Problem Identification Description of Purpose System

4.2.1 Problem Identification

Base on the flowcharts that have shown and the requirement gathering data that the writer has done, can separate the current system to twp part for identify the problems, which are a. The long period of doing process for making each letters in UIN waste the students time and did not let them to focus on their study, the process of UIN should be easier an in time. b. Lack of coordination between faculties and department make the process time more than usual. c. As students answer in gathering data requirement, almost eighty percent of them have been tired for waiting the process, and asking for new technology for better and easier access. d. Manual letters approval and giving Surat numbers disturbed the staff and employee of UIN. e. The current system gave a lot of mistakes data; it may appear in typing false or giving Surat Numbers in wrong way.

4.2.2 Description of Purpose System

Giving best reason why the writer start his research for developing a Certificate Vending Machine application in Smart Card can refer to the user story of gathering data and problem Identification, almost eighty percent of UIN official Employee and students were agree with developing Certificate Vending Machine in UIN, but their idea for developing and method of the process was different. In following the writer show the flowchart of purpose system which can help to printing Surat easier and faster. 1. The Purpose System for Printing College Certificate Developing CVM helps UIN and students a lot for easier printing of UIN letters Surat and can handle many kind of them; specially internal letters. College Certificate itself has some information about student that show which semester is; is heshe active lecturer aktif Kuliah or not? Which year of study is, and what is hisher major, in addition to where heshe comes from. In this case the students for printing the mentioned letter goes to the CVM and by clicking just a few buttons they can get their letters, but in behind side the process is complete by saving data into database’ which give information about who print the letter, and how many pages he print. The data of each student takes from AIS Database. The Purpose System is as shown in below, Picture 4.4 The purpose system for printing College Certificate. 2. The Purpose System for Transkip Nilai Transkip Nilai Grades Transcripts gives the student the correct value of hisher taken study that heshe has taken, as we saw in current system flowchart; the system was complex, students got tired for just achieving a Transkip Nilai Letter, next we will see the flow chart of purpose system for the Grades Transcripts. Picture 4.5 The purpose system for printing Transkip Nilai.

4.2.3 Feasibility Study