Methodology for Climate Risk Mapping

77 climate hazard is given in Table 6.2. The adjusted matrix of climate risk is presented in Table 6.3. Table 6.2: Weight and formula for calculating climate hazards index Type of hazard Weight Formula Flood 1.25 Probability of having monthly rainfall of more than 302 mm multiplied by average of area of Kelurahan being impacted by flood. In order to get the index value of between 0 and 1, the calculated value is normalized by the maximum value Drought 1.50 Probability of having dry month with length of more than 6 month multiplied by number of dry month above the 6 month DM 6+ . Dry month is defined as month with rainfall of less than 84 mm. If total length of dry month is 8 month, the DM 6+ = 2 months. In order to get the index value of between 0 and 1, the calculated value is normalized by the maximum value. Land slide 0.75 Probability of having monthly rainfall of more than Q2 multiplied by slope indicator of the corresponding Kelurahan. Kelurahan that has locations with slope of more than 45 o , the indicator value will be equal to 1, otherwise zero. Sea Level Rise 1.00 Fraction of Kelurahan area being inundated by the sea level rise Max CCHI 4.50 Note: The weight is very subjective and determined based on Expert Judgement. Drought has the highest weight as its impact may be more severe than flood due its duration and extend of impacted area. Impact of flood, land slide and sea level rise is more localized than that of drought. Table 6.3:..Matrix of Climate Risk according the coping capacity index and composite climate hazard index Coping Capacity Index Composite Climate Hazard Index CCHI More than 3.5 Between 2.0 and 3.5 Less than 2.0 5 Very High High Medium to High 4 High Medium to High Medium 3 Medium to High Medium Medium to Low 2 Medium Medium to Low Low 1 Medium to Low Low Very Low Methodology for defining critical rainfall causing flood 302 mm and the one causing drought 84 mm was based on statistical distribution of the monthly rainfall 78 data from 27 stations 1989-2007 under hazards and without hazard condition. The data of flood and drought hazards were taken from Bappeda 2007. From Box plot Figure 6.1, it was found that the monthly rainfall during flood years is relatively larger than in no flood years. The average of rainfall amount is estimated around 324 mm when the flood occurred, and 205 mm when there was no flood. For this study, we define the threshold of monthly rainfall associated with the flooding events as the 3 rd quartile of monthly rainfall distribution, where in this case, equal to 302 mm. This threshold value means that if the monthly rainfall is more than 302 mm, the chance of having flood disaster is large. Figure 6.1: Box plot of monthly rainfall in wet season during flood and no-flood years For drought, Box plot of monthly rainfall during dry season under drought years and no drought years Figure 6.2 suggests that there is distinct different between distributions of monthly rainfall during drought and no drought year. Therefore, we define that the critical threshold for monthly rainfall during dry season causing droughts is the 3 rd quartile of monthly rainfall distribution in drought conditions, i.e. 84 mm. Figure 6.2:Comparison between monthly rainfall during drought and no drought events. Q3=84 Note : Flood No Flood Mean 324 205 Q1 210 78 Q2 307 181 Q3 428 302 Min 1 1 Max 987 790 Flood No Flood 79 Figure 6.3:Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions eCDF and Scaled Density Function of observed rainfall over Semarang and the threshold of having flood. Figure 6.4 demonstrates a stem-leaf diagram of flood affected area in the Semarang city. Branches in the figure are equal to hundreds, while leaves are tens. It is found that there were 21 months of flood events with an average of 1.2 months per year during the period of January 1989 to May 2007. Most of the inundated area were less than 100 ha, with only two flood events affecting more than 100 ha, i.e. in January 2000 115 ha and February 1999 257 ha. Figure 6.5 demonstrates that the flood inundated area over Semarang city will increase along with the increasing of rainfall amount. However, although there seems to be a linear relationship between rainfall amounts and the inundated area, similar rainfall amount will have different effect on the same area. For example as shown in Figure 6.4, a total rainfall amount of 375 mm may cause no effect to the flooding area equal to zero in one chance but could cause significant impact of disaster with considerable inundated area in the city in another chance. This could be related to the dissimilarity in the occurrence of extreme rainfall defined by its frequency and intensity. An extreme rainfall occurs intensely and continuously at a time more than a day, could create more catastrophic impact than several rainfall events that occur discretely with long enough time interval, although the total of monthly rainfall are Figure 6.4:Distribution of flood affected area. Feb. 1999 Jan. 2000 302 0.58 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 200 400 600 800 Rainfall D e n s it y 80 similar. Another possibility is that the spreading of flooding area could be also caused by the rainfall event that occurred in the upstream area that brings water runoff into the region. However, such kind of event has a relatively small probability if the rainfall in the region is low Figure 6.5. Figure 6.5:Scatter plot of relationship between monthly rainfall and flood affected area.

6.2 Classification of Kelurahan Villages Based on Level of Their

Exposure to Climate Risk Figure 6.6 shows a composite climate hazard index CCHI baseline year 2005, and the A2 scenario in 2025, A2 2050, B1 2025 and B1 scenario in 2050. Based on the analysis carried out showed that most areas of Semarang was in the range of index of equal or less than 2.0 shown in green, and only a small portion with the CCHI of more than 2.0 shown in yellow and red. The high CCHI index is only in a small part of the northern part of Semarang. The study suggested that in 2005, the CCHI in most areas of Semarang City was mostly less than 2.0, and only a small portion of more than 2.0 which is situated in a small part of the northern part of Semarang. In the future, A2 scenario, areas of index 2 has decreased in 2025, but increased slightly in 2050. Kelurahan with high CCHI both at present and in the future is Kelurahan Tanjung Mas, Semarang Utara Sub-district. y = 0.1246x - 2.0499 R 2 = 0.0669 -50 50 100 150 200 250 300 100 200 300 400 500 Rainfall F lo o d in g A re a 81 Figure 6.6:Composite Climate Hazard Index of Semarang City A D Climate Hazard Baseline, B Climate Hazard A2 2025, C Climate Hazard A2 2050, E Climate Hazard B1 2025, F Climate Hazard B1 2050. Note: Green 2.0, Yellow 2.0-3.5, Red 3.5 Classification of Kelurahan based on the level of exposure to climate risks is shown in Figure 6.8. It shows that there are no Kelurahan with Very High VH Climate Risk Category at present baseline conditions. The highest category is only Medium to High M-H. There are about 15 Kelurahans 8 with M-H risk category. These include Bandaharjo, Bangetayu Kulon, Bubakan, Gunungpati, Kudu, Mangkang Kulon, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, Mangunsari, Ngadirgo, Penggaron Lor, Podorejo, Tanjungmas, Tanjungmas, Tugurejo, amd Wonoplumbon. The remaining are 63 Kelurahans 36 as M Medium risk, 47 Kelurahan 27 as L-M Low to Medium risk, 6 Kelurahans 3 as L Low risk and 46 Kelurahans as VL Very Low risk. In the future 2025 and 2050, more Kelurahans will be exposed to higher climate risk, particularly under scenario SRESA2 Figure 5. There would be two Kelurahans would move from M-H to High climate risk category, namely Mangunharjo Village at Tugu Sub-District and Mangunharjo Village at Tembalang Sub-District. While many of Kelurahans with L-M risk category would move to Medium risk category Figure 6.7. C B A D E F