Errors in Topic Sentences of Paragraphs

49 According to Bram 1995, a transition is similar to change from one item of idea to another. Without transitions, it is difficult to produce a coherent paragraph. Here, a paragraph which is coherent consists of interelated sentences. The following were an example of omission of transition to link words as well as the revision formulated by the researcher. The cows can produce milk, cheese, meat see Appendix E, text 2. revision: The cows can produce milk, cheese, and meat. This sentence introduced the omission of transition to link words in a sentence. The researcher provided a better revision for it. In this example, it needed to insert the transition and to signal addition in a list. On the other hand, here was the example of omission of transition to link sentences and and the revision figured out by the researcher: They have sharp eyes. They have superior sight in the dark see Appendix E, text 41. revision: They have sharp eyes. Therefore, they have superior sight in the dark. This second example presented the omission of transition to link sentences. To have chronological sentences in which the ideas run smoothly and logically, a transition should be inserted between the first sentence They have sharp eyes and the following sentence They have superior sight in the dark. The omission of transition was used for therefore to signal cause and effect. b Substitution of Transitions In the students’ report texts, the researcher discovered the substitution of transitions to combine words and sentences within paragraphs. The substitution of 50 transitions to join words was substitution like for for example. On the other hand, the substitution of transitions to link sentences were substitution but for however, substitution finally for furthermore, substitution although for but, substitution that for when, substitution and for furthermore, substitution so for therefore, substitution also for furthermore, substitution and for last, and finally substitution because that for therefore. The following was the example of omission of transition to combine words and the revision formulated by the researcher: Some goats like Swiss goat, Indian and Nubian are bred for milk production. see Appendix E, text 40 revision: Some goats, for example, Swiss goat, Indian and Nubian are bred for milk production. In this first example, the substitution of transitions to join words in a sentence was presented. As mentioned by Langan 2011, transitions are used to stick together the sentences. Using appropriate transitions, the sentenses will not sound too abrupt. The ideas will flow smoothly one after the other. The researcher, therefore, gave a better revision for the example above. It was better to substitute transition like for for example to give examples. On the other hand, here was the example of omission of transition to combine sentences as well as the revision provided by the researcher: The baby kangaroo is so tiny. Because that, the mother cannot touch it. see Appendix E, text 26 revision: The baby kangaroo is so tiny. Therefore, the mother cannot touch it.

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