can be depicted. In below the writer shows some use case diagram in the Certificate Vending Machine. 1. Use Case Diagram for Certificate Vending Machine Picture 4.6 Use Case Diagram for CVM

d. Use case scenario

Use case scenario is a more detailed explanation about each use case that occurred in the system. Use case scenario consists of: 1. Use case name is the name that will be described. 2. Actors involved. 3. Trigger. 4. Precondition is important for the use case to start. 5. Action. 6. Post condition describing the state of the system after the use case ends. After explaining the use case on previous discussion, the following will explain the use case specifications that have been determined. a. printing College Certificate Table 4.53 Use case scenario printing College Certificate Use case Name Printing College Certificate Actors Involved Students, alumni Trigger Actor can print hisher College Certificate that be understood by hisher faculty. Pre condition Hisher data and surat order already exist in database. Action Ask CVM for print the required letter Post condition Surat with hisher data printed out. b. Printing Surat IPK and IPS Table 4.54 Use case scenario printing Surat IPK and IPS Use case Name Printing Surat IPK and IPS Actors Involved Students Trigger Actor can print hisher surat IPK and IPS that be understood by hisher faculty. Pre condition Hisher data and surat order already exist in database. Action Ask CVM for print the required letter Post condition Surat with hisher data printed out. c. Printing Transcripts Table 4.55 Use case scenario printing Transcripts Use case Name Printing Transcripts Actors Involved Students, alumni Trigger Actor can print hisher Transcripts that be understood by hisher faculty. Pre condition Hisher data and surat order already exist in database. Action Ask CVM for print the required letter Post condition Surat with hisher data printed out. d. Printing Surat lulus Table 4.56 Use case scenario printing Surat lulus Use case Name Printing Surat lulus Actors Involved Alumni Trigger Actor can print hisher surat lulus that be understood by hisher faculty. Pre condition Hisher data and surat order already exist in database. Action Ask CVM for print the required letter Post condition Surat with hisher data printed out.

e. Activity Diagram Design