This chapter presents the processes of the research and the findings. There are three sections in this chapter. The first section presents the reconnaissance steps. The second section reports the implementation of the actions and discussion. The third one presents the result of pre-test and post-test of the students’ reading fluency.

A. Reconnaissance

In this step, to identify the field problems, I conducted some activities. First, I observed concerning the English teaching and learning process in class VIII G of SMPN 1 Jogonalan. Second, I interviewed the English teacher to get the information about the condition of the research field.

I. Identification of the Problems

I began to identify the problems by interviewing English teacher and students. It was conducted to gain information about the problems of teaching and learning process of reading fluency. The problems were shown in the extracts of interview below: Line Interview Transcript 29 R: Biasanya ada permasalahan apa bu dalam mengajar reading aloud? What problems do you usually face in teaching reading aloud? 30 T: Masalahnya banyak ya mba. Misalnya masalah tugas, ada anak yang rajin ada anak yang kurang rajin. Ada yang sudah membuat, ada yang belum. Terus di dalam kelas, ada yang betul betul memperhatikan, ada yang agak ngantuk ngantuk. There are several problems. For example, there are dilligent and not dilligent students in doing tasks. Some students do not submit assignments. In the classroom, some students have lack of focus. App-BIT-0129022016 I also found the problems by observing the teaching and learning process. I noticed the interaction between the students and the teacher in reading aloud activity. I used field notes to collect the data which could be explained in the vignette below: Vignette 1 No : App-AFN-0201032016 T : Teacher Mrs. Eko Tatik I : The researcher Place: VIII-G Classroom Time: 07.00-07.30 On Tuesday, I started my research by observing the teaching and learning process in grade eight of SMPN 1 Jogonalan. At 07.00 the T and I entered the classroom. After that the T led the singing session and the class leader led the Line Interview Transcripts 32 R: Kalau dalam mengajar membaca nyaring itu ada kesulitan apa bu? In teaching reading aloud, what problems did you find? 33 T: Kesulitannya, kalau anak disuruh membaca itu kurang berani mengeluarkan suaranya. Jadi kan kita mau membetulkan itu ada kesulitan juga kalo anak itu tidak mau melantangkan suaranya. The problem was the students read in low voice. So, I found it difficult to correct the mistakes. 36 R: Jadi kalau menurut pengalaman ibu, apakah siswa terlihat percaya diri dalam membaca nyaring? So, based on your experience, did the students read aloud confidently? 37 T: Itu yang jadi masalah. Anak anak kurang PD. Jadinya kadang ada yang malu terus takut salah. Belum baca udah takut salah. Khawatir kalo banyak yang keliru. That was the problems, the students felt insecure. Sometimes they are ashamed and worried to make mistakes. App-BIT-0129022016 praying session. Then the T asked about the previous lesson, the generic structure of recount text. Some students answered the questions correctly. Then, she said that the students were going to learn about recount text reading aloud. The T asked the students to open the Yudhistira book on page 27. She asked the students to be a pioneer of reading aloud. Unfortunately, the students seemed feeling insecure to raise their hand because there was not any student raising the hand. She finally pointed a student, student 1 to read because he was the leader of the class. Student 1 said, that he would not read in front of the class, he wanted to read by standing around his desk zone. The T allowed him to read there. The passage was taken from The Bridge of English Competence book. I noticed the way he read, he made some errors in accuracy of reading. However, the prosody sounded quite proper. After the first student read the passage, T asked one more student to read. After waiting for a while, there was student 2, a girl sitting in the front, raising her hand and read aloud. The voice sounded like whispering. Then the teacher said, “louder please. Teman temannya ga denger tuh your friends could not hear your voice ”. Student 2 said, “hehe, malu bu hehe, I felt shy, Ma’am” Because of small volume of reading, the class became noisy. Some students talked with their tablemates or did not notice the reader. I was sitting on the back corner of the class. I asked the student in front of me, “kenapa ngobrol, dengerin atuh why do you chit-chat with your friend? Just listen to her ”. “gapapa mbak itu cuma baca doang It’s Okay, just a minute reading”. At the same moment, I tried to listen carefully to the Fitria’s voice. I could not notice the acuracy well but the prosody and rate sounded good. It is because the distance between Fitria and I was quite far disturbed by many noises. From the observation vignette above about the first student’s reading, it can be inferred that the students had known about the generic structure of recount text. They understood about the goals of the text. Cognitively, the teacher had successfuly taught English lesson. In practical section of reading aloud of recount text, the teacher did not give any example at all. She just asked the students to read. Meanwhile, the students made many errors in reading accuracy. The prosody sounded proper but it still needed to be improved. The rate was quite good, not choppy but quite slow rate. The prosody sounded quite proper. The student wanted to read by staying at his desk.It meant that he was not confident to be seen by the other students. It can be inferred that the second student read in very low volume because of feeling insecure. She also clearly said that she was shy. The accuracy and rate was poor. The prosody sounded good. The class became too noisy. The teacher could not engage all of the students when conducting reading aloud practice. Only the struggle learners noticed the teacher and the reader. The other students seemed bored and chatted with others. The students sitting in front of my desk said that it was unimportant lesson to do seriously. ` After doing the observation, I conducted the pre-test to really measure the accuracy, rate and prosody of the students’ reading.I did pre-test in the same day as the observation because of limited time. The situation can be seen in the following vignette. Vignette 2 No : App-AFN-0201032016 T : Teacher Mrs. Eko Tatik I : The researcher Place: VIII-G Classroom Time: 07.30-08.10 I introduced myself and my objetives. I kept remembering that I did not have much time for teaching. I convinced them that everything would be alright and they would be better at English if they were cooperative. The students seemed enthusiastic. The students responded me alhough I spoke English. I distributed the papersheets of questionnnaire, asked the students to do them at home and asked them to submit questionnaires on Thursday, the next meeting. I conducted a pre-test by distributing the reading passage and asking a volunteer. Fortunately, an overconfident student raised his hand. He read the passage on the topic “Nglanggeran Mountain”. He made too many errors and the prosody was inappropriate. I just asked him to read two paragraphs. I recorded the voice. After that, I acknowledged his effort and said that it was great. I convinced the students not to worry of making mistakes. Then, I asked the other student to read. Knowing the imperfect reader still got a good response, the other students seemed eager to be a pioneer. There was a student sitting in the middle side of the class raising her hand, Student 4. She said “Miss, tapi disini aja ya? Miss, let me keep staying here to read”. I recorded her voice while she was reading. She was nervous to be recorded and said, “Ulangi ulangi miss. Let me repeat my job”. I notice her voice, she made some errors but did better than the first reader. After that, I asked her to choose one next reader. The class became too noisy because some students were surprised and wished for not being choosen. She decided to point her tablemate, Student 5. The quality of reading was similar to her tablemate. Then she pointed her friend, Student 6. After reading, Student 7 pointed Student 8. Then Student 9 read the passage and pointed Student 10. The class was still noisy especially the students around the Student 10 because theStudent 10 uttered “Sekarang miss? Right now?” Then he read the passage. The Student 10 pointedStudent 11. The Student 11 pointed Student 12. Each of them read two paragraphs. I got 21 students’ recording. The pre-test result showed that the students made many errors in reading accuracy. The prosody test results were various. There were students with good and with inappropriate prosody. Some students read choppily or in slow rate. It could be inferred that the reading fluency of the students was poor and needed to be improved. To get more data, I distributed questionnaires to the students for analyzing the learner needs and for knowing the habits of the teaching and learning process before the research was conducted. The number of respondent was 38 students. The results were, most of the students said that the teacher was seldom to speak in English when teaching. Most of the students thought that they did not really understand the English materials taught. Most of the students said that the teacher had never used electronic media even newspaper or magazine. The teacher only utilized LKS. However, the students said that learning process was fun. The most frequent kind of students’ work was individual work while the pairwork and groupwork were applied infrequently. Surprisingly, only four students like learning English. The complete questionnaire result was attached in the appendix 9.

II. Determining the Problems

Based on the observation, questionnaire and the interviews with teacher and stutents, and the pre-test result, there were some problems in reading fluency teaching and learning process. The problems were presented in the following discussion: a. Most students had a strong fear to speak up even to read aloud. b. Students who were confident to read aloud had many errors in reading accuracy. c. Students lacked appropriate prosody. d. The teacher did not give a model. e. The teacher had not found appropriate media to teach reading aloud. f. Students felt bored of learning English subject. g. Some students lacked reading comprehension. After formulating the problems as mentioned, I discussed with the teacher about the problems that might be solved. By considering the time, funds and energy, the teacher and I decided to solve four of the problems in the teaching and learning process in reading aloud. The main problems were as follows. a. Most students had a strong fear to speak up even to read aloud. b. Students who were confident to read aloud, lacked reading fluency aspects accuracy, rate and prosody. c. The teacher did not give an interesting model. d. The students felt bored to learn English lesson.

B. Report of the Actions and Discussions

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