Major character Theories of Major and Minor Character

B. Approach of the Study

This study applies New Criticism as its approach. Bressler states that the purpose of New Criticism is to reveal the structure of the work of art and its interrelationship and to find out the idea developed from the work itself 1999: 43. This approach is chosen since the study focuses on the elements within the novel, which is characters. Bressler also mentions that the New Criticism features the interrelation and interconnection of each element to reflect the work’s main idea, thus the elements and the form of the work cannot be separable 1999: 43. To discover the overall meaning of the form of a work , all elements must be analyzed and united first 1999: 44.

C. Method of the Study

The method that is used in the study is library research. The writer read and collected data from books and other sources to support the study. It consists of primary and secondary sources. The primary source of this study is Emma, a novel by Jane Austen. The secondary sources were taken from previous studies related to this study and some books which could be utilized to support this study, such as; An Approach to English Literature, A Glossary of Literary Terms, Aspect of the Novel, A Great Victorian Assessment of Jane Austen, An Introduction to Fiction, Literary Criticism, Understanding Unseens, The Anatomy of Prose Fiction, Reading and Writing about Literature, and The College’s Writer’s Guide to the Study of Literature. All those books help the writer to analyze the problems of this study. The first step in doing this study was reading the novel thoroughly and taking some notes from chapter to chapter, to get better understanding. After reading the novel, the writer found an interesting thing in the main character, Emma, and decided to analyze her character. Then, the writer tried to find some studies about Emma. Some studies were used to helped the writer to provide a better information about the novel and the author. After that, the writer analyzing the novel based on the topic using some theories. Those theories were theories of character and characterization, theories of major and minor characters, and theory of character development. The character of Emma could be described as beautiful and generous, but still spoiled, arrogant, meddlesome, and insensitive toward her own feeling. The study is also supported by the previous studies that had been done before as the review of related studies. Some theories were also applied in this study. The next was applying the New Criticism approach to answer the third problem formulation in order to see how the minor characters affect Emma’s character development. And the last, the writer took a conclusion from the whole analysis.