Background of the Developing System


1.1 Background of the Developing System

Developing a software engineering system nowadays is very important for companies, factories, marketing, malls and all of the shopping center and business job, you can imagine the fast of accounting, the comfortable absent for lecturers, students and employees, the easier counting for markets etc. To waste time is ones greatest loss.Imam Ali as 650 M “Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.” ~Dion Boucicault 1998 The absence of good managements for printing College Certificate and other documentation in Islamic University of UIN JAKARTA make the writer to start to developing title, why the writer start to do this title, is for improving the ability and increasing the talent of student for using new technology and encouragement them for developing new technology for making life easier. The writer himself is one of Islamic University of UIN JAKARTA students, thus the writer has faced with these problems directly, and at the time he decided to develop a system that can help first himself and second the others students and encourage all students for helping their own university to get better and success. The main problem in manual system was Students needs to go to the academic faculty or academic center for printing the letter, Students taking a long time around one till one week for getting a letter, the lack of integration between the existing academic system, cause printing transcript value and GPA, take a long time than usual, the absence of digital signatures, cause if the Program study, faculty, or academic, are not in place then the processing of student letter will not postponed. Smart card itself is any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits that can process and store data, and communicate with a terminal via radio waves. Smart Cards are capable of not just storing data but also have processing power, in this system the writer use smart card for making the process easier and faster, storage data and process it directly is one of benefit of smart card which can done by smart card, Certificate Vending Machines CVM can be interpreted as a tool or machine for printing letters automatically, the students may go to the tool and by using a student card that belongs to them or their friends to print a letter that they needs Certificate Vending Machine will print letters in a real-time time, by using this tool students can save their times. Base on previous explanation and manual system problems, the writer start to develop Certificate Vending Machine CVM using Smart Card, integrating both certificate vending machine and smart card makes the process of printing letters easier and faster.

1.2 Problems Identification