Errors in Word Choice

70 The giraffe is very tall animal in fact it is the tallest animal in the world see Appendix E text 9. revision: The giraffe is very tall animal, in fact, it is the tallest animal in the world. In this second example the omission of comma occurred when separating a transitional expression. Therefore, a comma should be used to separate this transitional sentence before and after the ransition in fact as in the giraffe is very tall animal, in fact, it is the tallest animals in the world . Below were an example of omission of comma when separating a series items of list and the revision formulated by the researcher: The pouch is important to keep the baby fully grown, safe and warm see Appendix E, text 31. revision: The pouch is important to keep the baby fully grown, safe, and warm . In this third example the omission of comma occurred when dividing a series items of list. A comma should therefore be used to separate this series items of list as in the pouch is important to keep the baby fully grown, safe, and warm. c Omission of Apostrophe In the students report text the researcher noticed several omission of apostrophe to mark posssession. It occurred in singular nouns and plural nouns ending with -s. The example of omission of apostrophe and the correct revision formulated by the researcher were as follows: The kangaroos meat contains high protein and low fat see Appendix E, text 1 revision: The kangaroos’ meat contains high protein and low fat. 71 This example presented the omission of apostrophe in plural noun ending with -s. As mentioned by Stanley 1991, an apostrophe was necessary to mark possession. Therefore, in this example the researcher inserted the apostrophe as in the kangaroos’ meat contains high protein and low fat .

c. Errors in Capitalization

There were errors in capitalization. It comprised of one part only. It was omission of capitalization. 1 Omission of Capitalization The researcher discovered some omission of period in the students report text. It dealth with omitting a capital letter in the first letter of proper nouns, such as the names of specific animals, islands, countries, and continents. Below was the example of omission of a capital letter and the correct revision provided by the researcher: the sumatran tiger has the darkest color of the stripes see Appendix E, text 8. revision: the Sumatran tiger has the darkest color of the stripes. As the example given, the letter s in sumatran was not capitalized. Since it was related with Sumatra, the researcher revised to capitalize the first letter s in sumatran as in the following sentence the Sumatran tiger has the darkest color of the stripe .

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