Observation sheet Questionnaires Interview guidelines Reading fluency assessment The smartphone

9 30 March 2016 Post test Individual test 2 x 40 minutes Table 2: Schedule of the Research

C. Subject of the Research

This research was conducted collaboratively. The participants were 38 students consisting of 19 female and 25 male, the English teacher, and the researcher.

D. Instruments of the Research

There were two types of instruments used in this research: test instruments and non test instruments. The test instruments involved the reading fluency assessment and reading scoring rubrics. The non test instruments were interview guidelines, questionnaires, observation sheets, and smartphones. Furthermore, the detail instruments of the research were presented below:

1. Observation sheet

The observation sheets were in the form of fieldnotes and teacher’s or collabolator’s observation checklists. The fieldnotes were used for observing the teacher’s and or the researcher’s activities. They told about how the teaching learning process was hold. They were used to evaluate the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Meanwhile, the collabolator’s observation checklists were used for evaluating and giving feedback to the researcher about the process of action research. It was evaluated by the teacher in every meeting.

2. Questionnaires

The questionnaires were used to get the information of students’ necessities, lacks, and wants. The researcher asked the students to answer the questionnaires related to the teaching and learning process of reading aloud skills in their class. Then, the results of the questionnaire could be formulated to create pre-test and to reflect the teaching learning process.

3. Interview guidelines

Interview guidelines were used to get the data about teacher’s and students’ opinion before, while and after teaching and learning process. The interview was done after the researcher made an interview guide. It was used as a guidance for the researcher in doing the interview. It means that the researcher asked the teacher and students some questions and gave opportunities to them for saying everything related to teaching and learning process of reading fluency.

4. Reading fluency assessment

The reading fluency assessment was in the form of papersheets of test which were used as an instrument of conducting the test. The students should vocalize their voice by reading the papersheet of test loudly. The researcher or the student’s tablemate would record the voice. The voice recordings were counted by using reading fluency scoring rubric.

5. Scoring rubric

The quantitative data were measured by using reading fluency scoring rubrics. The rubrics consisted of reading accuracy rubric, reading rate rubric and reading prosody rubric. Reading accruracy and reading rate would be scored by adapting CBM Curriculum B ased Measurement rubric from Student’s progress monitoring Unied States of America Office of Education Program. Both reading accuracy and rate would be assessed in the same sheet of scoring. The reading prosody rubric was developed by Hudson, Lane and Pullen 2005: 707. The sample of each rubric would be explained below:

a. Reading Accuracy Scoring Rubric

The reading accuracy was assessed by crossing every single mispronounced words from the reading fluency recording of the students. For example, Budi made 6 mistakes while reading the passage. They were in the “Sunday”, “bought”, “some”, “about”, “decided” and “lunch”. The example of reading accuracy rubric could be seen on the Figure 4 below: Figure 4: The Sample of Reading Accuracy Scoring Rubric After assessing the reading accuracy rubric above, the next step was counting the score. To count the correct words, the manner was by counting the total words minus the mispronuced words. After that, the number of correct words were multiplied by 100. Then the result was divided by the total words. The way of getting the scoring data was explained as follow: Correct words = total words – mispronounced words Scoring System for Reading aloud: - Total Score = X 100 =

b. Reading Rate Scoring Rubric

The reading rate scoring was by counting the number of words pronounced in a minute. The rate should not too different from the multimedia running text as a model. The assessor noticed where the reader reached the word in a minute. The next step was counting how many words read in a minute. This following sample CBM PRF scoring rubric was for checking the reading rate. It can be seen in the Figure 5. For example, the last word read was “and” and a bracket was drawn after this word. In a minute, Budi attempted 89 words 83+6. I Lost My Wallet On Sunday, I went down town to do some shopping in one of the best shopping centers. It was called Matahari Mall Klaten. I bought a lot of things; snacks, shoes, and some clothes. I was very happy because that day everything was 30 discounts. I spent around 500 thousand rupiahs. After about an hour I was wondering in, I decided to leave and went to a restaurant nearby to have lunch. I ordered sop Ayam Klaten Pak Min and es dawet ayu Banjarnegara. I enjoyed my meals and asked for the check. Did you know what happened? I was so surprised when I tried to get my wallet in my backpack. I could not find it, it was stolen. I felt so stupid and did not know what to do next. Fortunately, I still kept some in the pocket of my shirt. Using the payphone available there, I tried to call my parents at home. Fortunately they were at home and promised to come soon. No more than 20 minutes, they got in. then the check was paid. After that, we went home with some goods in my shopping bag. I was so relieved and promised to myself that I should be more careful in lots of ways. 16 23 39 51 68 83 97 113 120 138 153 167 183 191 209 210 Figure 5: The Sample of Reading Rate Scoring Rubric

c. Reading Prosody Scoring Rubric

The scoring rubric of reading prosody can be seen in the following Table 3 and 4. o Description Student placed vocal emphasis on appropriate words. Students voice tone rose and fell at appropriate points in the text. Students inflection reflected the punctuation in the text e.g., voice tone rose near the end of a question. In narrative text with dialogue, student used appropriate vocal tone to represent characters mental states, such as excitement, sadness, fear, or confidence. Student used punctuation to pause appropriately at phrase boundaries. Student used prepositional phrases to pause appropriately at phrase boundaries. Student used subject-verb divisions to pause appropriately at phrase boundaries. Student used conjunctions to pause appropriately at phrase boundaries. Table 3: The Sample of Reading Prosody Scoring Rubric 1 No. Students’ names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Score 1 Budi 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 16 Table 4: The Sample of Reading Prosody Scoring Rubric 2 Scoring System for Reading aloud: - Total Score = X 100 = 50

6. The smartphone

The last instrument used in the research was smartphone. It was utilized to collect the voice recording. The data recorded were in the form of interviews,

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