Finding Ideas faster To What Extent Five-minute Freewriting could Reduce EFL

62 As Langan stated, “through continued practice in freewriting you will develop the habit if thinking as you write” 2005. From the example of student B freewriting product, the researcher found that the students could develop his ideas, topic sentence, and paragraph faster because they are accustomed to write. It can be seen through a student’s 4 th freewriting as follows: “I have one important thing in my wallet. The important thing is my driving license. There are three reasons why my driving license is important. First, it is used for help me to ride motorcycle. If I don’t bring it, I will be caught by policeman. Second, it is a sign that I am allowed to ride a motorcycle. Third, it can be a thing to fulfill my wallet. That is all about my important thing in my wallet.” From the previous discussion, the student could find ideas faster since he could mention three reasons in five-minutes. Finding many ideas in five minutes means that the students could develop his idea. In addition, the researcher found that the student could develop his topic sentence. It could be seen by the reasons he wrote to develop his topic sentence. He mentioned the important thing in his wallet, aftter that, he developed three reasons why driving license is important. Then he explained more about the first reason. He mentioned three reasons and explained it with the intention that his paragraph is well-developed.

c. Producing More Words

Since the previous result discussed the development of ideas, the researcher analyzed the number of word production in order to know whether their ideas developed. As Elbow stated, “It will make writing less blocked because 63 words will come more easily” 1973, p.6. The development of ideas could be seen from the number of word production. The result showed that most of the respondents could produce more sentences in their writing. According to Elbow, the reflection of the using of freewriting will enrich student’s writing product by getting a lot of important words, phrases, and sentences 1973. The researcher found out that the respondents were motivated by five-minute freewriting and they were improving along the semester. They admitted that they could produce more words in a limited time which is in five minutes. Moreover, the researcher analyzed the number of word production from the first freewriting until the fourth freewriting in order to know whether the students really could develop their ideas. The result was interesting because there were improvements of word producion. The researcher counted the first, the third, and the fourth freewriting and the result was almost 100 of the respondents experienced the improvement of word production. It could be seen from the example of a student’s freewriting as follows: