Activity Diagram Design Sequence Diagram Design

e. Activity Diagram Design

Activity diagrams describe the workflow behavior of a system. Activity diagrams are similar to state diagrams because activities are the state of doing something. The diagrams describe the state of activities by showing the sequence of activities performed. Activity diagrams can show activities that are conditional or parallel. Following the writer showing activity diagram for use case model Picture 4.7 Activity diagram for printing Surat in Certificate Vending Machine User will insert their username and password to the certificate vending machine, thus the form login appear at first and the input data will check for process login; if the username and password was correct the status of students or alumni will send back to the language selection, which the actor can choose between English language and Indonesia language, then choosing the required letters for print, according to user data; process of print appear, RFID for taken the payment of the surat will appear and the process will done, and the required letters will print and come out.

f. Sequence Diagram Design

Sequence diagrams describe interactions between objects within and around the system including user, displays, and so on in the form of message that is described with respect to time. Below is a sequence diagram for each module.

1. Printing Surat letters in Certificate Vending Machine

P ict u re 4 .8 Se que nc e diagr am fo r pr int ing S ur at in C er ti fica te Ve nding Students and alumni will insert their username and password to the certificate vending machine, thus the form login appear at first and the input data will check for process login, in login process the database connection will ready to verify the exact and correct username and password that’s why username and password will check their validity in user data which is the database that system use; if the username and password was correct the status of students or alumni will send back to the process login, login status will give information to form login that what kind of user status already login, after this interaction system will show the main page by showing the selection language, which the actor can choose between English language and bahasa Indonesia, then choosing the required letters for print, according to user data; process of print appear, RFID for taken the payment of the surat will appear and the process will done, and the required letters will print and come out.

g. Class Diagram Design