impact the responsibility to complete the tasks, so it will get the need to be achieved because of that the effort. The learners are able to set strong ambitions to become confidence and patience in achieving the successful in learning process. A simple but accurate definition of motivation is not easy. It must be able to include terms that refer to such diverse states as desires, wishes, plans, goals, intents, impulses, and purposes. Some of these states imply a deliberate and calculated process involving reasons, whereas others convey a flavor of spontaneity. And then, Fritz Heider emphasized that 9 Ibid.,p. 275