Theory of Character Development

The first step in doing this study was reading the novel thoroughly and taking some notes from chapter to chapter, to get better understanding. After reading the novel, the writer found an interesting thing in the main character, Emma, and decided to analyze her character. Then, the writer tried to find some studies about Emma. Some studies were used to helped the writer to provide a better information about the novel and the author. After that, the writer analyzing the novel based on the topic using some theories. Those theories were theories of character and characterization, theories of major and minor characters, and theory of character development. The character of Emma could be described as beautiful and generous, but still spoiled, arrogant, meddlesome, and insensitive toward her own feeling. The study is also supported by the previous studies that had been done before as the review of related studies. Some theories were also applied in this study. The next was applying the New Criticism approach to answer the third problem formulation in order to see how the minor characters affect Emma’s character development. And the last, the writer took a conclusion from the whole analysis. 16


In this chapter, the writer tries to analyze the problems one by one. The first problem discusses the character of the main character of the novel. The second problem deals with the description of the minor characters in the novel. Meanwhile, the last problem discusses the character development of the main character as affected by the minor characters of the novel. All the discussions are aimed to see how the minor characters may give contribution to the change of one’s character.

A. Character of Emma Woodhouse

In this part, the writer tries to answer the first problem that is stated in the problem formulation, which is about the main character. The main character is the centre of the story and has the most important role in the story. The main character who is discussed here is Emma Woodhouse. According to Murphy there are nine ways how the author presents the characters, such as; personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversations of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism 1972: 161. Some of them are used by the author of the novel to describe the main character in Emma. The writer tries to analyze Emma’s character through her personal description, the other characters say about her, direct comment on her, her thoughts, and her mannerism.