Biophysical Impact of Extreme Climate Events

49 Ngaliyan Bamban Kerep, Wonosari, Purwoyoso, Tambakaji, Ngaliyan, Kalipancur, Bringin Pedurungan Gemah Gajahmungkur Petompon, Bendungan, Lempongsari, Bendan Ngisor, Gajahmungkur, Bendan Duwur Tugu Tugurejo, Karanganyar, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, Mangkang Kulon Semarang Barat Kembangarum, Ngemplak Simongan, Krapyak, Salaman Mloyo, Manyaran, Bojong Salaman, Bongsari Drought Mijen Karangmalang ,Polaman, Wonolopo, Ngadirgo, Bubakan Banyumanik Pudakpayung, Gedawang, Jabungan Candisari Jomblang, Candi, Wonotingal Tugu Jerakah, Tugurejo, Karanganyar, Randugarut, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo Gunungpati Sukorejo, Nongko Sawit, Kali Segoro, Kandri, Gunungpati Tembalang Meteseh, Mangunharjo, Rowosari High wind Tembalang Sendangguwo, Bulusan Tugu Tugurejo Abrasion Tugu Jerakah, Tugurejo, Karanganyar, Randu Garut, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, Mangkang Kulon Semarang Utara Bulu Lor, Plombokan, Panggung Kidul, Panggung Lor, Kuningan, Purwosari, Dadapsari, Bandarharjo, Tanjungmas Semarang Barat Kembangarum, Manyaran, Ngemplaksimongan, Bongsari, Bojongsalaman, Cabean, Salamanmloyo, Gisikdrono, Kalibanteng Kidul, Kalibanteng Kulon, Krapyak, Tambak Harjo, Tawangsari, Karang Ayu, Krobokan, Tawangmas Genuk Muktiharjo Lor, Gebangsari, Genuksari, Bangetayu Kulon, Bangetayu Wetan, Sembungharjo, Penggaron Lor, Kudu,, Karangroto, Banjardowo, Trimulyo, Terboyo Wetan, Terboyo Kulon

4.2 Socio-Economic Impact of Extreme Climate Events

4.2.1 Social impact

A disaster in an area indirectly has the potential to change the order of social values of society. To get an idea of the magnitude of social impacts due to the disaster in the City of Semarang, one can see from the behavior of mutual cooperation or companionship among residents in handling problems that occur in communities, in work relationships, in patterns of production transactions and in other social values. In coastal areas, generally disasters give positive impact in strengthening of social relationships and kinship among members of society, which is an important component in handling disaster problems. For example during floods, major efforts generally carried out by residents are discussing the way to solve the problems together with family members, neighbors, and friends in the village. And if the residents cannot find a solution in the first effort, the next step is to conduct village gathering to find the solution. These problems will be handed over to local governments either in village or district, if the problems have not been resolved. 50 Prevention and handling efforts that people generally do when there are big disasters that hit their area are working together to clean and tidy the environment. In addition, residents try to better protect, care, and preserve the existing environment to avoid disaster. While for non-coastal areas, where most people depend on agriculture, the social impact that happens is a change in working patterns by doing shift. In the past, agricultural land management activities are carried out in turn and by helping each other. But today such patterns are no longer valid and have been replaced with payment or reward system patterns to people who work the land. Although there are values that change, there are also values that have been kept up to this day, which is the pattern of production transactions. When having short of money, the barter system between residents is still valid, although in limited amounts. Residents who do not have cash but have items such as rice but do not have vegetables can barter their rice to neighbors who have vegetable. This barter occurs on the basis of mutual needs. Table 4.2: Disaster Impact on Residents’ Social Values in the Observed Villages in Semarang City, No Description Current condition 1 Social relations kinship There is still mutual cooperation between large numbers of village residents to complete a particular activity which is considered useful for general interest 2 Work relationship Working in shifts has been replaced with paymentwage 3 Transaction patterns of production There is still barter system, although limited to certain conditions 4 Crime Possibility of theft increases The nature of kinship among residents is also reflected when the dry season arrives, where it is difficult to work on farms, many people go to cities to work as labors. Information on jobs as labors is usually delivered by residents who are already working in that place. Generally they help other residents who struggle to get a job. Disaster has the potential for negative impact towards public behavior. Based on the residents’ experience, they revealed that when disaster occurred there was an increase in crime in their area. The act of crime that often happens is theft of valuables owned by residents. This may occur for several reasons. For example during floods, residents evacuate to a safe place and leave the house unlocked, thus providing an opportunity for theft. This indicates that there is need for attention and good cooperation between the village, RT and residents to remind each other and to be cautious when disaster strikes. Crimes such as theft also indicate that when disaster strikes, the economic level of residents that is already low becomes worse. Surviving residents generally are residents who have other livelihood alternatives. Meanwhile, residents who do not have livelihood alternatives, have great opportunities to conduct crimes