Problem of Writing Writing

17 not relate to the topic sentence, this sentence is irrelevant and should be omitted because the paragraph becomes unified Muhyidin, 1988. For instance, one student will write about the benefits of freewriting, he or she needs to mention the benefits of freewriting. If the student writes about the other subjects it will make the paragraph incoherent. 2. Forms Since writing is seen as a product constructed from the writer’s ability of lexical and grammatical Hyland, 2003, vocabulary mastery and structure should be well-understood to produce a good paragraph. In fact, EFL students mostly experienced making grammatical errors and minimum requirement errors. According to Msanjila 2005, the highest frequency of writing problem is capitalization problem. Capitalization is related to the use of the first word of sentence, the pronoun “I”, abbreviations and acronyms, and proper nouns.

2. Anxiety

In this section, the researcher provides theories related to anxiety. There are two parts of this section; the nature of anxiety and the types of anxiety.

a. The Nature of Anxiety

There are so many definitions of anxiety but in this chapter, the researcher would provide its definition which exists in learning process especially in language learning. Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling or emotional state that has physiological and behavioral concomitants Dusek, 1980, p. 88. Anxiety itself is said to be one of the factors that could affect the process of learning, and 18 researchers such as MacIntyre 1995, Horwitz et al. 1986 and MacIntyre and Gardner 1989 and 1991 claimed that language courses are very anxiety- provoking as cited in Daud, 2005. “Anxiety is a state of apprehension, a vague fear tha t is only indirectly associated with an object” Hilgard, Atkinson, Atkinson, 1971. It means that anxiety is kind of public feeling of ambiguous fear, which indirectly related with something consider as an object. The success of learning will affect st udent’s anxiety because it is related to the student’s optimism. It was revealed that overall, academic achievement was the best predictor followed by foreign language anxiety Daud, 2005. The success of learning will lead the students to be more confident and motivated so that they experience less anxiety. Other researcher, for example, Levine reports that students who come from monolingual background tend to feel more anxious than students who come from bi- or multilingual backgrounds Levine, 2003 as cited in Daud, 2005. It is because students who come from bilingual or multilingual background get more new knowledge from some languages. However, students who know only one language tend to feel more anxious because their knowledge of other languages is limited.

b. The Types of Anxiety

According to Huberty 2004, anxiety is categorized into three types; Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physical. Cognitive anxiety means the anxious feeling associated with intellectual activity. The examples of cognitive anxiety according