Report of the Actions and Discussions

b. Students who were confident to read aloud, lacked reading fluency aspects accuracy, rate and prosody. c. The teacher did not give an interesting model. d. The students felt bored to learn English lesson.

B. Report of the Actions and Discussions

I. The Implementation of Action in Cycle I

a. Planning

After formulating the main problems, I planned the actions to solve the problems. The actions were to teach the students and to enhance the motivation of learning English by implementing multimedia running text. The following Table 5 described the actions for overcoming the problems related to reading fluency activity. No Problems Actions 1 Most students had a strong fear to speak up even to read aloud. The teacher gave motivation for not worrying of making mistakes and provided multimedia which gave the correct way to read. 2 The students who were confident to read aloud lacked of reading fluency accuracy, rate and prosody. The teacher provided exposures of the correct pronunciation, fastreading and proper prosody by implementing multimedia running text. 3 The teacher did not give an interesting model. The teacher provided an interesting model by utilizing multimedia running text. 4 The students felt bored to learn English lesson. The teacher taught by using interesting multimedia which led the curiousity of students’ thought. Table 5: Action plans For achieving those goals, I implemented multimedia running text in the classroom when reading aloud activity was running. On the planning that had been created, I divided cycle I into two meetings. They were on March 3 and 8 2016. The teaching learning activity was focused on reading fluency not reading comprehension while the material was recount text. The tools were a projector, big speakers, smartphones, remote pointer, a laptop and a screen. The details of the teaching and learning process in cycle I was as follows:

b. First Meeting

In the first meeting, I utilized observation sheets in the form of fieldnotes and teacher’s observation sheets to get qualittaive data. In collecting the quantitative data, I also used test and reading score rubrics to measure the progress of the research. Vignette 3 No : App-AFN-0303032016 T : Teacher Mrs. Eko Tatik I : The researcher Place: VIII-G Classroom Time: 07.30-08.10 I arrived at the class at 07.00 a.m. Before starting the class, we prayed and also sang a song of Indonesia Raya. After that, I started the class by giving the paper containing the material of reading aloud. Firstly, I asked the student to read silently while I was preparing the tools of multimedia such as LCD, projetor and sound system. Unfortunately, the sunrise was fronting the whiteboard, so that the text could not be seen well. Handling the problems, I just utilized the sounds as a model while the students read by using the paper without the running text but the sound could be heard. The students seemed focus on the learning process when the multimedia were running. I interviewed the students about the teaching and learning process and about their feeling. The trannscripts can be seen in the following extracts: Line Interview Transcript 3 R: Gimana tadi belajarnya? Seneng ga? How did you feel about the learning process? Did you love it? 4 S3: Seneng mbak. Beda aja dari biasanya. I felt excited, miss. It gave me a new sensation of learning. App-BIT-0311032016 The student was interested in learning by using multimedia running text. He also felt excited to learn because of multimedia implementation. Multimedia made a new sensation of learning since the students never learned English by multimedia before. The students only had ever listened to cassette in language laboratory when they were taking a test. Another opinion about the student’s feeling about the implementation of multimedia were as follows: Line Interview Transcript 3 R: Gimana belajarnya tadi, seneng ga? How did you feel about the learning process? Did you love it? 4 S4: Seneng mba. Soalnya gurunya masih muda. I felt happy due to young teacher. 5 R: Yah bukan itu. Maksudnya cara ngajarnya itu menyenangkan apa enggak menurutmu? I mean how did you feel about the way of teaching? 6 S4: Iya seneng. Aku jadi lebih semangat belajar bahasa Inggris. Terus miss juga ngasih motivasi. I was so happy. I felt more enthusiastic to learn English. The teacher also gave me motivation to learn. App-BIT-0129032016 The students felt excited because the teacher seemed young and engaged the students’ thought. The students were also motivated to be fluent readers. They felt enthusiastic not only because of the multimedia but also because of the way of teaching. There were some problems in the first meeting imlementation. One of them was the visualization of the media. The whiteboard of the classroom was facing the sunrise. However, I kept using the sound by utilizing the speaker and laptop. The implementation of media still ran well by only using the auditory model. The reactions of the students about the occurance were described in the extracts of interviews below: Interview Transcript R: Tadi kan medianya ga bisa dijalanin tuh, Cuma audio doang. Menurutmu gimana? The multimedia did not work well. The picture did not exist, only the audio worked. How did you think about it? S3: Gak papa mbak, itu suaranya keras. Kedengeran sampai belakang kok. Never mind. The sound was loud. I could listen it well. App-BIT-0311022016 Interview Transcript R: Oh gitu ya. Eh tapi tadi multimedianya gak ada gambarnya tuh. Cuma audio doang. Itu menurutmu gimana? The multimedia did not work well. The picture did not exist, only the audio worked. How did you think about it? S4: Gak ada gambarnya aja udah membantu banget, apalagi ada. It was helpful even without the picture. If the pictures were existing, it could be more helpful. App-BIT-0411022016 I asked the students about the multimedia which did not work well. The students said that it would be more helpful if the multimedia were well. The other interviewee stated that the multimedia voice sounded loud so the student could listen the media well. However, by the voice only, they still got the essential of auditory model. I could not ask about the media design because the students could not notice visually.

c. Second Meeting

After conducting the first meeting, I conducted a midtest to measure the students’ reading fluency after the application of multimedia running text in a meeting. The situation was described below: Vignette 4 No : App-AFN-0408032016 I : The researcher Place: VIII-G Classroom Time: 07.30-08.10 On Tuesday, I did a mid test by asking the students to read aloud by considering reading fluency such as accuracy, rate and prosody. I asked the sudents to read aloud in front of the class and I recorded every single person. I brought three handphones to record the student’s voice to keep it effective. The process ran well. I got over 30 students’ recording. However, the classroom atmosphere was too noisy. It was because the students excercised to read the passage before reading in front of the class.

d. Reflections

The implementation of mutimedia running text in the first cycle was done in two meetings Thursday and Tuesday, 3 and 8 March 2016. After conducting the midtest, I counted the results of reading fluency test and reflected the fieldnotes and interviews. The result of mid test was a quantitative data by assessing the students’ reading fluency aspects. Actually there were 38 students in grade VIII-G class. Because only several students performed in the pre-test, I took 21 students as samples of the research. It was for avoiding confusions in the computation of the entire data. To get a significant number of the students’ reading fluency improvenent, I used t-test in counting the final score of the pre-test and mid test. The pre-test score paired with the midtest. After having the mean of each aspect of reading fluency, I counted the t-test using SPSS 17.0 computer program. Descriptive Statistics of Reading Accuracy Result Pre-test – midtest N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Pre-test 21 60 91 79.37 9.256 Midtest 21 67 98 88.46 7.160 Valid N listwise 21 Descriptive Statistics of Reading Rate Pre-test-midtest N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Pre-test 21 78 149 105.90 20.366 Midtest 21 80 184 118.05 27.800 Valid N listwise 21 Descriptive Statistics of Reading Prosody Result Pre-test - midtest N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Pre-test 21 50 72 61.64 Midtest 21 53 75 66.40 Valid N listwise 21 The table of reading fluency results clearly measured that the reading accuracy, rate and prosody improved. In the term of reading accuracy, the mean of improvement was 09.09 point per student. The mean improvement of reading rate was 12 words per student. The prosody score improved 04.76 per student. The reading fluency aspects needed to be enhanced especially in term of reading prosody. From the results of tests scoring, interviews and fieldnotes, there were problems found in the first cycle. The issues could be a consderation of formulating a better plan in the next cycle. The issues are: 1. The reading accuracy improved not significantly. 2. The reading rate of the students was still poor. 3. The class controlling was too difficult. 4. The sunshine bothered the process of implementing the multimedia.

II. The Implementation of Action in Cycle II

a. Planning

After reflecting the actions implementation in cycle I, I decided to continue the action in cycle II. Concerning the problems that were found in the first cycle, I decided to add some supporting actions to solve those problems.Whereas, the details of the actions planned in cycle II were in the following practices: 1. Supporting the reading accuracy by making basic pronunciation guide such as pronuncing letters, vowels and diphtongs. The students needed to be guided in pronuncing the words since the students made errors because of not knowing about how to place the tongue and the lips well. Hopefully, the students could gain better accuracy of every single word. 2. Overcoming the lack of reading rate by making tongue twister materials. Reading aloud was a psychomotor reading. The exercise ought to move the psychomotor devices such as tongue and lips. To make th e students’s tongue flexible, the tongue twister excercise might be a solution. Hopefully the speed of reading could be improved. 3. Controlling the class by making groupworks. Conducting groupwork activity could controll the noise better than individual test. It was because the member of the team would respect each other for not bothering. 4. Covering the sunshine by using curtain. I asked the school guard of the school to provide curtain to cover the sunrays, so that, the multimedia running text could be displayed well.

b. Third Meeting

Vignette 5 No : App-AFN-0522032016 I : The researcher Place: VIII-G Classroom Time: 07.30-08.10 I arrived at SMPN 1 Jogonalan at 6.45 and brought multimedia tools such as speaker, LCD and papers. Firstly, I sang Indonesia Raya song and lead the praying session. After that I checked the attendance list. There were two students absence, PR and PS, because of getting sick. In accordance with the lesson plan I made, I began by reflecting the mid test result of their reading fluency. After that, I distributed the materials on the students while I was preparing the multimedia tools. Then, I asked the students to open the material distributed. I taught pronunciation.I taught how to pronounce every single letter and word in English. I shared the way of putting the tongue and teeth when pronuncing the vocals, consonants and diphtongs. I shared phonetics and phonology in order to make students capable of utilizing their hardware of reading correctly. I also taught word stressing. The students seemed enthusiastic. After that, I shared about tongue twister in order to increase the reading rate. I asked the students to play a game of tongue twister for a while. All of the students followed the instructions. Then, I taught by using multimedia running text. The multimedia were the model of correct pronunciation. The model gave examples to read the passage well. The students should follow the examples given by multimedia running text. I repeated the multimedia five times. I motivated the students not to worry of making mistakes. The students looked so eager to learn. Unfortunately the time was over. Then I asked the students to copy the files and informed them to conduct the test in the next meeting.

c. Fourth Meeting

Vignette 6 No : App-AFN-0624032016 I : The researcher Place: VIII-G Classroom Time: 07.30-08.10 Willy nilly, I should conduct the post test. It is because reading aloud was not the main materials in recount text. It should not take too many times for teaching reading aloud. I made the group of four and each group consisted of 9 students. I gave the post-test text to the students. I also provided them time to practice reading and to do peer assessment before recording the test. After assuring that every group had been ready to conduct the test, I asked them to record the reading of every member of the group. Each member sh ould begin the recording by saying “my name is ...” to make the assessing process easy. They should submit the recording. The class controlling was good. The group respected each other for not disturbing their classmates. It did not take much time to conduct the post test. I distributed the questionnaires to the students. I still had 10 minutes to ask about the teaching learning process. The students responded all of my questions. They said that the learning process was not boring and they became more confident to read because they knew the correct way to pronounce the words in a passage. I stated that this was the last time I taught them. The students seemed upset. However, I promised to meet them on Friday afternoon to conduct the interview and asked them to submit the questionnaire.

d. Reflections and Findings

After implementing the actions in the cycle 2, I made a reflection based on the observations during the implementation of the actions and the interviews with the teacher and the students after the actions were implemented. The reflections based on the cycle II planning were as follows: The errors of reading fluency decreased by using the pronunciation guiding as the supporting action of multimedia running text impllementation. The students listened to the example of reading and got knowledge about the correct way of pronuncing every single word. They knew how to put their tongue and lips when they were uttering the words. The tongue twister treatment had successfully increased the reading rate. After that treatment, the students could read faster. Commonly, the beginner of English as foreign language learners found it difficult to read the passage quickly. The supporting treatment could make students read faster. The prosody of reading did not improved significantly. The students with good prosody in the pre-test would read well in the post test. The poor readers of prosody profiency in the pre-test were still having poor reading prosody quality in the post test. It might be because of the limited time of the research. It needed much time for improving the prosody. The process of implementing multimedia running text in cycle II was better than the cycle I. The sunrays did not bothered the display of the multimedia anymore. The class controlling was also managed well because of conducting the groupwork. Furthermore, there were some findings from the implementation of the actions above.The first finding based on the questionnaires which were distributed to the 38 students after implementing the cycle II showed that multimedia affected the students’ motivation and reading fluency. The students could understand the materials taught by the researcher. The students could pronounce the English vocabulary well. The researcher taught using interesting multimedia. The students loved to study by utilizing multimedia running text. The second finding based on the interviews with teacher showed that multimedia running text had successfully made the students eager to learn reading aloud. The teacher appreciated the innovation of educational multimedia. It was good to implement technology in education. The explanation is showning the following interview transcript below: Line Interview Transcript 3 R: Gini bu, Bagaimana pendapat ibu tentang aktivitas reading aloud dengan multimedia running text yang saya implementasikan kemarin? How did you think about the activity of reading aloud by using mutimedia running text? 4 T: Bagus mbak. Menurut saya itu merupakan inovasi yang baik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pendidikan. That was great. In my opinion, you did a great innovation of using technology in education. 5 R: Oh jadi sudah bagus ya bu. Oh, It was good, wasn’t it? 6 T: Ya betul Alright. App-BIT-0601042016 The students were not only more fluent to utter the words but also interested in the learning process. The multimedia gave modelling how to pronounce the sentences in the recount text. Line Interview Transcript 7 R: Terus kalo menurut ibu, apakah siswa suka dengan kegiatan yang saya implementasikan di kelas? Then, according to you, are the students interested in the activities implemented in the classroom? 8 T: Berdasarkan pengamatan saya, anak anak itu suka. Karena mereka merasa lebih apa ya, lincah, dalam menyampaikan kata kata yang ingin mereka ucapkan Based on my observation, the students were excited. It was because they felt more fluent in uttering the words. App-BIT-0601042016 The teacher also noticed that the accuracy and speed of reading improved. The reading confidence also seemed enhanced. Line Interview Transcript 15 R: Apakah dengan multimedia running text kemarin kemampuan reading siswa itu ada kemajuan menurut pendapat ibu? Did the multimedia running text affect the students’ reading ability? 16 T: Ada mbak. Siswa lebih pede dalam membaca lebih akurat dan lebih lancar daripada siswa sewaktu belum menggunakan multimedia tersebut. Yes of course. The students were more confident in reading aloud. The accuracy and speed were better than before the multimedia implementation. App-BIT-0601042016 Nevertheless, there was a lack of the multimedia implementation. According to the teacher’s observation, I taught rapidly. However, overall the teaching and learning process ran well. App-BIT-0129032016 Line Interview Transcript 17 R: Oh gitu ya bu ya. Lalu apa bu kekurangan dari pengimlementasian saya kemarin? Oh I see. What was the insufficiency of the multimedia implementation? 18 T: Menurut saya, mbak Sekar kelihatan terlalu terburu buru. Tetapi saya mengerti karena mbak Sekar mengajar seperti itu untuk mengejar target penelitian. Tapi pada dasarnya sudah bagus. In my opinion, mbak Sekar seemed too fast in teaching. I understood that mbak Sekar wanted to attain the target of research. However, overall you did it well. App-BIT-0129032016 The third finding according to the interview with the students showed that the student felt interested in learning by using multimedia running text. They helped the students in giving audiovisual modeling so the accuracy of reading was enhanced. The students felt the pronunciation was better. The reading speed also improved. Line Interview Transcript 7 R: Eh dek riska, menurut kamu gimana pelajaran bahasa Inggris kemarin? Riska, what did you think about the last English lesson activity? 8 S5: Sangat menyenangkan It was so exciting. 9 R: Menyenangkan kenapa? How came? 10 S5: Karena pake multimedia. Pake laptop. Because it utilized multimedia. Using laptop. 11 R: laughing Kalau menurutmu ya de, kalo kegiatan belajar pake multimedia itu membantu meningkatkan kemampuan reading aloud kamu ga? According to you, was learning using multimedia helpful inimproving your reading aloud skill? 12 S5: Membantu sekali Very helpful. 13 R: Membantu ya? Membantunya itu dalam apa? Really? In what way did they help you? 14 S5: Dalam pengucapan. Ngomongnya lebih cepet. In pronunciation. I could speak faster. 15 R: Oh jadi lebih cepet sama lebih akurat ya? Oh, so it was faster and more accurate , wasn’t it? 16 S5: Iya Yes. 17 R: Terus dengan multimedia itu kamu jadi lebih termotivasi buat belajar reading gak? Did multimedia motivated you to learn more about reading? 18 S5: Iya Yes. App-BIT-0501042016 The last finding was about the score of reading. To get a detail number of the st udents’ reading fluency improvement, I counted the mean of both pre-test and post- test in each reading aspects’ score. I counted not only the mean but also the maximum and minimum scores achieved by the students. It was for knowing the range between the poor and the high achiever of reading. I also provided standard deviation to quantify the amount of variation in a set of data value. Descriptive Statistics of Reading accuracy Pre-test - post-test N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation pre-test 21 60 91 79.37 9.256 postest 21 78 99 91.03 5.893 Valid N listwise 21 Descriptive Statistics of Reading Rate Pre-test- post-test N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation pre-test 21 78 149 105.90 20.366 postest 21 104 170 128.24 18.166 Valid N listwise 21 Descriptive Statistics of Reading Prosody Pre-test-post-test N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation pre-test 21 50.00 72.00 61.64 6.664 postest 21 53.00 75.00 69.14 7.059 Valid N listwise 21 From the result of post-test score, it coud be concluded that multimedia running text affected the reading accuracy significantly. The amount of improvement was up to 11.06 score per student. It could be seen that the mean of reading accuracy in the pre-test was 79.37 and in the post-test was 91.03. The score of reading speed in a minute also improved. Each student could read faster achieving 23 more words per minute. The score of reading prosody improved in small amount. The standard deviation of both reading accuracy and reading rate decreased. It indicated that the data points were spread in narrower variation. In the other words, the variations of the students’ score reduced. Whereas, the standard deviation of the reading prosody increased. It indicated that the variations of the students’ score increased.

C. Conclusions of Reading Fluency Test

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