Definitions of Writing Theories of Writing

16 to give feedback on the ideas before revising. After evaluating the students’ pieces of writing, the teacher should take time to discuss in class about the weaknesses of the students’ writing. Lastly, the teacher presents techniques which is a part of what is so-called process writing. All writers decide on how to begin and organize the compositions. Students as writers need to know what they first put down on paper is not necessarily their finished product. They should not expect that the words they put onto papers are perfect. They get time for process to work.It becomes the process of discovery new ideas and new language forms to express those ideas. Process of writing is a valuable learning tool for students. Process writing tends to be framed in three stages of writing: prewriting, drafting, and revising stages. As described by Brown 2007, the prewriting stage encourages the generation of ideas. Generatig ideas is about finding ways to unlock ideas we have in our minds which can happen in numerous ways, such as reading extensively passages, observing, brainstoarming approaching a topic with an open mind, listing, clustering begining with a key word, then adding other words, and using free association, discussing, freewriting initial exploration of ideas without concern for appropriateness, order, or accuracy Brown 2007 found that the drafting and revising stages are the core of process writing. In the process approach, drafting is viewed as an important and complex set of strategies, the mastery of which takes time, patience, and trained instruction. Several strategies and skills apply to the drafting and revising process in writing: 17 Brown 2007 suggested that the drafting proces goes to the step of writing the first draft adapting the freewriting technique. After exploring ideas, students put the ideas into paragraph form, keep in mind how showing and using facts makes writing powerful and convincing. Their task here is to discover how they can best express their ideas in the clearest manner possible so that the readers will receive the intended message with the same topic. According to Brown 2007, peer editing is a process of sharing what the students has written with others as the readers.The peers can respond to ideas, organization and style, even see if the students writers have been successful in conveying the intended meaning. This information feedbak is useful to improve writing. In the process revising the students go through several steps of revision to make their compositions the best they can be Brown, 2007. At this point, they reconsider what they have composed, learn the classmates feedback they agreed on, and then make changes. Doing the correction, they can eliminate unnecessary or irrelevant information, make additions of idea, even change the order of composition. Once they have made the necessary changes in their paper, they can rewrite it legibly. After rewriting, they go over the paper carefully to check if the language sounds correct and if the message seems complete and understandable. They then finally submit their composition to the teacher.

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