Previous Studies Literature Review

37 mostly heard and answer. Consequently, they find the activities boring and uninteresting at all. Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning technique which is said as a multi-mode discussion cycle in which students listen to a question or presentation. Then, they have time to think individually talk with each other in pairs, and finally share responses with the larger group McTighe and Lyman, 1988:19. According to Lyman 1981 cited on Knight 2009: 9, TPS involves three components. First, each student is prompted to complete a task or answer a question that them to think. Second, each student is prompted to pair up with another student to compare, contrast or confirm the product created during the thinking phase. Third, students are prompted to share with the rest of the class what they learned during the entire activity. Based on these problems, the TPS will be applied as a technique in the effort to improve the speaking ability of students. Think-Pair-Share is used since the teacher seldom puts the students in pairs during the teaching learning process. Beside, the students enjoy learning together as their learning can be facilitated through working in pairs. By working in pairs, it will simultaneously give a positive impact to the students’ vocabulary self-esteem, pronunciation and learning materials. They have chance to practice speaking with hisher partner. 38


This chapter contains six subchapters. It covers type of the research, the research setting, research subject, data collection types, technique, instrument, and analysis, the validity and the reliability of the data and research procedures.

A. Type of the Research

In accordance with the objective of the research, the aim of this study was to improve the students’ speaking ability through the use of Think-Pair-Share for the eighth grade students of MTSN 1 Karangmojo. This research was categorized as action research. This study focused on improving the real condition of the English teaching and learning process to reach the improvement of the students’ speaking ability. According to Nunan 1992 in McKay 2008, action research typically has three major characteristics; it is carried out by practitioners i.e. classroom teacher, it is collaborative and it is aimed at changing things. This idea is supported by Burns 1999 in McKay 2008 that there are four characteristics of action research. Firstly, action research is contextual, small scale, and localized. Secondly, it is evaluative and reflective. Thirdly, action research is participatory. Lastly, it has changes in practice which are based on the collection of information or data which provides the impetus of change. The researcher decided to conduct an action research by implementing the model proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart model as cited in Burn 2010: 7- 9. There are four broad phases in a cycle of research using Kemmis and 39 McTaggart model; planning, action, observation, reflection. The research design could be illustrated as follows: Figure 1 : Action research cycles by Kemmis and McTaggart Burn, 2010: 9 According to Figure 1, the researcher identified some problems, formulated some actions to overcome the problems, implemented the actions, and reflected the result of the actions. In the action phase, the researcher implemented the TPS technique during the teaching and learning process. These whole steps were conducted in two cycles. B. Research Setting This research was conducted in MTS N Karangmojo. It was located in Jl. Raya Tasikmadu- Kebakramat Km 2 Karanganyar. The school has some facilities such as a principal’s room, a vice principals’ room, a teacher’s room, 24 classrooms, a meeting room, an administration room, a room for guidance and counseling, a school health unit, a mosque, a library, three laboratories, a music room, sport fields, an OSIS room, a guest room, and other supporting facilities. For teaching and learning process, this school has 24 classrooms