Planning Design Systems Development Method

12. Programmers must follow a common coding standard so all the code in the system looks as if it was written by a single individual.

3.2.1. Planning

This step is the stage of planning the system to be developed. At this stage the writer focus on: a. The collection of user requests user stories, so that the output of the system will accordance with the wishes of the users. b. Observation of the current system at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. c. Identify the problem that occurs in the current system. d. Determining the flow work of business and applications as well as the data issues that will be supported by the system to be developed and determine the limits scope of the system. [27]

3.2.2. Design

After learning the definition of the application to be developed then the next stage is to design design. The design here is meant to make the modeling of new applications that can represent the currently running system at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Design may include application design. The writer has do designing Graphical User Interface GUI of this application. [27] Applications Design

To design an application, the writer uses the tool that is CRC Class - Responsibility - Collaborator; in this section the writer defines the classes that will be used on the system. In addition, the application is also designed using the Unified Modeling Language UML. This is done to facilitate to provide a preliminary sketch of applications, in addition to the use of UML is more suitable for use in designing an application that is object oriented. Designing applications that the writer did using UML tools include: [27] 1. Determination Actor 2. Design Use Case Diagram 3. Design Use Case Scenario 4. Design Activity Diagram 5. Design Sequence Diagram 6. Design Class Diagram In designing with UML, the writer uses the Visio 2007 software. Database Design

As has been explained on the basis of the theory, the concept of Object Relational Mapping, the data used in an application will be stored into the database. Next the writer explains about the steps which will include in database design, [27] a. Table Structure b. Display database structure relational database Interface Design

At this stage, the writer conducted the design of the user interface of this application. The design was conducted on the pages that exist in the system. [27]

3.2.3. Coding