Data Analysis Technique Data Collection

45 researcher observed the teaching and learning process by using observation checklist, field notes, interview the students and the teacher, and also the teacher had discussions with the collaborator. d. Catalytic validity It is related to the extent to which the researcher allows participants to deepen their understanding of the social realities of the context and how they can make changes in within it. To achieve this validity, the researcher asked the students and the teacher’s response after the implementation of the actions.. e. Dialogic validity It parallels the process collaborative enquiry or reflective dialogue with “critical friends” or other practitioners. It was obtained by conducting dialogues with the English teacher and the collaborator. The dialogues used to get the comments about the implementation of the technique in every meeting. The results of the dialogues were used to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the action to make a better action in the next meeting. Meanwhile, the trustworthiness was obtained from the triangulation technique. The aim of triangulation was to gather multiple perspectives on the situation being studied Burns, 1999: 164. Burns proposes three forms of triangulations. 46 The first form is time triangulation. It means that the data are collected at one point in time or over a period of time to get sense of what are involved in the processes of the changes The second form is investigator triangulation. It means that more than one observer is used in the same research setting. The purpose of this triangulation is to avoid bias or subjective observations. In this research, the researcher worked with the English teacher as the collaborator. The third form of the triangulation is theoretical triangulation. It means that the data are analyzed using more than one perspective of some theoretical reviews. The researcher reviewed theories using some books to obtain this form of triangulation.

E. Procedure of Research

This research used the Kemmis and McTaggart 1988 model. According to Kemmis and McTaggart 1988 cited in Burns 2010, action research typically involved four phases in a cycle. Each step is elaborated as follows: 1. Reconnaissance In this stage, the researcher found out valuable information concernig the students’ speaking ability. The researcher identified the problems and obstacles in teaching speaking by observing in the class and interviewing the teacher and the students. 47 2. Planning The researcher identified a problem or issue and developed a plan of action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area of the research context. She identified problems in students’ speaking ability and she used Think-Pairs-Share to improve the students’ speaking ability. 3. Action and Observation of the Action The researcher conducted the research as planned by implementing the learning model of Think-Pair-Share on the competence of speaking ability. The researcher observed systematically the effect of using Think-Pair- Share and documents the context, action, and opinions of those involved. 4. Reflection In this phrase, the researcher made some notes and reviews on the changes during the implementation with the collaborator. The reflections were used to find the successful and unsuccessful actions in solving the problem. The reflections showed whether the actions were successful or not to improve students’ speaking ability. The successful actions were used and reapplied in the next cycle, but those which were unsuccessful would be changed or improved into more suitable ones.